Looking forward to the faction divide crumbling with time. Xfac Guilds are already a really nice feature--here's hoping we can do time walking and other queues together soon.
That's unfortunate, guess too many folks got upset about it.
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eh, no one needs ally/horde since we always fight together anyways and then some dumb written thing makes them hate each other.
Had to be Horde fans. They're the only ones on the whole who have that kind of tribal pride in their faction. Alliance players have very little reason to care as much.
Reality check. The end of factions is here. xfaction guilds and raiding. It's a good thing. Hopefully they figure out questing soon. It's ok, we'll find other things to 'war' against.
People are soft, words are scary and cause harm.
Controversial? What? LOL
They need to break apart the factions, not position them as unified into one. The alliance and horde as geopolitical bodies make no sense. For example, lordaeron, silvermoon and suramar would make more sense splitting off on their own- Kalimdor's problems have nothing to do with them.In gameplay it doesn't matter anymore, so why can't we have good faction story back?
I wish they'd finally just get rid of the faction divide and tell the few people who get upset about it to get over it.Narratively, it's redundant and restrictive and mechanically it basically doesn't exist.If they want conflict in the lore, focus on the individual groups/factions. If they want conflict mechanically, rename warmode "renegade mode" with the narrative and related quests being about groups of the Horde/Alliance who are explicitly at odds. Have players join these groups and gangs and have terf wars like real life biker gangs or something.You can still have Horde/Alliance, just stop restricting the narrative because of ^&*!@#$s who can't get over Vanilla tribalism nostalgia.
nothing will stop me from killing alliance.