I am very impressed with how this was addressed! For them to actually change the saddle model to fit the player character again. This is excellent.I think some folks are misunderstanding the change. The old model was never meant to be this size. And scaling it up had made it all sorts of wonky. Both in animation, and because you weren't so much sitting on the saddle, but plunging your legs into the dog's backflesh.Fixing the animation and model to work at this size is going above and beyond, with how it usually works for hard-to-get mounts that end up having bugs due to not being tested enough in the actual game before being out in. I'm super pleased with this.
Did they even make him bigger or did they just shrink the saddle to fit the smaller model?
Next maybe they'll stop having us spread our legs wider than women do at gynecology appts on slime cat and we can talk.