Typo: "Telogrus", not "Telongrus".
I hope Khadgar gets aged-down back to being young again and that's what happens to him. Would be absolutely perfect for the character to have new, meaningful progression. And be entirely silly enough that it's totally canon for the character.
Gonna miss the worgen guards ngl
I disagree with Jaina being an candidate, she can not be a leader of two factions. Which alone has many political implications, not forgetting the shenangians she pulled in MoP. Which she indiscriminately killed Sunreavers and kicked them out, because she thought they were in on Garrosh's plan. Which they had nothing to do with. In any normal scenario, she'd be a war criminal, aside from the litany of other crimes she committed. She did almost get her comeuppance in BFA. If she still wasn't considered a "hero", she'd already be still imprisoned or even executed. With all that being said she has already proven that she can't be impartial as a neutral party. Also with her being the leader of a non- neutral faction, she can't be impartial. Especially since she has to look out for her own people and faction's self interests.