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Changes and Additions in 3.0
16/11/2008 à 22:28
As I'm sure everyone knows, there are many new features and additions to the game with the recent expansion. Some changes occurred pre-release and some we had to wait for to experience. It comes as no surprise that perhaps some of these changes have been overlooked or received little recognition. Today we're going to look at some of these changes and hopefully bring them to light so everyone can benefit from them.
First of all, we have some major game mechanics changes. Hit rating, critical strike rating, and haste rating were all changed to be more or less the same for melee and caster classes. Damage and healing have been combined into spell power. Health and power (e.g. mana) regeneration have been changed to update in real time! Furthermore, spells no longer receive any "pushback" after a second hit--the first two hits taken give 0.5 sec penalties, so they stack for a total of 1 sec longer casting time.
Next is bag space. Precious slots have been freed with the addition of the "Currency" tab on the Character Sheet. Honor and Arena points, Battleground Marks of Honor, and even Badges of Justice have been converted to tracking via this tab. All of the actual items were removed! This frees up at least four slots for most players. Other types of token rewards or reputation materials retain their item status. Also, if you think that change was cool, check out the new
Finally, we have a much needed change to underwater mechanics. The undead Forsaken enjoy a longer underwater breathing racial, but the period of time all other characters may breathe underwater has been increased from one minute to three! Also, jumping underwater no longer causes players to "jump," but instead rise upward in the same fashion as a flying mount. While this sounds like a relatively insignificant change, it is just one more example of how Blizzard is working to bring our game to the peak of perfection.
So, while we have reviewed a few interesting changes, I'm sure most of you have found some changes which have affected you in some way or another. The question is, do you like or dislike the new changes? Why?
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