Also flying mounts with "glowing footsteps" don't show them during skyriding... Blizz for sure reads this, so please fix :)
gatekeeping a simple 2000s PS 2 , pre-covid video game effect 😊
Thank you Blizzard, you are the best!
you all really talking like as iif they actually have people PHYSICALLY working in the office lol
They are cerise and pink - not red.
Those stupid pink trails finally disappeared, then they just had to put it back....but hairs are still not visible while wearing a hat.
Hey thats my reddit post :)
Restoring effect, yes!But also... What about wings animations for birds and bats? New feathered beast (like somnowls and new epic edition gryphon) look better, because their feathers hide under each other and it look more natural.And then look at the parrot mounts...and bats! And wolfhawks. It is...ugh. My biologist's eyes are bleeding.Old drakes just look bad with new animations too.
2 day old reddit news, lets go
GMOD next
It is increasingly concerning how many things have been left in an unfinished state with this patch. Like I get a few things slipping through, like if it were just these mount effects then sure whatever. but it just keeps happening. Every few days I login and randomly get another achievement as the warband system decides what it can and can't count. I got a "run out of memory" crash error from WoW for the first time EVER on my current PC with this most recent patch, I haven't seen that in years. This feels like AGS quality control, Like New World. Especially since currency swapping had some dupe exploit that forced them to disable it, That reminds me of New World a lot. That is NOT a good look. Are they crunched too hard? Is that what's happening?
To be honest, i am happy some lost it. The dread raven, armored bloodwing and winged guardian, they all look much better without the "wind" trail..
Goblins mechs still busted, and many flying horse/unicorn mounts have no footsteps. A lot of mounts still lose particle effects when flying.
Terecgosa's Visage wing effects are still broken when Skyriding
There's also the Priest Legion Class Mount that's been missing its trail of feathers.
Keep your chem trails out of my game
Blizzard to all the mounts: You will all be skyriders.Mounts: And what, Blizzard, must we give in return?Blizzard: EVERYTHING!