looks pretty sickkk
So is it still an instant mount?
lol imba
Dynamic-flight moonkin form when?...just kidding. Looking forward to seeing the lunarwing form's animations too.
gathering will now be even faster on my druid now.
OMG this is gonna be UNHINGED levels of fun as Diabetus Birb lol
Honestly I'm kind of enjoying having dynamic flying mounts but static flying flight form on my Druid. Hope that's still an option.
Please Blizzard, give us an option to use both a Dragonrding mount with a static Flight Form. It would be great if you could make the toggle separate for the "Skyriding" flight form so we could differentiate the two. Having the ability (currently) to mount up on a Dragonriding mount, or to instantly enter Flight Form and have static speed is lovely and it'll be a big shame to lose this, to the point where I won't use Dragon Riding again, as being in Flight Form for quest objectives is just too handy.Don't make this toggle affect both, please!
I. Am Speed
Yessssssssssssssssssssssssss I am SUPER EXCITED about this update!
Not gonna lie, I was hoping they would just be separate flight forms, I enjoy using dragonriding for long distances while using normal flight form for moving around cities, questing, etc. 5s cast to switch between them is too long, idk if it's intented to be like that or if it's bc of technical needs. But 1s CD would make it feel better (with the ultimate goal being just separated forms which you can bind on different buttons like you have now).
So glad to see this question answered!
ZOOMIE OWL.HOOT HOOT MOTHERFU----*sails out of sight*Though I'm glad we can still toggle for normal flight.
No druid worth their salt is going to bother using dragonriding in flight form when flight form is so handy for objectives and the entire playing the game part of the game. What an absolute waste of time.
Very cool. I hope this means evokers get the regular flying option with the animations already in game!