Always been wanting to get into pet battling, feels like a whole other fun game system waiting to be interacted with and things to collect and get good at!
It's not really fun, because most of the newer Pet Battle World Quests are way to hard. Collecting however is fun.
"A new pet battle tamer - Anthea - located in Kun'lai Summit"Is there some reason that we would go looking in Kun'lai for a new tamer or some bread crumb to get us there? It seems a bit out of the way to just just appear.
Man, I want that Ruby Baubleworm... I wonder how you get it. Doesn't have any info.
In regards to the Wild Corpsefly, there are 4 colours not 9, 4 of the images you have on the page are the Necrolord Mounts (you can see the saddle on the backs.) and the purple one is duplicated.
The Corpsefly pet only comes in 3 colors, before people go looking for it. Searched a few hours for a purple/purple one before looking on warcraftpets and seeing it's not available on the battle pet.
Thank you for correct use and spelling of the word "complementary." :D
They aren't hard, you're just complaining cause your 10 level 25s can't beat it. Hard challenges are only thing that is fun once you collected them all.