I take candle
Nerubian renown? Did I miss something?
Another huge W. I &*!@ing love it all.
Oh boy, they're continuing to be lazy with 3 piece sets instead of whole sets. Shame.
you no take candles!
Those fish head helmets are unspeakably awesome and has me really excited about the things they will be trying to do with armor pieces in the future.
Those mushroom hats are amazing lmao
Mushroom caps let's go!
You no take candle!
It looks like they've decided to despatch the stockpile of horrible xmogs planned to be just for Hunters.
where TWW shaman tier set
All nice new stuff! Love it! A personal W is if they added slots to go over your armour, like the shoulder wraps, would be amazing to have whatever shoulder(s) and to have those TP shoulder cloaks go around it, even if it would be for the cringe Arthas or Uther look.
Reno's from the Hearthstone Event and Brann's from the Rep Grind
i hope my nightbornes hair will show wearing the fungarian helm. i dont want to be bald
The Arathi culture kit is one of the best they've ever done, honestly!