rather they start by removing the transmog restrictions before they work on class restrictions
Okay, now remove the transmog restrictions, I wanna wear a shirt and pants.
Curious about the racials being carrried over to other classes since both the knockup and knock back are impacted by the Evoker talent tree
Let me guess, they can be warrior priest warlock rogue mage
Please, let there be Dracthyr Druids!
Hoping they get druid, paladin, or maybe shaman. I'm curious what the forms, mount, or totems would look like!Very excited for when this comes about.
Can they also improve the way gear looks when not in visage form? Let more gear…especially tier gear show on them
They should first remove the transmog restrictions, focus on the evoker, then add more classes.
They got 2 AoE kicks, that's more than some specs' entire kit.
Interesting, definitely unexpected. I didn't think they would because the racials are really nice (2 aoe interrupts) and tied in strongly to the Evoker class.
As long as I can be a dracthyr warlock I'm happy
I hope they create an Evoker glyph/toggle that lets you remain in your visage form in combat. I like the evoker, but I don't like the dragon model!
Now if only you could change your visage form race
Dracthyr druid might be what saves this hideous race for me. I don't like their lanky gecko bodies, but give me some cool dragon bear form? Or maybe a little wyvern as flight form? I'll put up with the ugly base forms in order to be a fierce beast. If they aren't getting druid, then I'm likely not gonna play one even if their racials are pretty handy.
So when we caught a glimpse of the Dracthyr in leather and he said it didn't mean anything, he was lying again! i'm shock (sarcasm)