Unpopular opinion: I like this! :)
I see the little manbabies are crying again because not 100% of all quests in the game are "ooga booga, me caveman, SMASH!"
I hate visage forms. Let dragons be dragons. If they absolutely need a visage, have it be an anthro version of their dragon form. Dracthyr don't need a visage; they're already small enough to roam among mortals.
Love how they blatantly re-hash the 'be true to yourself, regardless of your form' storylines from when the worgen were introduced but modern reactionaries are mad about 'modern storytelling' and things being 'woke'.Newsflash, if the story is based off morals we were taught on children's TV in the 80s and 90s, it's not woke. Get over yourself.
They really missed the opportunity to make her a Tauren after all the help Ebonhorn gave her. Common Blizzard writing L.Gotta love Blizz's new "oooo gotta be yourself, love and happiness, empowerment, blah blah blah" writing, DEFINTELY doesn't suck and isn't extremely lame. I remember when the story actually reflected the title of the game. Only a matter of time till they rename the game to World of Hugcraft.
If only we could choose our visage form. We now only have male elves and female.. half elves?I want to pick another race as my visage.
I adore Mon-Ark, happy to see them again, if only briefly. <3
I would recommend anyone not being satisfied by the story of WoW to pick ESO. It's done wonders for me. I got into Warcraft by the awesome story of WC3 and I honestly do no like where this is going. This being said, I do no feel entitled to have a story written for me. If this is what they want Warcraft to be, so be it. Pretty sure some of the players feel engaged with it and I'm happy for them.I encourage all old-Warcraft lovers to just let go. Just try Elder Scrolls or even Warhammer The Old World (until it becomes mainstream and suffers the same fate as Warcraft). I play Warcraft for the button pushing gameplay and anything else for the lore and characters. No one should be entitled to anything and all this bickering and name-calling is ridiculous and makes both camps look ridiculous.
So no Visage for her? Giver her one Blizz.
So many hateful people in these comments. Is it fun being so miserable all the time?
It's fascinating that so many people can see the really clear subtext in this storyline and are absolutely incensed that "be true to yourself rather than catering to the prejudices of others" is a lesson Warcraft is equipped to teach. I would recommend following that one guy's advice and finding a game with a story that better fits your worldview. If you can.