Should keep it where you can bring extras. If people want the easier time with less loot let them go for it
Dont care wether it is 20 hard cap or flex without more loot. let people raid with their people. casuals can clear it with 40. then they are 40man to share the spoils and fun! it always feels trash when you end up getting benched. so if being able to enter 21 or 23 could leviate that. However like said i dont mind either way. Balance it for 20 and let people do what they want :) and keep this up for all phases, i just dont want to see 40 man intended content tbh.
i honestly think it should be uncapped SoD suppose to be just for fun? i got 24 raiders and they are all my friends just sucks asking them to sit for the night and next release of the new raid asking them to sit for opening night already feels bad enough. i wish i knew MC was uncapped day 1.
Thats was good for all to be able to invite all replacement players in first raid and no one got kicked, but honestly, that was unfair for speedrun/world-first and dps/hps logs.
I got benched because of this and I’m so disappointed that my nights plans were ruined by an unannounced fix. Now friends have to sit out because most raid teams have a few extraPlayers. Now I gotta pug and people don’t want melee.
Can't have too much fun, isn't it?
This was a bad decision. Many guilds loved having room for a extra player or 10 and now they have to bench them. Big loss.
Cap it at 20 for heat level 3 only, but I know that isn't the easiest thing to do so probably won't happen.
big L, should be flex, if ppl want to have less loot, that's up to them
Simple, you keep it flex with the same "more bodies same loot" but in Heat level 3 if you go over 20 you dont get molten drops. The sweaty 1% keep their "i have the cool weapon" the regular players keep the fun and the roster isn't a pain in the ass to deal with. Makes it easier for them to try and tune the other 40 man raids down to "20 man". This could be such a W.
L change. i get its a 20 year old version but the novelty to keep it like classic has been lost. Made the world bosses and Ony flex so just let people play the game and revert it. Hell some people want to raid 40 man.
Let it flex please, I don't want to have to disappoint people
Aw man, don't make me tell 3 people they can come to Ony but they can't come to MC like they did last week.
NO FUN ALLOWED. Like, come one, the only thing this does is say "haha %^&* you" when you have the rare occasion when all 22/23 players on your roster show up, and you have to bench some of them. Like, why? Why can't we just trust in loot distribution/guild rules? World first has been obtained, this tier is pathetically easy and the mechanics are boring. This is a terrible decision.
OG Molten Core basically was tuned for 20-25 decently geared and competent players with 15 tag-a-longs. It's a pretty boneheaded move to force players into tight 20 mans when the alternative provides options and lessens guild drama.
worst part about killing the fun is no communication what so ever about a very important topic for every raiding guild. disappointed. usually classic dev team doesnt take such a huge L and honestly i am even shocked.