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Lorebook: The Nathrezim - Otherwise known as the Dreadlords
19/11/2008 à 19:30
Your lovable Skyfire has signed up to blog (woe on him?!). I'm the Master Bookkeeper, and this week, we're going to tackle a serious subject that you may not have thought on before: The Nathrezim, more commonly known as the Dreadlords. You should know who they are -
among them, and the
random mini-boss
of course. But do you know where they hail from, or their original purpose on Azeroth? If you don't, read on...
are a race of demonic beings which hail from the planet of
(along with the dreadsteeds) that were originally found by
, and incorporated into the
Burning Legion
as field commanders. They are similarly tasked as the personal emissaries and message carriers of the demonic leaders of the horde of demons,
. The dreadlords have served this functionality for several centuries willingly, as they delight in the destruction of the worlds the Burning Crusade have left their mark on.
Flash forward to the end of the
Second War
(Warcraft II) on Azeroth and the subsequent destruction of Draenor (expansion), the planet of the orcs. The leader of the orcs on Draenor, Ner'zhul, is floating aimlessly in the Twisting Nether, when he is approached by Kil'jaeden and made the Lich King. Imprisoned in a stone cold block of ice, the deal he makes is to raise the Scourge, the most dreaded army to ever see the light in Azeroth in return for survival. The nathrezim are set above him as his jailers and his taskmasters, to ensure that he does not deceive the Burning Legion in its quest for the destruction of Azeroth. The specific dreadlords serving this role were
, and
The dreadlords began the implementation of the Legion's plans for Azeroth, by spreading the Plague, for which the Lich King was made. However, the Lich King had other ideas about his imprisonment, and so they each began to fall to their seeming deaths. First Mal'Ganis, who's main purpose was to turn the noble paladin
toward the path to becoming the Lich King. He fell before Arthas, wielding
, on
, betrayed by the Lich King.
The second to fall was Tichondrius, to
. Tichondrius was an influential part in the
death of Uther Lightbringer
, the destruction of Quel'Thalas, and the siege and razing of Dalaran, from whence Archimonde was summoned. Tichondrius had been named leader of the Scourge after Archimonde decided the Lich King was of no further service, and was using
the Skull of Gul'dan
to corrupt the forests of Kalimdor. The skull was stripped from him; Illidan used its powers to end Tichondrius' life.
The go-between of Tichondrius and Archimonde, while Archimonde still existed in the Twisting Nether, was Anetheron. Anetheron would serve as one of Archimonde's personal guards after Archimonde's return to Azeroth. He fell at
the battle of Hyjal
, which wiped the Burning Legion from the face of Azeroth. After Anetheron came Dalvengyr, at the hands of
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Lady Vashj
. Kael'thas had taken the time to rebuild the observatories of Dalaran after their destruction by Archimonde. Dalvengyr decided that this was rather inappropriate of the high elf, and subsequently attacked. He was defeated and slain when Lady Vashj arrived with reinforcements to aid Kael'thas in his defense of the city.
The next to fall were Detheroc, Balnazzar, and Dalvengyr, perhaps ironically, as they were slain by enemies to the Lich King, the
. Related is the story of Varimathras, assistant to
in leading the Forsaken. The Lich King was violently attacked by a brutal assault from afar by Illidan, and he lost some control over a minority of the Scourge, among them Sylvanas Windrunner. Detheroc, Balnazzar, and Varimathras had been left in control of the Plaguelands after Arthas had left for Kalimdor, and when he returned, they attempted to kill him for his treachery. He escaped. After the assault by Illidan, the three deathlords and Sylvanas (as the leader of the Forsaken) made a pact to control the Plaguelands (formerly Lordaeron). After seizing control of the Capital City, they attempted to coerce Sylvanas into joining their new order. Sylvanas had none of it, and subsequently turned on the dreadlords.
She first targeted Varimathras, who proved an easy target. He was defeated, but in exchange for his life, he would serve for Sylvanas. Detheroc came soon after, and was also killed. Her next target was Balnazzar, who had control of the
Capital City
. His armies also fell, and he was slain by Varimathras, something that the dreadlords were forbidden by a code of honor to do, in order to gain Sylvanas' trust.
The only remaining dreadlord of the original eight used to control the Lich King is Mephistroth, who had bided his time in the Twisting Nether, or at least was thought until recently. It seems that Balnazzar had lived, and had assumed the skin of
Saidan Dathrohan
, one of the founders of the
Scarlet Crusade
. He was found out and slain by a band of adventurers in the Scourge dominated town of
There are other tidings that some of those supposedly disposed of or made to serve are scheming out of site and out of mind, awaiting their chance to strike at the Lich King and the Forsaken. Rumors abound about the section of the Scarlet Crusade has sent to war with the Scourge in Northrend, the
Scarlet Onslaught
. Consider this: Balnazzar was supposedly killed by Varimathras, and yet he lives. His position was one of power within the Scarlet Crusade. Is it possible that there are other dreadlords that have infiltrated the Scarlet Crusade, and what nefarious purpose might they serve?
The other tales flying around regard the current sub-ruler of the Forsaken. Is he as loyal to Sylvanas as he claims? Is it possible that like Balnazzar, he has simply been biding his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike at both the Forsaken and the Lich King? Is he so true to the cause of the Forsaken as to be a non-threat? Where do his
loyalties lie?
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