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Michael Bay Presents: World of Explosionscraft!
17/11/2008 à 03:39
For those of you that don't already know,
Warner Brothers
announced around May 2006 that they had a World of Warcraft movie in the works, and eventually, it was wormed out of them that they predicted a 2009 release. The project since dropped off the radar, and it was discovered this year at Blizzcon that the movie is in fact currently being written, or at least that's what they say among other such vague-ities as “there are still plans for...” Who knows if it's actually happening, but it's certainly not happening in 2009.
Now, you don't quite know me well enough to care what I
about this (at least not yet), so let me settle for
you a couple things. If you're like me, at some point you thought “Isn't making a film out of World of Warcraft going to be difficult?”, since so many people play the game at different levels, there's no unified narrative, and lots of other reasons why it's not an intellectual property that you can make a movie out of.
If you thought that, it might suprise you to hear that they're making a
movie. No, really. They're making a Monopoly movie. Virtually anything you could say about how you can't make a WoW movie applies to this, and yet...supposedly, it's going through.
Of course, the fact that it's being made isn't any guarantee that it won't absolutely suck--plenty of movies do nowadays. But what do you do when you want to make a movie out of something that has no story, or has a story that you can't tell in a movie? You have to make a movie that
like the intellectual property. Partaking in the movie should make you feel like you're partaking in the intellectual property. (A friend of mine told me that if that was the case, the Monopoly movie would have to be six hours long, and make you hate your family by the end.)
Sadly, the experience I'm seeking when I play World of Warcraft is not necessarily the same one that you're after. If your family gets together to play Monopoly, it's virtually guaranteed that everyone's there for the same reason, right? Nobody plays Monopoly to tell a story, or to socialize with new people, or to work together with lots of other people to accomplish a difficult task. You play Monopoly because you want to play a board game (a social activity) and you want to pit yourself against other people in a big game of “whoever has the most wins”. Monopoly is
having the most. That's it; there's nothing else to it. World of Warcraft is about...what? If I had to reduce it to a single quality, I'd say it's about becoming as powerful as possible, but that's a huge oversimplification. People want to roleplay, or to be good at certain things, or really just play to socialize with their guildmates, and this is all to say nothing of people who are grinding away, looking for achievements. Can all of these things be made into movies? Certainly not all the same movie.
It seems like the bird in the hand here is making a movie to appeal to people looking for a walking tour of awesome environments. WoW has always had a flair for the epic, so to play right into that is the obvious choice. What about you? What kind of movie would
WoW make?
SBMrClean is a part time business jerk, part time writer in the video game industry. He plays horde-side on Draenor, and collects his other thoughts on videogames and storytelling at his personal website
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