Who the hell is Sartharion the Onyx Guardian.Never heard of him.And where will this raid be?In the nexus or in some other place?And i don't suppose he'll be alone.There must be some mobs and some other bosses.Or does he?
The possibilities are endless.
Now we know all Dragonflights,except the Blue are united as The Wyrmrest Accord.
Even the Black Dragonflight is a part of this faction. A friendly npc known as Nalice is the apparent Ambassador to the Black Dragons.
Although not delighted in seaking the aid of mortals,the Black Dragonflight is in a state of neutrality. My guess shares that of Arathanar's conjecture,this might be an Ember Wyrm. Or a Black Dragon gone rogue. Still my confidence lies in this being an Ember Wyrm due to the fact that Scourge have been quite busy in the Black Dragonshrine
Only time will tell,or a Beta Tester
Just a guess here but....I think the boss may be deathwing/neltharion changing his name yet again. Because at the end it says -Arion- Like nelth-arion- the earth warder. And he has left his flight because of their alignment with the wrymrest. But, then again killing TWO aspects in one expansion would be cruel.
As of patch 8906, this raid instance has 3 minor bosses and a big boss, Sartharion.
The three minor bosses are typical Tank-and-spank fights, all have only a few abilities, like self-buff that decreases damage taken.
Sartharion has several abilities, rain of fire, burning lava emitting from the ground, and enrages under 35%(spams fire balls).
also if you kill a drake, Sartharion loses a ability, and if u pull Sartherion with all 3 drake mini bosses, he supossedly drops a black drake mount
this drake mount will most likely be the flying version of Amani Warbear from Zul'Aman
for more info check out this article
This boss also drops T7 gloves for all classes.
Heroic version also give Reins of the Black Drake mount.
Actually the
Reigns of the Black Drake
is a drop when you engage and defeat Sartharion with his 3 guardians alive on
Normal Difficulty
Reigns of the Twilight Drake
is rewarded for engaging and defeating Sartharion with his 3 guardians alive on
hmm is the obsidian sanctum in the Storm Peaks ?
The Obsidian Sanctum is located in the "basement" of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight. It can be accessed from the north by following the Path of the Titans downward. The instance portal is the southern-most portal of five prospective portals in that room.
This instance is one boss and three mini-bosses as listed above.
Twilight Drakes are:
* Vesperon-
Has aura: Power of Vesperon: Maximum health decreased by 25%.
* Shadron-
Has aura: Power of Shadron: Fire damage taken increased by 100%.
* Tenebron -
Has aura: Power of Tenebron: Shadow damage taken increased by 100%
Each drake can be taken down without engaging Sartharion. The achievements require leaving them up. If you do down them, they each give a Emblem of Heroism, but no loot.
Quote from mmo-champion.
Kel'thuzad and Sartharion 10 down only today By Ex Guild - Jaedenar EU.
This boss is easily done by a pickupgroup on both 10 and 25man (without extra dragons, of course)
I'll discuss tactics, clearing trash and bosses from left to right.
Raid setup:
10 man - 2 tanks, 3 healers, 5 dps
25 man - 2-3 tanks, 7-8 healers, rest dps (three tanks is advised to split damage from adds)
-On the 4 dragon trash packs, fire orbs spawn like on 2nd boss in Ahn'kahet. They hurt. Move out.
-The double drakonoid pulls are tank and spank
First boss: Assign 4 (or 10 on heroic) people, including tank and healers to go through the portal every time, and kill the add that spawns in there. The rest stays on the boss, that's pretty much it.
Second boss: Slightly harder, in this portal he spawns a bunch of small dragons. Have 1 tank + 1-2 healers (or 2 tanks + 3-4 healers on heroic) go through the portal, aoe tank the dragons when they hatch, and keep tanking them until the boss is dead. Don't let dps kill them. He should be dead around the second portal.
Third boss: When he spawns an add in the portal, he will reduce all damage taken by 100%. Therefor, have 1 tank + 2 healers (or 1 tank + 4 healers) and ALL DPS enter the portal and zerg the add. Rinse and repeat.
Sartharion himself:
Have your main tank tank the boss facing left. The ENTIRE raid stacks up in melee range of the boss (Not behind him, he tail swipes and stuns.)
The main issue of this fight is huge fire walls coming from both sides, with a gap in them. When these come, EVERYONE except the MT has to move to the gap in the fire walls, otherwise they'll end up taking a lot of damage and probably dying. Note that these walls have 2 possible positions for gaps, so you need to be aware and move.
Every once in a while fire elementals spawn around the dragon, have your offtank(s) pick them up, and aoe them down when you have like 5 up.
The fight stays the same until around 10%, where he will spawn a LOT of fire elementals. Have your offtank(s) aoe tank them and have them spamhealed (Shield wall comes in handy here). DPS should nuke the adds down ASAP, this is a good time to use heroism.
If it goes well you should have some seriously easy epics and badges.
Good luck!
"First boss: Assign 4 (or 10 on heroic) people, including tank and healers to go through the portal every time, and kill the add that spawns in there. The rest stays on the boss, that's pretty much it.
Second boss: Slightly harder, in this portal he spawns a bunch of small dragons. Have 1 tank + 1-2 healers (or 2 tanks + 3-4 healers on heroic) go through the portal, aoe tank the dragons when they hatch, and keep tanking them until the boss is dead. Don't let dps kill them. He should be dead around the second portal.
Third boss: When he spawns an add in the portal, he will reduce all damage taken by 100%. Therefor, have 1 tank + 2 healers (or 1 tank + 4 healers) and ALL DPS enter the portal and zerg the add. Rinse and repeat."
This is great, except raid groups can pick whichever side they want to start on.
I've only done 10-man, and we downed him, here's our short version.
Shadron: Does a "Flame Strike", move out of it. Spawns a portal and reduced damage he takes by about 99% (we went through the portal he was at 14%, came out and he was at 6%). Kill the disciple thats through the portal and then dps the boss. While in the "other zone" you'll take small bits of shadow damage, as a Resto Shaman i had everyone cluster on me. Healing was cake. Stay out of the Flame Strike and you'll be fine.
Tenebron: Does the same Flame Strike schtick and spawns a portal. Tenebron will start "hatching eggs". We found it just as easy to tank the whelps when they appear. Be aware they put a "Fade Armor" debuff on the tank and players in range, wasn't fatal but explained the healing requirements.
Vesperon: Tank n' Spank. He spawns a portal and while the disciple is up you get a minor shadow debuff. We just burned him.
Two tanks is not necessary, we did it with one pally without much issue. Learning the flame wall gap position was the hardest part, other than that the fight was tank n' spank. For one tank, when the big adds spawn take them down with priority then go back to Sath. If you have a lock they can SoC them to bring down the Lava Flares (little ele's). It was a long fight but once the dance is learned he should be a loot pinata. NOTE: Our tank had Sath side to side (north to south on the minimap) and the entire raid was at his legs. On the lava walls, the raid would run through him or back up slightly to avoid the waves and the tank would strafe slightly left or right to avoid the punt mechanic of the wave.
Good luck to all of you!
Proudmoore - Taint Invaders
After doing the instance on normal (10 man) this is a joke with killing the dragons, if the groups half organized I recommend attempting to leave one dragon up for the extra loot. A complete write up on the instance in the 10 man.
Theres two different "packs" of mobs. One is two guys walking around together the names of these guys has slipped my mind but they was rather simple and we just through a tank on each and DPS'd them down without even having to consider more then hots to keep them up. The second group is a bit tougher, their is two mistress's, a general, and a captain. The Mistress's spawn orbs that zap people for fire damage and it hurts a bit, the general(might of been captain) makes everyone immune to CC when he dies. So we just focused fired the mistress's then the general and finally the captain nothing hard a bit of extra healing needed.
Finally the mini-boss dragons.
Each of these dragons has shadow fissure which spawns a graphic on the ground and basically hits that area with shadow damage after 5ish seconds, so just move out of it when you see it. They also each spawn a portal that has something different happening based on the dragon, thats all that we noticed they all shared their could be a frontal breath but I did not personally notice it.
* Vesperon - He does a small amount of more aoe based shadow damage (probably frontal cone) nothing bad almost no healing needed at first. When he opens his portal theirs a single add inside as long as the add is up he will debuff the raid increasing shadow damage taken by 75%. This makes it require a little healing nothing too bad. His health is low and he can easily be burnt down and ignore the portal with even a less then half competent group just healing through it is the fastest and easiest.
* Tenebron - Hes the same as all the dragons until the portal comes out then he begins hatching eggs inside the portal, you can send a tank / your dps / healer through and kill the whelps and take forever fighting but the easiest way is to just have everyone focus on the boss and have someone (offtank) pick the whelps up as they spawn and hold them to the side and the dragon will be dead in less then a minute. The whelps do a debuff that lowers the armor of the tank quiet a bit and he will need heals.
* Shadron - I personally saw nothing different about him, people has commented he has a flame strike and you must move out of it but I personally saw nothing of the sort in the 10 man version of this. When the portal opens he gains a buff lowers the damage he takes by "100%" and increases the shadow damage he does by 50%. ( I hit a 19 with a mind blast as a holy priest with 2k spell power ). The way to handle him is have your tank and one healer stay with the boss when the portal opens and the rest of the group go inside the portal where a single mob is and burn him down, this removes the buff. You will have to do this 2-3 times on average.
The final boss fight is basically a typical dragon, hit him from the side he has tailswipe and a frontal cone of fire the lava around him is a joke you can jump and ignore the damage if you get knocked into it every so often he will spawn 2-4 fire elementals these guys hit 500-800 on cloth (considering raid buffed even priests have 14k~ health) they aren't an issue have your dps grab em (or off tank if you brought one) and kill them. They have roughly 20k hp. The other thing he does is the tidal waves if the tidal waves hit a fire elemental it doubles the fire elementals damage and its health goes up to 80k. The tidal waves come either from the left or the right they are VERY easy to spot and he announces when hes doing it, all you have to do is find which side its coming from and adjust into the safe zone, the tidal waves safe zones is basically every other wave kind of like XOXOX the safe zones switch based on which side its coming from. At 10~% he spawns around 15 fire elementals be careful with aoe taunts best just to thunderclap / consecrate / etc. aoe them down or nuke boss they need to die before the next tidal wave or the boss needs to die before he has a chance to do it.
Edited: Multiple dragons left up.
When you feel you are ready to progress to harder challenges with this event you can leave multiple dragons up to add to the fight, this will add more loot to his drop table and also give you some nice achievements. When doing this be sure ALL trash in the instance cleared, it all agros when Sartharion is agro'd. Each dragon is on a timer to come down and join the fight, so you will have roughly 15 seconds or so with sartharion then your first dragon will fly down. The fight is harder because the dragons give a aura buff / debuff along with you have to fight them exactly like you normally would and still are fighting sartharion (going in the portals etc). Due to the buffs (100% shadow damage, 100% fire damage, -25% total health) it adds to the challenge quiet a bit. G'luck and 3 dragons up on sartharion is the hardest event ingame currently and definetly bragging rights.
quick question:
If we kill him and the mount drops, does everyone in the raid get one or is it just for some lucky ass raider?
just 1 thing has any 1 done this on hc?
4 tanks (22k+ unbuffed, 35k+ with buffs)
6 healers
15 DPS
In your group you need a Paladin that is going to use their Fire Resistance aura.
You can alternate the amount of tanks, healers you have, or DPS included but this is how I did it.
When you first enter you can go left or right. Either way you go you will fight 2-3 mobs, a mini-boss, another 2-3 mobs, a mini-boss, 2-3 mobs, then the final mini-boss. The mobs are very easy, just tank and spank.
This boss has 2.2 million health.The fight starts off like any other fight, but at a certain point the boss will open a portal. What you do is assign 2 tanks, 3 healers, and like 2 DPS to stay and fight the boss while everyone else goes in to the portal to kill the adds in the portal. There is usually just 1 82 elite in there. Once the add is dead everyone will be "ported" back to the boss and then you repeat this whole thing until you kill the boss.
This boss has 2.2 million health. Do the same thing you did for the mini-boss on the right side.
This boss has 2.2 million health and is probably the hardest of the mini-bosses. In this fight you
do not
want anyone to enter the portal. What will happen is when the portal is summoned everyone keep on the boss then in a few seconds adds will spawn. AoE them down or have a tank assigned to tanking them down. The rest of the fight is the same thing.
This boss has 7.7 million health and is the main boss in The Obsidian Sanctum. Engage in combat and just fight. Every like 30-60 seconds you will see a message on your screen, "The lava beneat Satharion churls." When you see that, that means that in about 3 seconds a wall of fire will be coming towards your group from either the North or South side (it's random). There is a large opening in the middle of the wall where you want to stand so you don't get damaged by fire. After the wall passes a group of 82 elite lava mobs will be spawned and you want to AoE those down as fast as possible, or have one of the tanks tank them and have a few DPS help out because if you have an overflow of mobs then you will wipe. The rest of the fight is easy, that is all you need to know.
- I did this on Kael'Thas (US) on Thursday, December 17, 2008 and it took just under an hour. The group was a pug full of people in level 72+ blues from quests/dungeons and a few epics. Out of the 25 of us about 3-5 had actually done this raid at all.
- We wiped once and it was on Sartharion because half the raid didn't know what the wall of fire was like. With 13-15 people we got him from 89% to 21% in about 10 minutes.
- If a pug can do it then an organized guild run shouldn't be a problem.
- Good luck and have fun!
Just behind Arthas on my evilbadasscoolestvoicelist.
(Quoted Quotes from Wowwiki)
* It is my charge to watch over these eggs. I will see you burn before any harm comes to them!
* This pathetic siege ends NOW!
Breath Attack:
* Burn, you miserable wretches!
Fire Special:
* Such flammable little insects....
* Your charred bones will litter the floor!
* How much heat can you take?
* All will be reduced to ash!
* You will make a fine meal for the hatchlings.
* You are at a grave disadvantage!
* This is why we call you lesser beings.
* Such is the price... of failure...
I'm sorry Faang, but that statement is an utter fabrication.
Neltharion is the Aspect (original progenitor) of the Black Dragonflight. Originally granted dominion over the earth and deep places of Azeroth. During the War of the Ancients (the first invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion) he forged an artifact of great power known as the Dragon Soul for use against the Legion's forces.
However, unbeknownst to the other Aspects, Neltharion had been driven mad by the whisperings of the Old Gods (the original, unfathomably evil gods of Azeroth who were chained beneath the earth by the Titans). He had the other Aspects imbue the Dragon Soul with their essence, which he said would strengthen the item for use against the Legion. Although it did indeed grant Neltharion great power, it also secretly granted him control over the other Aspects.
During a battle with the Legion, Neltharion revealed his madness and killed friend and foe alike, renaming himself Deathwing and proclaiming himself a god. Malygos and the Blue Dragonflight attempted to stop him, but, in a brutal display of the Dragon Soul's power, Deathwing executed the entire Blue Dragonflight save for Malygos. He then used the Soul to take control of the other Aspects in stasis, and may have very well conquered Azeroth if not for the timely intervention of Korialstrasz.
To this day the Black Dragonflight remains a malevolent force, and Deathwing, though not dead, is nowhere to be found.
As for the Demon Soul, it was destroyed by the Alliance during the Second War.
When you attempt to do this raid with drakes left alive, is there room to move around the drakes in order to kill the trash mobs?
Chaos Bolt can hit the bosses. Even when shield.
Note, if your group is the type which has :
casters standing in range of the summoned fire orbs.
people who fail to move from void zones
tanks too slow to pick up adds
dps too slow to switch to adds
People who die in the firewalls
...then don't expect to make much progress on killing Sartharion with three drakes up.
These are the basics you need to perfect before even considering taking down Sartharion with three drakes.
Does anyone have any idea why players are meant to be raiding OS anyway?
What happened that gives good reason for us to do that?
I don't think the whole bad black dragonflight thing is a valid reason and are just killing them because they happen to be black.
Patch Notes 3.0.9:
Changed the color of the fissure in the Obsidian Sanctum to be more visually distinct.
At moment the fissure are blue
Does anyone know where you actually go to kill Sarth, I mean, everyone knows you go through the portal in Wyrmrest temple, but where is the volcano that you fight him in?
can someone yell me stats needed to enter here?mt stats and dps stats plz :)
Does anyone know what happens if - rather than waiting for the drake(s) to come down into the area where Sarth waits - you engage the drake(s) directly after engaging Sarth?
Is there a reason why we wait to fight the drakes amongst the lava waves at all? Please don't merely respond assuming that I mean clearing the drakes first - I mean preemptively engaging them *after* Sartharion is engaged - What happens? or what Would happen?
Might be a dumb question, but if you are doing any drakes up, do you have to kill Sarth first or once they fly down, you can kill them?
Can anybody tell me if the firewall is a ground effect? al la Nightbane's Charred Earth. We had somebody telling us that they couldn't see the firewall.
We'd say "Watch the firewall coming in from the right."
They'd say "What wall?"
We were like "The big giant wall of fire about to hit you again."
This is a person I have raided with many times, so I know it isn't just stupidity. We're wondering if it is just a matter of increasing the detail levels of ground effects.
Anybody else seen this issue?
Does anyone know what the internal cooldown is for the breaths from Sarth
The little flame-twister things above the lava are fun to jump into. They send you flying over 50 yds, and pretty high up too.
Just don't play around in 'em until Sartharion's dead. Nothing quite like a tree flying out of a flaming tornado, through the air, and landing right in front of a massive Dragon. (just ask Chris from "In the World")
Contains 118 eggs, not counting the ones that Tenebron spawns in the Twilight Realm.
Sartharion 10-Man killed with 3 Drakes in 76 Seconds
How much def do you need for normal?
Here's a tip for anybody doing Sartharion: To help avoid Fire Wall, I find this macro to be very helpful in order to see the fire:
/console cameradistancemaxfactor 5
It increases the maximum zoom out distance of your camera.
enjoy :D
This week on the sha'tar realm we have been encountering a bug with the flame waves, instead of just flaring up and moving across the seem to be jolting across constantly re-flaring, making it a little tricky to avoid. Its not too hard ofc, but its just a tad annoying.
Has anyone else been experiencing this problem?
I think I am the first one to say that you can actually fish in the lava surrounding Sarth. I did about 100 casts, got few coal, lots of Old Skulls and 2 Essences of fire. Have fun fishing, and oh yeah, those tornadoes are really fun to jump into!
uuuuuuuuuuuuh, which expansion is this in?
Just 5-manned the 10-man version of OS (without drakes, but maybe we'll try +1 next week).
Group Setup
- Druid (Balance for Bosses except for Shadron, Resto for Trash and Shadron)
- Resto Shaman
- Mage (Fire)
- Druid (Feral)
- Rogue / Arms/Prot Warrior (lost Rogue at Shadron, had warrior for Shad + Sarth)
The most important thing we noted was that the trash was significantly more difficult than the bosses themselves. The only wipes our group experienced on bosses were on Shadron, mostly due to confusion.
Tanked and spanked. Occasionally we had to ask our dps and our tank to pause to allow our sole healer to top people off, but no big deal. Did NOT go into the portal.
Tanked and spanked. We allowed eggs to hatch, let the tank pick them up with swipe, then lightly aoe'd them down. Again, didn't go into portal.
More difficult than Sarth with our group. We experienced two wipes before we swapped out the rogue for our warrior, who did the fight as arms.
Originally we tried doing the fight with only one healer, but found that he oom'd too fast by hopping back and forth between the portals. The first portal was fine with our rogue evasion tanking, and we managed to 15% or so before we wiped.
The strategy that we found to work was a 2 healer strategy. Our resto shammy stayed outside during portals to heal the tank, while the druid (as resto) healed inside portals. The arms warrior tanked the disciple without issue. We found a bug (or exploit, if you want to call it that) with the portals as well. Although we managed four or five portals easily enough, we had only two real dps for the fight so by the time the disciple went down, we only managed to knock Shadron down ~5% before the next portal came up.
By waiting with a disciple at 10-20% or so for the next portal warning, the second portal will NOT spawn.
Then, kill the disciple, and dps the boss. You'll have the time ordinarily used killing the disciple noticeably freed.
This was a long fight, and it's a good idea to work out any sort of group mana replenishment (aka innervates, mana tides, etc.) ahead of time.
Sarth was easier than Shadron (imo, anyways). Again, dps do need to watch their mana usage, but all in all we managed first attempt. The warrior went prot (since his prot gear outweighed the druid's feral gear) and tanked Sarth, while the feral druid tanked adds. We did not have a rogue to remove the enrage on the adds, but instead healed through it. We ran Sarth with only one healer.
Other Notes:
We are NOT in exceptional gear. As far as a guild goes, we're just casuals who like to pull crazy stunts. Although I wouldn't suggest trying this to people in greens and blues, with competence I see no reason why people in Naxx gear couldn't do it.
Doing this with a group of eight or less will give the achievement
Less is More
you stood on the tornadoes that move around in the lava. they propel people very high into the air in random directions
Tonight one of the DKs in our guild wanted to get the back off of Sarth. We tried to 3 man it but we did not have anyone to decurse the debuff the trash uses. The group was me (prot paladin), holy paladin, and death knight. We brought in a mage from the guild to decurse.
We knew the hardest fight would be Shadron so we started on him. the first attempt i tanked and everyone else went into the portal to kill the add, but i would die before they came back out, even with bubble and self heals. We switched it up and i went holy and our dk tanked. I healed the DK while the holy paladin and the mage went into the portal. The holy paladin tanked the add in the portal and the mage slowly dpsed. We waited until Shadron shouted that a new portal spawns and then we killed the portal add and got about 17%-20% of Shadron's life down before another portal spawned. The holy paladin got low a few times while tanking the add but we got it the first time with this stratagy.
The other two mini bosses were very easy, we all stayed outside the portals and i tanked them. Halfway through the run our mage had to leave so we pugged another mage to help. On Sarth i tanked him on the southern side of the island and taunted every add that spawned. my aoe killed them fast enough that most of the Dk and mage dps was on Sarth. The only time the fight got rough was at the end when i had around 15 or 16 adds on me plus Sarth. The fight took a little over 6 minutes, acoording to recount, even with the mage oom for quite a bit of the fight. The holy paladin finished the fight at half mana and was never close to oom.
I could see Sarth and the mini drakes being 3 manned or maybe even 2 manned but Shadron would be extremly hard with only 3 ppl and impossible with 2.
The black dragonflight has been known to be experimenting around making a new, stronger dragonflight known as the Twilight dragons. It has been anounced that Deathwing will have suceeded in making the dragonflight in the upcoming Cataclysm expansion pack. This could mean that the obsidian Sanctum is actually a nest or at least a "lab" for making these dragons and that Deathwind himself is behind it. All the dragon inside the instance except for Sartharion himself is Twilight dragons which further strengthens this theory.
ok these are tactics i wrote out to myself. is there anything anone would change? and the possition it will be tanked is the drakes at the west of the island and sarth at the east.
these are only notes so there written in short and this is for 2 drakes up!
2x tank (death knight, paladin/warrior)
3x Healer (priest, paladin, Shaman/druid)
2x mellee dps (death knight, paladin)
3x ranged dps (hunter, mage, warlock/shaman)
Kill all trash!
kill shadron!
First drake to come is Tenebron!
Ark on the first drake to come when u see he makes portal for whelps please place aoe under the portal
to pick them up. all dps ignore adds (except pally+dk who will taunt them of healers if needed)
And burn him down asap with BL. we have 1 min 30 sec to burn him down b4 vesperon comes down.
once first drake is dead switch to dps on adds! then all kill second drake! again asap please while not
standing in the shadow fissure! no one goes in portal!
then all dps should switch to boss and burn him down job done!
Make raid warnings (Tenebron is comming! ALL dps him now!, BL NOW please, vesperon is comming!,
ALL dps adds!, ALL dps boss)
check all are confident that they will not get hit by fire wall! makes sure all do dps above 3k!
make sure all understand tacts and are not laggy!
"Zerg" method is viable for the 3 drake fight. Your entire raid will need to be geared and have possession of a brain (I've seen geared people without one), as flame wall needs to be dodged, and 2.5 million health needs to drop in ~80 seconds (after which, Shadron shields Sartharion). 2 tanks, preferably one a druid, and 1 healer. DPS needs at least 4k constant output. Have the druid pick up Tenebron when he lands, and when he enrages, turn into kitty and draw him away from the raid. The distance leaves crucial seconds for DPS to live. Yes, it guarantees at least one wipe, but I'd pay 6g to skip complicated fights while keeping the rewards any time.
Does anyone know how the fight compares with more drakes? Like +1 drake is the same (or close to the same) difficulty as _____10-man (or 25-man)?
Did this last night, Zerg method, with 7 guildmates and 3 random toons. Spammed requirement was to be able to do 5K dps. Many group members had not attempted this before.
1 DK tank, 1 healer, 8 dps (1 hunter, 1 rogue, rest a mix).
Cleared trash, hugged walls while we circled clearing. Rejoined facing boss at furthest left front corner of boss area. Rebuffed, re-explained strategy. Hunter engaged Sarth, then FD'd. Group moved up near (but not too near) where boss would reappear after reset. Tank moved into position at right rear corner of boss area. DK popped Army just before boss appeared.
Sarth appeared, tank gained aggro while everyone ran to engage. Tank kept Sarth facing to the right and horizontal to raid. This allowed melee to remain in place if a fire wall appeared from the left. Basically, we popped everything that we had ASAP, all CD's, etc., and attempted to burn, melee avoiding tail and frontal cone. Wiped 4x, got it on 5th try.
Random events effect how successful you will be unless you have truly overpowering dps, something that we did not have (6 of 8 dps were > 5K). Group's ability to dodge flame walls (absolutely critical), number of crits folks get, arrival of drakes, etc.
As a mut rogue, my strategy was (in addition to poisons on daggers) to buff wth Flask of Endless Rage and Fish Feast, then stealth prior to boss appearing. Once Sarth was engaged by tank, I ran up to right rear, Garrotte, HfB, SnD, Potion of Speed, Mutx2, Envenom, Vanish, then built combo points to x4 or x5, Envenom, repeat. I think Sarth went down in less than 40 seconds, and a bunch of us died.
Since I had never done this fight with any drakes up, I received all three related achievements and the title. Someone rolled 100 for the mount...and it wasn't me. :(
How long does this raid take?
For anyone looking for the mount, title + achievement. This boss can be zerged with 4 people. I did this with: 1 warlock (destro) 1 shaman (ench) 1 priest (shadow) and 1 paladin (prot) As you can see, no healer, and the paladin died to the adds after the boss was dead (he used every CD he could to stay alive). The priest and warlock had a few epics along with a lot of HC gear, the shaman was mostly HC geared, the same for the paladin. Simply zerg the boss, make the paladin pick up the drages whe they land. I suppose a BL / timewarp is needed to ensure that the boss goes down, before the last dragon land. Make sure to avoid the firewall and point the boss away from the raid, due to the fire breath. I wish everyone who tryes this good luck, and happy farming!
Interestingly, in eu.battle.net Armory characters who have the Twilight Vanquisher their title are shown as "Prophet" as title instead of TV. But there is no title like that in WoW according to WoWHead.
10 man version with 3 drakes up was easily 3 manned by a feral tank, dps warrior and hunter in lfg level gear.
How can i start this raid? becouse i really want the drake ^-^ <3
if anyone want to do this with me or invite me, please do so ;o!
Strategy for one/two players from the
Solo/Duo Old Raid Compendium
, done at level 85 at patch 4.3 with ilvl 385-395 gear:
Obsidian Sanctum
is duoable.
Easy ,
Impossible (can't enter portal and keep fight going)
: Easy
0 Drakes 10-man Duo/Solo:
1 Drake 10-man Duo/Solo:
Medium : Leave up Tenebron
2 Drakes 10-man Duo:
Easy ,
Very Hard
3 Drakes 10-man Duo:
0 Drakes 25-man Duo:
With Drakes up, this fight is basically a DPS race. ~42k DPS is needed for 10-man with 3 Drakes up, which two very well geared DPS classes can do or 3 people can do easily; ~127k DPS is needed for 25-man which requires around 5-6 well-geared people. It generally does not require a healer if one of the damage dealers is a tank.
You can kill all the mini-boss drakes in 10-man and switch to 25 and they will still be down; you will just need to kill the 25-man trash.
If, like me you we're lost and didn't know how to get inside the dungeon, the entrance is located under the tower. Just go down the huge crack near the tower and you will find the entrance there :)
Review + lore + guide on how to farm for the mount with three dragons up:
Hope it helps :)
Duo'd 25M + 3D as ilvl 447 Prot Paladin and 472 Arcane Mage. Was simple once we got it down. Just burned each drake as they came in and once we got all of them down the dps went in the last portal to kill the adds. Once they were down and Sarth wasn't immune anymore it was an easy tank and spank just keeping the adds off of the dps.
People posting strategies and saying this fight is soloable need to be mentioning whether it was 10 man or 25 man. It's fairly easy to assume if you've run either before or tried personally, but would be good for people who aren't familiar with the instance at all to know what to expect in 10 man and/or 25 man.
Soloed the 10 man version with 3 drakes up as a destro lock. (ilvl 474)
My talent and glyphs were pretty standard, I used the Voidlord as a tank.
I cleared every single trash mob in the instance because they all aggro when you pull Sartharion.
I sent my voidlord and activated every DPS cooldown and trinkets I had and hoped he would die before me, and that's how I eventually killed him.
Didn't kill a single drake or add.
There's probably a less messy way to do it, but it worked after a few tries.(the &*!@er survived at 50k~ hp a few times.)
solod 3d as a arms war in pvp gear ilvl480
Can I solo this as a shadow priest? ilevel 513?
Because I didn't see any
SOLO guides here, I decided to make one.
The Arachnid Quarter
Arachnophobia (10 player)
Easily done, you have to kill the second boss in 20 minutes after the first's death.
Momma Said Knock You Out (10 player)
You just have to bring down the boss without killing the adds.
The Plague Quarter
The Safety Dance (10 player)
Simply nuke the boss while standing on the boss's platform.
The Military Quarter
And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player)
This one's a bit tricky, but if you understand what you're doing, it's pretty simple. Pull one boss, and start killing it. DO NOT USE DOTS or you may fail this achievement and start from the beginning of the fight. Bring down the current boss to 10% health point, and then go to the next boss, bring it down to 10% too then do this with the two others too. After every of them is at 10% or lower, you may kill one of them, and then quickly kill all the other bosses too! If you're pretty well geared, you can AoE them to death. In the end, you'll end up 3 bosses at the same place, and one in another corner. Kill them fast, so you have the time to run to the 4th and nuke it too.
The Construct Quarter
Make Quick Werk of Him (10 player)
Simple nuke.
can be done in one run.
So simply nuke the boss without going from one side, to another. This means if you start the fight at the right side, you MUSTN'T go to the left side until the end of combat. The same rules apply to the reverse situation too.
Frostwyrm Lair
is required for
The Hundred Club (10 player)
Just kill the boss without having more than 100 frost resilience. Double check it before starting!
is a required for
Just Can't Get Enough (10 player)
Just kill 18 abominations in the room before nuking the boss. Even if you're too slow, and the boss starts to attack, you MUST get the 18 abomination killed, otherwise you won't get this fancy achievement.
Upon killing every boss in Naxxramas, you get
The Dedicated Few (10 player)
or the 25 one.
Eye of Eternity
You Don't Have an Eternity (10 player)
Nuke Malygos in under 6 minutes.
Denying the Scion (10 player)
After bringing down Malygos to like 50% hp, he'll fly up high and he'll be unattackable.
will spawn, and upon death, they'll leave a small "vehicle" like platform which they floated on before. Step on it, and kill another
Nexus Lord
The Spellweaver's Downfall (10 player)
Does not need explanation.
A Poke in the Eye (10 player)
If you're soloing it, you shouldn't have problem with this ;)
The Obsidian Sanctum
Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (10 player)
The boss will randomly summon waves of lava. But there will be always a 8-10 yard wide hole in the wave. Just simply stand there and pray. Repeat as many times needed.
The Twilight Zone (10 player)
This might be really hard to solo. I recommend bringing at least 1 atom DPS or a healer.
Good luck for every adventurer out there!
A piece of advice I have not seen:
Take it easy.
Don't pop CD until ~ 60%, that's when he calls for help, that's when it gets tough. Focus on power/charge building until that point and then pick at him till he calls...then unload. Save your health buffs for the last 30% and burn through.
480i Feral (reference)
Whew, DPS has never been my thing as a bear-specced druid, ilvl 496. Can get Sarth down to 15% (3d) before he goes immune. Heartbreaking. =/
did this as 564 bm hunter. was literally an 8 second fight and done.
just picking up some old achieves since i did not play during wotlk
I managed to defeat him at 25 with 3 drakes alive, as 520 destro lock. Soul link, Soul leech and Supremacy (for Voidlord) are required, I guess. The key to this fight was to get full embers on trash camp, and then attack Sarth immediately, popping cooldowns and annihilating him with Chaos bolt quartet (don't forget about immolate+curse!). After that, the rotation is trivial.
Mobs in here apparently no longer give anything from skinning.
The Obsidian Sanctum Entrance:
The Obsidian Sanctum Raid Entrance Location -->
Obsidian Sanctum Entrance
Are the 10m and 25m instances linked? I'm just wondering because I did a 10m run, left, switched it to 25m, went back in and it was empty.
Tomtom cords for lazy ppl:
/way 59.45, 49.96 Crack entrance
/way 59.99, 56.62 Entrance
On a fresh account with no cool mounts like me and missing the blue proto-drake drop off Skadi too many times in pre patch shadowlands? I just flew down to Dragon Blight from Icecrown entered from the northern rift that leads UNDER Wymcrest entered the portal to
The Obsidian Sanctum which is the portal with two "Warden of the CHamber" guards out front. I thought maybe it's prudent to kill a couple of patrols. Easy peasy. It was automatically on 10man for the achieve and to get the mount.
Even with Z-Perl Unit frames it wasn't telling me how much HP he had so I attacked the boss solo with trepidation and laughed as I one-shotted him with Nathanos 115 weapon and ICC 100-110 gear and then saw the WHOLE dungeon ass attack me.
They weren't impressed. At first I was worried but they hit like girls and even that mass was easy solo. Don't worry about reading strategy just got get your Reins of the Black Drake 22 slot Dragon Hide Bag plus some gold with a 100% drop rate solo!
It appears I can't get this in Shadowlands as 10 mans are no longer an option? Sad day
A Fortnight in Dalaran: Farming Northrend Mounts and Pets
Glory of the Raider (10 & 25 man) – the Complete Achiever’s Guide
Guardian Druid Solo PvE Guide [L90]
Raid Entrances of Wrath of the Lich King
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