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New Animated Short Alleria: Light and Shadow Now Available
1 일 전
에 의해 작성됨
A new animated short, Alleria: Light and Shadow is now available. Witness the story of Alleria Windrunner's journey through Light and Shadow.
Interested in unpacking the cinematic? We analyze the choices she made that led her to the path she is on now here:
Alleria's Choices - 'Light and Shadow' Cinematic Analysis
Step into the epic world of World of Warcraft like never before with Alleria: Light and Shadow, our first fully 2D animated short film. Follow Alleria Windrunner’s journey as she battles through the trials that have shaped her into one of Azeroth’s most formidable heroes.
This 5-minute fully animated short delves into Alleria’s deep connection with her sisters Sylvanas and Vereesa, her sacrifices for family and love, and her ultimate transformation into a weapon of the void. Watch as Alleria faces the darkness within and rises to defend the world she loves.
Alleria: Light and Shadow is a groundbreaking addition to World of Warcraft’s lore, bringing a new level of storytelling to the game’s universe. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the lore, this short film offers a captivating glimpse into the character that will play a pivotal role in the upcoming expansion, The War Within.
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