Naxxaramas WILL be in woltk
Quote from: Tigole
So what I want to do in Northrend is to take Naxxramas in all of its glory, scale it down to the 25 man raid size, and then take the difficulty and retune it—obviously we’d tune for level 80, it would no longer be tuned for level 60, since that would be a little silly and it wouldn’t be a lot of fun for people at that point—but I want to put rewards in there that are very exciting to level 80 players, but make it the entry-level raid, very accessible, tune the encounters so that there’s something for everybody to do, and let the majority get a chance to see that content that they hadn’t seen before.
What I wanna know is what's gunna happen to us who attuned to the lvl 60 version, will it be like with black temple and hyjal which gave the title Hand of A'dal?
Where is says Event Nax in the pictures and it has the pic of nax in front of U.C., what was that?
The old entrance is located in Eastern Plaguelands at 39:25. the new one is in Dragonblight at 89:45.
from what I've gathered, Naxx will probably be a 10 and 25 man raid along with all of the other raids in wotlk. they will have different loot tables and will be set up differently to accommodate each set of groups. also I've heard that this will be one of the first raid dungeons, possibly not even requiring lvl 80.
edit: got this info from a newsletter for wotlk info
Why Naxrammas....Again? - Most people did not get to experience this raid instance at all due to the timing of the expansion release. So Blizzard has embraced the chance to retune the dungeon, and allow all players a chance to participate in these epic battles. It is also a humongous dungeon that will offer a large variety of battles, that will maintain their storyline and feel for 10 and 25-man raids. I know I played up to the 4-horseman before the expansion release, and am still very excited to see the changes that Blizzard has made! Get started raiding
EDIT: I was really a horrible speller when I made this post..
''Noble countrymen, evil is upon us. Darkness has befallen our shores. Rise and slay thy enemies, strike, strike so other shall live. The meek shall not fade into the night...Live my brethren, live.''
- King Terenas
With Patch 3.0.2 live Naxxramas has moved to Northrend and its level 60 form is no longer available. That means the corrupted ashbringer and the legendary staff is no more. And of course you can no longer obtain Tier 3 armor either.
What I've read, there must be some changes in bosses, for example there will be two bosses from Naxxramas in Death Knight starting area as quest givers or quest targets,
,Noth the Plaguebringer
Gothik the Harvester
. atleast these 3 bosses seems to reside in Death Knight Starting areas, but still they also show that they reside in Dragonblight (don't know which area Naxxramas gonna be in Northrend) but if these still are going to be bosses in Naxxramas10/25, poor show from Blizzard
(EDIT: it seems there are more of bosses in Naxxramas and everywhere else, including Lich King Arthas, yes you heard me, well i really wish how they're gonna explain this in lore or so)
Timeline progression. This is rudimentary to World of Warcraft. The events that you participate in at an earlier part of the game are considered "earlier" in the game time line.
Just because you can do the quests in Northshire Abby at level 70 (if you're not human, usually) and quests in Netherstorm minutes later (or before) does not mean both occured at the exact same time.
Since it is an open world environment with people of all levels interacting together some level of imagination needs to be maintained. Blizzard expects us to do this for our own sake and theirs.
Just because Arthas is in Ebon Hold at the same time he's in some end-game dungeon doesn't mean that according to the progression of the game's time line is he in both places at once.
It is assumed that these events occurred either before or after other events and that multiple instances of the same character are reflecting different points in the time line. Which you as a player can observe, but technically, your character doesn't.
Its at this point where some people have broken down the game so much that they have totally demolished the intended story experience. Stop thinking so much and just go with it. Its fantasy and its a story. Even if you're not an RPer on an RP realm you're playing a fantasy game. Its not all about checking reality and theorycrafting top potential DPS.
At some point you need to just take a step back and enjoy it as it is.
EDIT: Just to amend my comment, this aspect of storytelling is called either "suspension of belief" or "willing suspension of disbelief".
According to Wikipedia
Suspension of disbelief or "willing suspension of disbelief" is a formula for justifying the use of fantastic or non-realistic elements in literary works of fiction. It was put forth in English by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who suggested that if a writer could infuse a "human interest and a semblance of truth" into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgment concerning the implausibility of the narrative. Suspension of disbelief often applies to fictional works of the action, comedy, science fiction, and horror genres. Cognitive estrangement in fiction involves using a person's ignorance or lack of knowledge to promote suspension of disbelief.
The phrase "suspension of disbelief" came to be used more loosely in the later 20th century, often used to imply that the onus was on the reader, rather than the writer, to achieve it. It might be used to refer to the willingness of the audience to overlook the limitations of a medium, so that these do not interfere with the acceptance of those premises. These fictional premises may also lend to the engagement of the mind and perhaps proposition of thoughts, ideas, art and theories
World First by Nihilum on 11/15/08 on both Normal and Heroic.
(former Nihilum and SK Gaming) cleared Naxxramas (both 10 and 25 man) 11/15/08, 68 hours after Wrath of the Lich King release with a total of 20 players.
More information at
their website
so is this the first raid at 80? kinda like kara was at 70?
Naxxramas is an entry-level raid instance floating above the Dragonblight, and is available in both 10-man and 25-man versions. It has the shape of a necropolis and has the questionable honor to serve as the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers, the dreaded lich Kel'Thuzad.
The original incarnation of the instance was regarded as the most difficult pre-Burning Crusade raid, and required 40 well-equipped players to complete. In the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion, Naxxramas was moved to Northrend and retuned to be the introductory level 80 raid dungeon. Like all other Wrath raid dungeons, Naxxramas has both 10-man and 25-man versions.
An ancient Nerubian ziggurat, Naxxramas was torn free from the ground by agents of the Lich King to serve as Kel'Thuzad's base of operations as he spreads the plague throughout Lordaeron.RtD 3 Other sources say Obrahiim, the Traveler, a great skeletal architect, was pivotal in the conception of Naxxramas, hinting that it was altered or retooled.
Due to Kel'Thuzad fighting a war against the Scarlet Crusade, the Argent Dawn, the Forsaken and the Humans of the Alliance, as well as constant incursions of adventurers from every race and nation into the Scourge-controlled Plaguelands on a daily basis, his forces have been severely taxed to maintain the security of his necropolis. But now the gates of Naxxramas are open, Kel'Thuzad's new forces are rapidly sweeping away all opposition to the Scourge.
Road to Damnation Blizzard has posted a short back story for Naxxramas on the official site: Road to Damnation
Recent history After the defeat of Kel'Thuzad in the Eastern Plaguelands, Naxxramas has returned to Northrend and now hovers above the Carrion Fields in the Dragonblight, where it lays siege to the Alliance stronghold of Wintergarde Keep.
This is pretty much kara for WotLK. 10-man Naxx is supposed to be the entry-level raid of the expansion.
The entrance to Naxx can be hard to see if you are looking at the necropolis from a distance. The entrance is through four small holes arranged in a cross pattern located right in the center of the underside of the necropolis. They lead to a small courtyard with a summoning stone.
If you don't see the entrance flying around, fly underneath and close to the center (small protrusion sticking down in the center) and look up. You should see the entrances.
Those voices that yells "Help me! Save me!" freaks me out! :o
Since both Naxxramas and Dalaran moved to Northrend could there ever have been a time when the were both in transit across the ocean. If so then imagine an epic battle between two floating cities. That would be awesome.
For a brief history of some of the notable bosses of naxxramas click this link.
Kel'thuzad yells and gets mad when you kill the cat near the entrance Mr. Bigglesworth
Farewell my friend. We had some good times while it lasted. T_T
R.I.P Doodad_Nox_door_spider02
Truly you were a friend to us all
While you do have to have a flying mount to get to the instance, there IS in fact a summoning stone, allowing you to summon non-flying friends to come raid, assuming they're 80. It's in the same place as the 4 entrance portals into the raid.
Blizzard casts ressurection on Naxxramas
Couple thoughts for new guilds starting 10 man content - My guild has been doing undying clears and I figured I'd post some tips here.
1) We have, from the start, run with 2 tanks (druid - MT, DK - OT), 2 healers (pally - MT, priest - group), and 6 DPS (combo of war, rogue, DK, mage, shaman, hunter, and paladin) - never experienced any problems on any of the fights. This is perfectly do-able and guild with two solid healers.
2) We started with the Construct wing - I recommend any new raids always start with Patchwerk. If you can't beat him easily, go grind some more heroics.
3) We can do a full-ish clear in around 3 hours without pushing very hard. At the start we divided the raid into two sections. We did Construct, Military, and Spider on the first night. Then finished it up on the second night.
4) Ranking the bosses in order of difficulty:
1) Noth the Plaguebringer (if you die on this boss, cancel your account ;)
2) Patchwerk (DPS check)
3) Anub'Rekhan (if the tank can run in a half-circle - beyond trivial)
4) Gothik the Harvester (best healer/DPS on dead side)
5) Loatheb (any sort of AE healers makes this fight a cake walk - may be harder for pally only groups)
6) Grand Widow Faerlina (after the first attempt we do the 'never dispell enrage' achievement)
7) Instuctor Razuvious (if your tanks do the job right - it's a tank and spank)
8) Maexxna (have your OT in tank gear to pick up if MT dies in last 30%)
Tricky bosses that become easy after learning:
9) Heigan the Unclean (any sort of server lag makes this fight stupid-silly)
10) Grobbulus (great way to filter out members who arn't good enough to raid)
11) Gluth (tricky-ish to learn - a good kiter makes this very easy)
12) Thaddius (somebody not paying attention can wipe the raid)
13) 4-Horsemen (DPS never rotates - we can kill each before the marks get higher then 4).
Harder bosses:
14) Kel'Thuzad (if you have ONE good healer this fight becomes trivial)
15) Sapphiron (hardest boss in here - one piece of frost resists gear makes this alot easier - hard to do w/ two healers)
Anyone else hear the faint yelling which echos while in Naxx occasionally?
When ever you compleate a wing a teleportation orb will start glowing at the entrance to the raid. each one makes a subtle ambient music and when combined together they make a symphony of angelic sounds that keep me from just hearthing out of the instance.
Even if i haven't won anything, i like to just sit there and listen to the music :)
A few things regarding etiquette in Naxx:
Please dismount when you get to the small landing with the portals and summoning stone; it's laggy enough without 20+ people sitting there on Proto Drakes and Mammoths.
Please don't spam General chat with enough garbage to rival Barrens chat; some of us use Raid chat to communicate with our groups, and forcing them to constantly scroll up to see it is just inconsiderate. (I know that people can leave General chat if they don't want to see it, but
we shouldn't have to in the first place
Undoubtedly, I'll be designing my first home after Naxxramas complete with 4 quarters, open sewerage and skulls in every cranny and nook. After all of this, I'll cordially invite 10/25 strangers every week to tear the place apart in search of fabulous prizes.
Instant solution to all raid boss encounters. Enjoy :)
not a good idea to run this dungeon if you have arachniphobia because this raid is literally crawling with spiders. but gear is wicked no matter what class you are...so have fun getting insane gear!
I can't find it on wowhead but the quest Echoes of war is still doable in Naxx80.
The only way into Naxxramas is to either be summoned or you have to have a flying mount to get inside.
Think of flying as an entry fee to raiding. By the time any character has gone from 70-80 and done heroics for gear, they should have earned 1.7k to blow on flying training + cold-weather flying, with plenty left over for enchants/gems/repairs/miscellaneous doodads.
is a very easy instance, due to its the first content raid for Wrath of the lich king. For example how blizzard made kara, Its to give characters gear realy fast for the up-coming raids.If you have a decent 10 or 25 man core raiding group you should do it right away its very easy aslong as you know how to do fights and arnt to bad geared...I would recommend doing heroics for maybe 1 or 2 weeks...make sure to switch out the dps for new ones ,same with healers and tanks due to if its the same group it wont be doing much to gear the whole core raid group...If you need help with naxxramas fights
is a very good spot to see fights people have listed they are some what decent...Well i hope this helped if you need more info just ask....Later
A Naxxramas raid group should be like this for 10 man...
*2 Tanks, One Mt , One Ot. Your tanks need cap def at 540 and atleast 20k hp.
*2/3 healers depending on your healers gear.
*5/6 dps depending on your heals like i said before.
Your dps should be able to pull atleast 2k dps if not then dont bother you wont get far.
For 25 man Naxxramas:
you will need 3 tanks they need atleast 24k hp.
You will need 5/6 healers depending on gear.
You will need 16/17 dps depending on your heals of course like i said before..
Your dps should be able to do atleast 2.5k dps, if not you need to keep doing 10 man for more gear...
Is there any lore behind the woman's voice yelling "Help me! Save me!" and what not in the background? It would be quite interesting if there was anything.
Do now rejoice... for your victory is a hollow one...i shall return with power beyond your imagining
This popped in my head recently and i cant help but ask. When you get to the end of each wing you see a large ring. I was wondering if its possible to not only skip quite a few bosses but also go to the upper floors by killing straight through one wing then going along the outer ring. I plan to test this if possible next time i raid Naxx, but if someone else has tested please answer.
3.3 patch notes:
You will no longer have to kill all the end bosses to access Sapphiron's Lair. A teleportation orb has been added to the lair to allow players to travel back and forth from the main dungeon to the lair with ease now.(##RESPBREAK##)6152##DELIM##CalaelenDT##DELIM##
Kel'Thuzad is Hoggers alt , sapphion is his mount and the other bosses - non combat pets.
can someone tell my, why is Naxxramas larger inside than outside?
i mean - look at Acherus (One big upper room + one big lower roon - that is all)
but Naxx is MUCH MORE larger iside - how it is possible?
I know that Lich king is powerfull, but still - this is not Harry Potter
I wish there was a Caverns of Time instance in which you could help the scourge take control of naxx from the nerubians.
It's so fun to have a character with some form of knockback effect (
Blast Wave
) on a PvP server and yank random blokes to their deaths when the weekly quest is at Naxx... :D
Upon entering Naxx and standing at the edge of the portal, it is possible to look underneath Naxxramas and still see Plaguewood, despite the fact that it is in Dragonblight now. This is because the zone itself is still in the Eastern Plaguelands. The instant respawn in the Carrion Fields was implemented because dying normally would cause your spirit to hit the closest graveyard, Strath's. Seeing as the Teleport Spire is removed, there would be no way to rezz without talking to a spirit healer.
To anyone wondering, Naxxramas full clear will earn you 185.28 Justice Points.
id like to add a first cataclysm post to this instance tbh.
i went there today as a heroic geard prot warr with blood craze victory rush speced. and cleared all trash up to ANUB but i died kinda quick on my first try. but for second try i lasted for a pice of 2-3 min during killing his add quick to gain victory rush. BUT whats killing you is the stacking poison debuff from it and the IMPALE whic makes you take way to much fall damage you can ofc heroic leap out of 1 fall every min but that aint enught.
and for military wing you can without problems pull 2-3 packs of Dks and focus on takeing down their summoned pets to gain more Victory rush spaming <3
but the bosses are to hard atm. YOU could do this prob with 1 tank 1 healer but it would take $%^& loads of time.
i would also image blood dks hunters prot paladins etc to come and solo this place soonish tbh.
i have soloed trash in all wings as stated in my previus post tho i was intrested to see how many you actualy need to faceroll this place. we did it as Resto druid prot warrior fury warrior and frost mage all lvl 85. it tok about 1 or 2 hours to clear all wings with 4 ppl we did tons of achivments and all 3 friends scored their dedicated few achiv it was so pice ez
not that great gold nor fun but atlest its done
For historical purposes here is some old information;
The old Naxxramas for level 60 was positioned over
and you could look trough the windows in the instance and see Eastern Plaguelands below.
In the development stages of Naxxramas they were going to add the teleportation pad inside
, this is where the unknown portal at the end of the dungeon lead to -Naxxramas. Here is the old unfinished dungeon with this path intact:
(screenshot link)
When Wrath of the Lich King was released Naxxramas moved to Northrend and is now floating in eastern
. Instead of a teleport pad it requires you to be summoned or to have a flying mount to access the instance portal.
Interesting enough, if you could see down and below Naxxramas (at the entrance, after you teleport in) you would only see the old Eastern Plaguelands as the old instance map has not been edited to match it's new location in the game. This is one of the major reasons the viewing room where you previously ended up at after teleporting inside, is no longer accessible, and you end up teleported on the old "return to the wold platform" instead.
As a Blood DK in HoT/JP gear, the entirety of Naxx 10 can be done solo.
Most bosses are faceroll-easy, which can be killed using nothing but Death Strike. However, there are a few fights you'll have to look out for:
Instructor Razuvious
: This guy will hit you for ~30k, while occasionaly doing a special for ~80k.
When you start the encounter, mind control one of his adds and taunt the boss and the other add, getting them as far away from you as possible. When the first add dies, mind control the other add and let Razuvious kill that add as well. Ideally you'll still be at 100% health with all cooldowns ready. When the adds are down and you are tanking Razuvious, remember the following:
-Don't let Death Strike overheal.
-Stack Vampiric Blood with Rune Tap and Death Strike as often as possible.
-Dodge/parry make a huge difference on this fight. Due to Razuvious' hard-hitting but slow melee swings a dodge or parry can mean the difference between a kill or a wipe.
: Mostly tank and spank, with 2 things to really watch out for:
-His impale ability will make you suffer ~40k falling damage
-Be at full health when he casts Locust Swarm. In most cases you won't be able to do anything for 16 seconds, including Rune Tap and other cooldowns, so it's crucial to be at full health when he casts it.
: Kill all leading up to Patchwerk as they'll attack you upon pulling the boss otherwise. After Razuvious, Patchwerk is the hardest-hitting boss in Naxx. Remember to use your cooldowns.
: Equip DPS gear for this one, as this boss does no significant damage.
Gluth often summons zombies that will run towards you. There is no way (at least, none I figured out yet) to deal with these adds while soloing, so ignore them and Gluth will eat them. Upon consuming a zombie, he will heal 5% of his total health. You'll need ~20K dps to get him down before his berserk timer.
Sooo, unless you're in a raid group, you can't enter an instance?
And cannot complete the Love Is in The Air Task, I Pity the Fool?
Bad WoW.
Bad, bad, WoW.
Soloed 11 bosses in Naxx 10-man on my 80 level DK (80, not 85).
, description is on youtube.
Strategy for one/two players from the
Solo/Duo Old Raid Compendium
, done at level 85 at patch 4.3 with ilvl 385-395 gear:
is duoable in 10-man, and some bosses can be soloed. Some can also be duoed in 25-man.
Arachnid Quarter
Will do an avoidable impale that will cause about 40k fall damage if it hits, and if it not burned down quickly enough, will cast locust swarm that will prevent casting for 16 seconds.
Grand Widow Faerlina
Duo 10/25:
Duo 10/25:
Will web one party member, and the other will need to come break the web. All hail queen spider.
Military Quarter
Instructor Razuvious
Hits very hard/a very gear-dependant fight. With two people, MC both of the students. The higher DPS of the two should let their student be immediately burned down, go in and DPS the boss as much as possible while he is taunted by the other student. Once the other student falls, just tank and spank him.
Gothik the Harvester
Duo 10/25:
The Four Horsemen
They will each stand in one of the corners in the room, and if all players are too far away from any of them, that horseman will cast a powerful AoE on the entire raid. With two people, each person can grab one of the front horsemen (which are melee and will follow the player) to the corresponding horseman at the back of the room (which are ranged and cannot be pulled). That way, each player will be tanking two horsemen, and none of the horsemen will be casting their AoE.
Each horseman will cast a stacking mark that deals increasing damage over time. At level 80, this required rotating tanks to prevent stacks of any individual mark from getting to high - this is not necessary at 85, but you will have to burn the bosses quickly to prevent the marks from stacking to critical levels.
Construct Quarter
He just hits very hard. Very gear dependent. He will also do a nasty Hateful Strike to those in Melee range that brings down even plate melee dps pretty quickly.
Duo 10/25:
Before you engage him when you enter the sewer you will enter combat. In the actual fight, he will spawn zombies which he will use to heal himself. If you attack them for a long period of time they put a debuff on you, so the best strategy is to just DPS Gluth through the zombie heals with decent gear. If this isn't working, you can kite Gluth away from the zombies fairly easily as they move very slowly without any debuff.
There are two adds that must be killed before engaging the boss, and they must be killed at approximately the same time. Have each player go up the ramps at opposite sides of the room and DPS the adds. Periodically the players will be teleported to the opposite add and swap positions; just continue dpsing your new add.
Once you have killed the adds, jump down to the main platform (be careful not to jump too short or walk off). When you fight the main boss, make sure to stand on opposite sides of him as each player will have a different polarity for the entire fight.
Frostwyrm Lair
Duo 10/25:
Duo 10:
In phase 2, will mark one of your party members, lock them in ice, and do 104% of their health in damage over a few seconds. If your partner can heal, you can be healed through this, if not, he will not cast this on the last party member left alive. When he does this, all allies within 10 yards of the marked player will also be frozen, so don't stand next to your duo partner when this happens.
Because of this, you will either need a tank who can self-heal after the iceblocked party member is inevitably killed, or a tank who can heal the iceblocked party member and prevent their death.
25 man:
When you switch from 10 to 25 man, all the trash before bosses you haven't done will respawn. In some cases, the trash can be more difficult than the actual boss, so be careful to pull as few as possible when clearing it.
There are
Stoneskin Gargoyles
before Noth the Plaguebringer that will cast a large
buff at around 25% HP. It cannot be interrupted, so you must burn it down as quickly as possible before it begins.
Naxxramas 10 can all be soloed as a blood dk level 85, these are no news ofc, so I thought to write a comparison of the gear level I needed for each, that was like my progression:
Naxxramas 10 solo:
336 item level, dps gear: noth the plaguebringer, heigan the unclean, loatheb, gothik the harvester, sapphiron.
351 item level, dps gear: kel'thuzad, anub'rekhan, grand widow faerlina, maexxna.
372 item level, dps gear: the 4 horsemen.
381 item level, dps gear: patchwerk, grobbulus, loatheb, thaddius.
380 item level, tank gear: instructor razuvious
Notes: grobbulus I think is doable in 336 already, but patchwerk cannot be skipped as a dk, and that requires more or less the gear I did him with; thaddius is also doable in 351 already, I think, just unreachable unless you get help at that level; kel'thuzad and anub'rekhan doable in 336, just very hard and I preferred waiting till next week; maexxna requiring anti-venom sacs from spiders in BRS (1 hour duration) to kill in that gear.
Naxxramas 25 solo:
383 item level, dps gear: sapphiron.
386 item level, dps gear: grobbulus, heigan the unclean.
389 item level, dps gear: loatheb.
381 item level, tank gear: maexxna.
382 item level, tank gear: grand widow faerlina.
390 item level, full tank gear and 2 dps items for runic power bonus: 4 horsemen.
392 item level, dps gear: anub'rekhan.
394 item level, dps gear: noth the plaguebringer.
394 item level, full tank gear and 2 dps trinkets: kel'thuzad.
392 item level, tank gear: instructor razuvious.
396 item level, dps gear: gothik the harvester.
394 item level, tank gear: thaddius.
Notes: gluth and patchwerk are NOT soloable on 25 unless you are a night elf to despawn zombies and reset the enrage using shadowmeld, in that case patchwerk requires almost BiS tank gear and gluth is easy in not particularly special dps gear. Grobbulus and heigan most likely are doable with less gear, just I didn't try, heigan doesn't have enrage, grobbulus 9 mins. For maexxna you will need again the anti-venom sacs from BRS at that level of gear on 25-man, as for the rest, I kept trying, so I'm pretty sure they're quite close to the minimum requirements to solo them. I also wrote some strategies to solo on each of these bosses.
I solo'd entire Naxx 10 on a blood DK in DPS gear (Raid finder tier + some VP/normal DS gear, Unholy reforges). All bosses were incredibly easy. The only boss which was somewhat problematic was Instructor Razuvious who I got to 22% in DPS gear, but in Tanking gear was no problem at all.
One other fight was somewhat tricky, but not too hard either, that being the Four Horsemen. Start out with Army of the Dead and focus on one horseman (I killed Rivendare first, don't know for sure if that's the best choice to kill first) and nuke him/her down. After this it's easy.
Total gold looted: Around 2500 (including trash)
Add the gold from loot drops and you're looking at a good 3k for the entire raid.
I just soloed a10man full clear(all quarters) with a 90 blood DK ilvl 464 dps gear. Never died. Some bossesare still a little tricky- Razuvious hits hard, Gruul negates all your healing so burn him fast, the 4 horsmen don't make it easy for you, of course, since you're there go for the cheeve where they all die together.
Sappherion and Kel'thuzad were surprisingly very easy- no explaination needed, just go nuke them.
All 10-man achievements in a single run with a Hunter.
Hey guys - In MoP 5.1.0 can i farm it with an lvl 90 hunter ? plz give me an answar
solo'd military wing (25m) as a paladin (prot spec'd but dps geared save for shield/1h mace)
relevent talents: Divine Purpose (useful for stacking Bastion of glory), Eternal Flame (more healing)
avoid the mounted death knights, their shield takes too long to bring down
razuvious: stay focused on the boss. the adds eventually went down to hammer of the righteous/consecration. do not try to use Seal of Truth for damage, stick with insight,
Gothik: first part was easy, second part of the fight was harder. prot doesn't have alot of damage so the debuff stacked up pretty high before I used a bubble right before it tried to refresh. he didn't seem to be hitting too hard so ret might be okay here
4 horsemen: the hard part is downing rivendare and thane before their stacks get too high (use a bubble to remove them). alternate between blaumeux and zelik at about five stacks or when there are too many void zones around blaumeux to get close
Since Patch 5.1.0, all bosses drop approximately ~10% of the gold they used to.
I was able to solo all the bosses that drop pets as a shadow priest without much difficulty.
Anyone else be flyin up there and all of the sudden your gryphon disappears as you're dismounted and you fall to your death? >.>
I remember naxx in Vanilla and how i pissed my pants with awesome when we reached kelthuzad and he speaks to his "master" and then a voice ANSWERS, you realise who it is and what it means. Especially when he calls on him during the fight.
It seriously made me happy when Wotlk came.
Soloed the 25-man version with ilvl 499 destruction warlock. Most of the bosses can be simply dps-ed down (using Voidlord as a tank), with the exception of:
- using a pet is not recommended (otherwise you get webbed and killed eventually). You better use
. You will need heavy burst dps to kill her. Save your healing abilities for those short moments when you do not have the
debuff on you.
- definitely the hardest fight in the whole instance. I needed to respec into affliction, as both destro and demo didn't seem to work here. The fight is mainly about:
Healing your pet (prepare a macro Soulburn+Health Funnel)
Managing your Soul Shards (use Drain Soul if needed)
Finding some time to make some dps too (macro Soulburn+Soul Swap)
- again, avoid using your pet (I got mind-controlled, killed the pet and the fight-reset followed). Burst dps, when he summon adds, take a risk and re-summon your Void (
) - use him to tank the adds while you finish the boss in the meantime. You can also use your Terrorguard now.
You may also experience some troubles with
. The best strategy is simply to avoid them (just wait when they are gone), or you can try the trick: cast Chaos Bolt and right before the cast is done, use Clone Magic to remove their shield.
Hope it helps a bit; otherwise please let me know if I could be of any other help.
I've noticed as of patch 5.2 in MoP, that some of these bosses are easily soloable by most classes. Myself, I'm playing as a combat rogue, I've been able to solo the whole Arachnid Quarter.
I'm not properly geared, as most would say, I only have 3/5 pieces from the malevolent season 13 set, and then a couple of other random dungeon/quest items.
Goodluck to anyone who wants to solo naxx.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Soloed both 25-man and 10-man as a ilvl 480 Blood DK.
For Blood DKs don't worry about 10 man. Nothing in here hits hard enough to ever really threaten you. I never went below 70%hp. The only time I went below 90% was vs Thaddius and his lightning spam.
For 25-man ENSURE you learn the mechanics of each fight before attempting as the fights in construct quarter are difficult on 25-man. Take 2 mins before each boss to read up on the fight mechanics. Ensure you have glyph of icy touch slotted for military quarter.
Replace all the tier 7,5 and move them down to the 10 man version with the original tier 3 in it's stead, which everyone in the game are dying for. It was a mistake to remove the level 60-specific items in the first place.
As a "casual" player and no Naxx experience, I soloed this raid with my level 90 Blood DK. Just used common sense and reading up on every boss before I take them on.
Because I didn't see any
SOLO guides here, I decided to make one.
The Arachnid Quarter
Arachnophobia (10 player)
Easily done, you have to kill the second boss in 20 minutes after the first's death.
Momma Said Knock You Out (10 player)
You just have to bring down the boss without killing the adds.
The Plague Quarter
The Safety Dance (10 player)
Simply nuke the boss while standing on the boss's platform.
The Military Quarter
And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player)
This one's a bit tricky, but if you understand what you're doing, it's pretty simple. Pull one boss, and start killing it. DO NOT USE DOTS or you may fail this achievement and start from the beginning of the fight. Bring down the current boss to 10% health point, and then go to the next boss, bring it down to 10% too then do this with the two others too. After every of them is at 10% or lower, you may kill one of them, and then quickly kill all the other bosses too! If you're pretty well geared, you can AoE them to death. In the end, you'll end up 3 bosses at the same place, and one in another corner. Kill them fast, so you have the time to run to the 4th and nuke it too.
The Construct Quarter
Make Quick Werk of Him (10 player)
Simple nuke.
can be done in one run.
So simply nuke the boss without going from one side, to another. This means if you start the fight at the right side, you MUSTN'T go to the left side until the end of combat. The same rules apply to the reverse situation too.
Frostwyrm Lair
is required for
The Hundred Club (10 player)
Just kill the boss without having more than 100 frost resilience. Double check it before starting!
Thanks to Tontons for pointing out that we don't have resistances anymore so the achievement should be awarded for just killing the dragon the regular way.
is required for
Just Can't Get Enough (10 player)
Just kill 18 abominations in the room before nuking the boss. Even if you're too slow, and the boss starts to attack, you MUST get the 18 abomination killed, otherwise you won't get this fancy achievement.
Upon killing every boss in Naxxramas, you get
The Dedicated Few (10 player)
or the 25 one.
Eye of Eternity
You Don't Have an Eternity (10 player)
Nuke Malygos in under 6 minutes.
Denying the Scion (10 player)
After bringing down Malygos to like 50% hp, he'll fly up high and he'll be unattackable.
will spawn, and upon death, they'll leave a small "vehicle" like platform which they floated on before. Step on it, and kill another
Nexus Lord
The Spellweaver's Downfall (10 player)
Does not need explanation.
A Poke in the Eye (10 player)
If you're soloing it, you shouldn't have problem with this ;)
The Obsidian Sanctum
Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (10 player)
The boss will randomly summon waves of lava. But there will be always a 8-10 yard wide hole in the wave. Just simply stand there and pray. Repeat as many times needed.
The Twilight Zone (10 player)
This might be really hard to solo. I recommend bringing at least 1 atom DPS or a healer.
Since Warlords, you shouldn't be having problems with this one, simply nuke the boss.
Good luck for every adventurer out there!
Soloed in Patch 4.2 by my Death Knight (Posseidon) of Borean Tundra server 16/16 10 man 14/16 25 man
total of 50,690 wipes 33k gold in repairs one of my favorite raids a true challenge it was... :)
Tabard Reputation is not awarded in any raid, Tabard Reputations is strickly 5 man dungeons
=meaning you get more reputation earned from doing heroics.(##RESPBREAK##)4616##DELIM##Onyx1831##DELIM##Removed bold formatting.
For anyone in 5.4 looking for tier 7.5 transmog gear, Naxx25 up to and including KT are fairly easy to solo, except for
, who continues to be a gigantic pain in the butt. He IS soloable, of course, but it takes varying amounts of effort, depending on your i-level and class. My healers often have weak DPS off-specs, so I changed my approach to make my runs easier.
Check his 25M loot table. He drops mostly necks, rings and belts. If you don't need the 25M drops, then:
Set to 10M, go straight to the Construct Quarter and kill Patchwerk, run back out, set to 25M, and finish the instance.
While probably obvious to those who raided when the content was current, I plowed through 25M for weeks before trying this, so maybe it will help someone else!
Piece of cake as 521 Frost DK in 25 man. Go blood before running into construct quarter. Run straight to Patchwerk, pulling all of the trash along, no worries. Saph, Four Horseman, and KT should be done as Blood, also.
For Gluth, pop Pillar, Outbreak, ghoul, and Army as soon as you hit the ground. Ignore the mechanics and burn him. I managed it in Timeless Isle gear but can't remember the dps needed to ignore the adds. In SoO gear, I pulled about 230k and it was no problem.
The trash before Razuvious have a buff that needs Glyph of Icy Touch to cleanse.
Since this is
very old
venerable content, you may find it difficult to locate instructions for navigating around inside Naxxramas if you are new to the game, or at least, to running this raid.
In order to battle
, you must go to Sapphiron's Lair on the Upper Necropolis level.
To get to
, go to the Carrion Fields subzone of Dragonblight.
/way Dragonblight 87.3, 50.9 Naxxramas
When you fly up under Naxxramas and into the Meeting Stone location, the displayed map subzone will change from "The Carrion Fields" to "Naxxramas", however, the Meeting Stone coordinates, in the center of what I think of as the Garage Level, are also .
The core itself is octagonal in nature with 4 outside (N,S,E,W) entrances equally spaced between 4 (NE, SE, SW, NW) swirling, blue-green portals, also equally spaced. All 4 portals lead to the instance and you arrive in the center of the Lower Necropolis level.
Inspecting the central core from the Lower Necropolis level, you will note you have 4 descending ramps which all serve as exits from the instance. Interspersed (look it up... jk) with the exit ramps, are four ascending ramps each of which has what appears to be a violet & fuschia teleport pad. Pay no attention to the teleport pad (... OR the man behind the curtain!), and go up the ramp to the blue vestibule.
You will see one blue portal orb which, when clicked, will port you to Sapphiron's Lair.
To return, use the similar orb in Sapphiron's Lair.
OBTW, does anyone else get extremely annoyed with the way that text in comments and replies
throws away
one of the grammatically MANDATORY
spaces between sentences? It really does make for poor reading and complicates parsing of a paragraph, which, in turn, may result in reduced reading comprehension... not to mention what look like extreme examples of run-on sentences... and, Dude, I do pretty well on run-on sentences without any help!@$^
Naxxramas Entrance:
At level 100, you make around 1150 gold by doing this raid and selling everything. I killed every add in the entire raid. This does not include what you could make off the AH for crafting reagents.
vanilla Naxx patch 6.1 :D
The only funny part is this is when Thane swears on the Lady like this:
"I heard about enough of yer sniveling. Shut yer fly trap 'afore I shut it for ye!"
Naxxramas Raid Entrance Location -->
Naxxramas Entrance
Never going back there ( thaddius ) "shudder"
So, I went and solo'd Naxxramas at lvl 100 because one of my friends said it was more morbid than Blackwing Descent, and I was curious as to what Blizzard could possibly do with an instance to make it more morbid than dragon corpses hanging from the roof by meat hooks. I learned that it most certainly is not more morbid, just semi creepy with the skulls and green slime everywhere, and that it is ridiculously easy to solo at that lvl. And apparently when you fight Kel'thuzad you have to sit in the middle of the room and kill them, because of you try killing everyone on the edges of the room, the room will reset.
As of patch 7.0.03 the green goo in the construct quarter does not deal any damage like it has in the past. With an ilvl of 707 it deals around 8-10 damage to me.
Any reason to farm this in Legion? I'd like to try to solo it as my first raid to solo. It was one of my favorites. I know there's a few Battle Pets and possibly a mount? I'm a 105 Outlaw Rogue.
is there a way to distinguish original NaxxT3, from Black Market T3?
I really would've loved to have experienced pre-BC Naxx. As a launch day player I kick myself for all the content I missed during that era. I was still relatively hesitant concerning MMOs because I absolutely despised EQ, and despite my years of loyalty to the Warcraft franchise I wasn't thrilled about WoW when I first heard about it, so when I started playing, I avoided guilds and groups, haha.
But looking back...intimidated by the tremendous necropolis that hovered over the plaguelands during my leveling, and now stomping through it now solo without effort...I really do wish I could've experienced Naxx in its prime. This remains one of my favorite raids, because Wrath-era Naxx was the first raid I really cut my teeth on in WoW with my guild, so I have fond memories. Here's hoping they one day do a limited time Timewalk event, with all of the old loot tables from Vanilla. (are you listening Blizz?)
Ctrl+f'ing "entrance" for coords? It's at
/way 87.32, 51.06
in Dragonblight, Northrend. Take the portal to Wyrmrest Temple from the basement of Legion Dalaran and get on your flying mount.
(Here's a poem by Sussemilch, the author of the 'Bag of Sticks' poem on the Shaman wowhead page, that he wrote for his Classic guild <Zomby> on US-Mankrik, 12/24/2020):
‘Twas the night before Naxx’mas where the zombies do lurk
Not a creature was stirring, not even Patchwerk
The grubs were all nestled in their corpses with care
In hopes that the Lich King soon would be there.
The spiderlings were nestled, all snug in their beds,
while nightmares of pestilence shrieked in their heads
With I in my chamber, and Bigglesworth at the door,
Surrounded by corpses of adventurers on the floor.
When out in the Plaguewood arose such a clatter
I rose from my tomb to see what was the matter.
Away towards the portal, I floated on mist
To the open portcullis, and gazed down on the crypts.
The moon glowing down on the rubble and bones,
Casting shadows on the walls and ruins of Stratholme.
When what to my ghostly eyes should appear
But a group of adventurers, wearing last-phase BiS gear.
With a little guild leader, so wise and prepared,
He spoke to his comrades, telling them not to be scared.
More rapid than gargoyles, the raiders, they came
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
“Now, Mazrin! Now, Orban! Now, Knurt and Orgasme!
On, Sidechicc! On, Poundcakee! On, Bear and Tabasi!
Buff up, Milly! Buff up, Kektrek! Buff up, Feather and Forgetful!
Valersi’s running late—Kaxx, open a portal!”
As spores that laid stagnant in the fungus did fly,
Raiders rushed and phased into the great hall in the sky.
So up to the ziggurat the raiders did slew,
My cat, Bigglesworth! and Anub’rekhan too…
And then, in a twinkling, Faerlina fell to their boots,
and the loot-master pickpocketed of all of her loot.
As I twirled in my chambers, steadily awaiting their arrival,
Maexxna kept them busy with a fight for survival.
Instructor Razuvious, equipped with frost armor and steel,
Took a fatal blow from an understudy, right to the heel.
A bundle of upgrades, carried by Gothik on his back,
Harvested from those he now orders in attack.
Furiously, I cried out, growing Disdained,
“Fight, Zeliek! Fight, Korth’azz! Fight, Blaumeux! Fight Mograine!”
The adventurers made, of the Four Horsemen, quick work,
With an absent glance, they were already on Patchwerk.
Grobbulus was naught but a loot piñata,
And Gluth whimpered in defeat to the <Zomby> armada.
Fuegen and Stalagg learned their intent was all too serious,
And Thaddius had a… “negative” experience.
The guild carved their way into the Plague Wing
As Noth sickened them all with plague he did bring.
The adventurers danced forth with a calm demeanor,
Taking Heigan’s loot, and sending him to the cleaners.
Next was Loatheb, and with necrotic aura,
Made healing the fight an absolute horror.
Alas, our adventurers managed to stay true
And even my fungal aberration, they slew.
Returning to main halls, bedecked in best-in-slot fare,
the guild could finally enter the Frostwyrm Lair.
Amidst wintry assault, the bone dragon Sapphiron took form:
A skeleton, frost-tipped, caused a magical chill to swarm.
Tail swiping mispositioned mages to death,
And wiping half the raid with a single frost breath.
The tanks looked to their healer’s corpses and bereaved
And were utterly crushed by Sapphiron’s cleave.
I knew last year’s gift from the Lich King would go undefeated,
And another raid team’s spirits were brought low, so they retreated.
Yet, the raid leader decisively said, “Enough is enough,
open a port to Orgrimmar-- in 10 minutes, there’s world buffs.”
With armor repairs, elixirs, food buffs, grenades, and Rend,
all would contribute to poor Sapphiron’s end.
I lied to myself, ‘this is alright; things aren’t looking so bad’
And suddenly, they aggroed me:
“Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark, obey the call of Kel'Thuzad!”
From portals throughout the chambers made haste,
The undead armies of the Frozen Wastes.
I cast out frostbolts to pillage the tank leaders,
And stuck in an ice tomb, the top of the DPS meter
Detonating mana, summoning shadowy fissures,
We entered phase three, so I ramped up the pressure:
Guardians of Icecrown-- a gift from the Lich King!
But they were kept at bay, shackled by priests in the outer ring.
A conjuration of frostbolts did bring that priest low,
But a swipe from the feral druid struck me a final blow.
In a righteous fury, I cried out in a hellish shriek:
“A scary Naxx’mas to you all—I’ll see you next week.”
Have a Merry Naxx’mas, you slack-jawed daffodils!
If you have completed
(from the Stratholme Pet Battle dungeon), you have a great shortcut to get to Naxxramas now:
2. Walk in the pet shop, ask
to teleport you to Stratholme
3. Run/fly a short distance to the
Revealed Portal to Naxxramas
By far the fastest way to get to Naxxramas now.
In case you didn't know: You don't have to travel to the crystal in Eastern Plaguelands every time in order to access the modified Naxxramas after completing the questline added in Dragonflight. You can also fly to the actual Naxxramas entrance in Dragonblight, Northrend, from Dalaran which is considerably quicker.
Everything you have unlocked for the modified version of Naxxramas will remain when entering from Dragonblight. Including for example
s that drops from bosses, and the vendor
Zackett Skullsmash
Glory of the Raider (10 & 25 man) – the Complete Achiever’s Guide
Guardian Druid Solo PvE Guide [L90]
Obtaining Legendary Items
Raid Entrances of Wrath of the Lich King
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