A mail set with a helm that actually works for hunter class fantasy was unexpected, but appreciated
I really like the leather's top... beyond that the armor's minus maybe the plate's shoulders are meh?
A crossbow that actually looks good? Am I dreaming?
The plate set reminds me of the pally pvp set back in WotLK. Deadly Gladiator's Redemption, just an HD version, lol. Weapons are nicely themed! :)
the weapons are all so effing good nice job art team
Some of those are giving off a strong Kyrian vibe.
Earthen themed gear! Count me in!
Everything looks great
could be wrong, but the armor looks unfinished
I honestly love how weighty all the weapons look, but particularly the two handed swords, reminds me of the Goron swords from BoTW/ToTK
I don’t understand any of their texturing decisions on the armor. That cloth armor could be epic but they made critical components like the gloves/chest decor, and everything on the belt but the buckle as skin paint. Then you got them wearing moon boots. The weapons are amazing though. You compare the detailing on texture on weapons and armor and it’s like an giga expert vs an intern. I really just don’t get it. Idk. Maybe it’s me.
...Hol up is that an obuch?
That Fist weapon is crazy. Gonna go power fisto with some earthen shaman for sure
W after W after W after W after W after W.
Weapon models are great, and though I don't like the armor sets as a whole (and I hate the color scheme, so I hope the others are easy to get) I'm always stoked to have more mail cowl/hood options.
These weapons, shields and off hands are so @#$%ing good and not just well desiged but an incredible fidelity as well. I am in genuine shock at how much they're putting into the assets the past couple of expansions. I am so here for it.
Cloth set made me think of a Superhero uniform ... Hopefully they'll make it look less ... flat. Some of the weapons are really similar to models already in the game, but some of them are also pretty cool ... it's really a mixed bag.
Down to earth sets and weapons. I dig it.