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Wowhead 101 - Using Weightings!
I touched on this a little bit on my first post '
Wowhead 101 - Using Filters!
', but weightings are so powerful they need a post of their own.
What are weightings?
Weightings, simply put, are similar to a ranking system. They allow you to assign "point multipliers" to each stat type on an item.
How do these "point multipliers" work?
Well I'll give you an example. Say you have a filter like
(I've added a some custom filtering as well so it only shows 2 results). You can see that the 'Score' is identical for both items. You can play around with the multipliers I've given to see how it affects the score. For example, you could assign a better weighting to stamina over raw health, which is really useful if your class has a talent that affects stamina.
Wowhead 101 - Using Filters!
I was in our
Wowhead IRC Channel
the other day, talking to some of our regulars, when someone asked "How do I find enchantments with X stat on them?" I was thinking about this, and I started to realize that Wowhead's filters are actually a surprisingly under-utilized feature. So, in the interest of making
trip through Azeroth a little easier, I thought I'd take a minute to talk about the Wowhead filter system and how you can use it to find the info you need.
Class is now in session!
Patch 3.0.8 Issues Resolved
Most of the major issues plaguing Patch 3.0.8 have now been resolved:
Arenas Re-enabled - All Items Removed
Death Knight Creation
Wintergrasp Instability Issues
There are still a few minor issues that still are being worked on:
Warlock's Ritual of Summoning currently has a two-minute cooldown.
Human Female Animation Errors.
Tooltip error on Howling Blast (currently doesn't indicate a cooldown).
Return of the WoW Player
The launch of Wrath of the Lich King makes me think of waiting in line at 11:00 PM on November 23, 2004 to get into a EB Games store to pickup my pre-order. Here I was with a bunch of fellow gamers. I had just driven 30 minutes south to a nearby city, as my city of 10,000 without a video game store just won't cut it. There are about 50 people in line waiting excitedly. People are talking about what class they are going to play, did they play in the beta or not, are they going to play Horde or Alliance, what server are they going to be playing on. The comments and questions from one random gamer to the other were flying around furiously. Here we are, almost 4 years later, and I have been hearing the same story happening at nearly every game store on the continent.
When I first started playing I had about 20 real life friends who were also playing. Over time some have left, others joined. As of last week I didn't have any real life friends who still played the game regularly. Then all of a sudden -- Wrath launches. Counting on all of my fingers and all of my toes, I have over
30 friends
who are playing again. When