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4.2.0A Patch Notes
Blizzard has been pretty quiet lately, but they have just posted some new patch notes for the latest live mini-patch 4.2.0A. This patch contained no new content, items, or any of that fun stuff but instead includes a number of system bugfixes. Many of the issues which were causing client crashes have been fixed, so some players should still appreciate this boring little patch!
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.2.0A is now available on all realms! Below you'll find the official patch notes.
Notes for all World of Warcraft patches can be found
Bug Fixes
Using an instant cast spell right after a target dies should no longer re-target the dead target’s body.
Using an ability immediately after switching targets should no longer affect the previous target.
Resolved a movement error when jumping onto an object while experiencing a low frame rate.
Mac: Fixed a bug preventing shift and mouse wheel commands from registering properly.
Resolved issues that were causing client crashes near Beth’tilac in the Firelands.
Hotfixes (July 19 - August 15)
August 4
Balloon pets can no longer be sold to vendors.
Flight points in Outlands should correctly display for characters created after the release of patch 4.2.
Melee auto-attacks should properly trigger trinkets.
is correctly triggered when Rake gets a critical hit, and is putting an extra combo point on the target.
should no longer strike targets with which the druid is not in combat.
Montée d'adrénaline
is properly removing the focus cost of
should now properly trigger trinkets.
should no longer incorrectly apply double damage when certain buffs are present on the warrior.
Dungeons & Raids
Pic Rochenoire
Intendant du Bouclier balafré
is properly flagged as a quest NPC and not a rare spawn.
Terres de Feu
Burning Orb attack range has been increased for the
Chambellan Forteramure
News Roundup: Hotfixes, Honor Compensation, and Heroic Ragnaros
Paragon got world first heroic Ragnaros which is by no means a small feat! Over 500 tries later, the Firelord was downed. Other than that, we have a huge news round up and some hotfixes which were just posted.
July 19
The frequency at which players can use /yell, /say, and any emotes is now throttled to prevent excessive spamming of chat logs from occurring.
Death Knights
Improved Death Strike now provides 40/80/120% bonus damage, up from 30/60/90%, and a 10/20/30% critical strike bonus, up from 3/6/9%.
Flight Form now cancels the Leyara’s Locket buff.
Moonfire will now generate Lunar Energy when crossing from Solar to Lunar on the Eclipse bar.
Dungeons & Raids
All bosses in The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds once again award Valor Points in all raid sizes and difficulties. 10-player bosses award 35 Valor Points, while 25-player bosses award 45 Valor Points. This change does not apply to Argaloth in Baradin Hold. More informati
News Roundup: Latest Hotfixes, PVP Season Transition Compensation
Today brings a new batch of 4.2 hotfixes, including a number of changes and fixes to some Firelands encounters, and important details on Blizzard's planned action regarding the recent Season 9 and 10 PVP item mess. We reported on this "disaster" in
yesterday's roundup
, where Blizzard admitted fault in miscommunication of new PVP item availability, resulting in many players spending their saved Honor points on now-outdated gear. Well, affected players can rejoice because Blizzard plan on making it up to you with some free Honor!
Oh, and no 4.3 details just yet. ;)
Latest 4.2 Hotfixes (7/8)
July 8
Combat pets should no longer aggro creatures while the player is mounted.
Dungeons & Raids
Death knight Bloodworms are no longer removing stacks of Torment when they explode to heal other players.
Molten Elementals are no longer able to critically hit players.
The responsiveness of the Molten
Latest Patch 4.2 Hotfixes (6/29)
And here are those hotfixes! Of course, I anticipate we'll be seeing more over the next few days so if some bug that's bothering you (bugging you?) hasn't been fixed, be patient!
June 29
Feral druids can now use
in the
Terres de Feu
raid. It only seems fair.
Dungeons & Raids
Bastion de Baradin
Oeil d'Occu'thar
damage and health is now properly scaled for 10- and 25-player versions of the dungeon.
Repaire de l’Aile noire
All Brood Affliction debuffs applied by
are now removed after zoning out of Blackwing Lair.
Terres de Feu
The stationary
Chien de l’enfer
pack at the front of the dungeon should no longer cause players to become stuck in combat.
There are now fewer
Chien de l’enfer
s before
, making the engagement a little less… hellish.
and her offspring now have increased health and damage on Heroic difficulty.
's Face Rage is now slightly less rageful, as the increase of the rate of damage per tick has been reduced.
News Roundup: Missing 4.2 Hairstyles, Holiday Bags Changed, 4.2 Featured Items
Just a few Blizzard posts today - no new hotfixes yet, but if any show up I'll definitely add them. You can check out previous Patch 4.2 hotfixes in
yesterday's roundup
Some 4.2-Added Hairstyles Not Yet Implemented
You guys may have seen our awesome
4.2 hairstyles preview blog
which showed off a variety of new player hairstyles being added with Patch 4.2. Unfortunately, not all of these have been implemented, but it looks like some of them made it to live...
We did have a lot of new hairstyles we had created over time up on the patch 4.2 Public Test Realms. The problem was that, even though these hairstyles were added on the test realms, many of them were not finalized or approved by our art team. Because of this, a good portion of them (about half) were pulled shortly before patch 4.2 was released on live realms, leaving only a partial implementation of new hairstyle choices.
Unfortunately, this means some races/genders now have more hair
Patch 4.2: A Complete Guide to Stage Two of the New Dailies
Don't forget to check out our guide to phase one of the new daily quests, available right here on Wowhead News!
Patch 4.2: A Complete Guide to Stage One of the New Dailies
Now that many of you have been introduced to the daily quests available from the
Gardiens d'Hyjal
faction at the new quest hubs implemented with patch 4.2, we've put together a handy guide to the next phase of daily quests, which is unlocked upon obtaining 20
Marque de l'Arbre-Monde
and completing
Demander des renforts
. This phase brings the counterattack even further into Ragnaros' domain, as the Guardians of Hyjal's forces move into the the
Front du Magma
via a new portal spawned in Hyjal, and set up their operations at Malfurion's Reach.
At the Sanctuary of Malorne, Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem gives you the quest
, asking you to find and slay the deadly Druid of the Flame,
. Upon heading over to her location in Hyjal and after an unpleasant exchange of words, she fatally wounds the Arch Druid and ensnares you in
Racines fumantes
. She quickly makes an escape and you are left with the falle
Patch 4.2 Public Test Realm Notes (Updated 6/16)
Blizzard has just posted a small update to the 4.2 PTR Patch Notes, adding a few class changes and some seemingly major changes to
gains, lowering the minimum cap but explaining how the cap can scale linearly. I'm sure this will probably end up confusing some players so we may see further clarification in the coming week.
Chevalier de la mort
Death Knight Bug Fixes
The talent
can now properly be triggered from off-hand attacks as well as main-hand attacks.
now deals 175% weapon damage, up from 125%.
Talent Specializations
now deals 225% weapon damage, up from 125%.
Conquest & Honor Points
The minimum cap on Conquest Points earned per week from Arenas is now
1350 at 1500 or less
Arena rating. The maximum cap
is now
2700 at 3000 or more Battleground Arena
New Epic Ghostcrawler Blog Explains 4.2 Class Changes
In what is probably one of the best and most in-depth Blizzard blogs yet, Ghostcrawler takes the time to discuss the class balancing changes that have been made in Patch 4.2, giving specific examples of changes that were made, and why they were made. This new blog provides an interesting look into the development process (as Ghostcrawler's blogs always do) and will definitely answer some players' questions regarding Blizzard's justification of specific changes being made.
We understand that raw patch notes don’t always provide enough context for changes to the game, so we thought we’d take a moment to explain some of our logic behind the buffs and nerfs coming in the 4.2 "Rage of the Firelands" patch. We particularly want to try to combat the perception that classes end up nerfed in PvE as collateral damage from PvP nerfs (or vice versa). The number of PvP buffs versus PvP nerfs were about equal this time around, and we make careful consideration to keep the impact outside of PvP minimal. So, if we nerfed your class’s PvE damage, it’s most likely because we thought your class was doing too much damage in PvE.
No doubt you’
News Roundup: Authenticator Changes, Anduin Wrynn and Gelbin Mekkatorque Lore
Just a few new posts today, including some clarifications on the new changes with
Battle.net Authenticators
. Players will no longer be prompted for authenticator codes when logging in from a "familiar" location (as tracked and determined by Blizzard). I assume this means it will simply recognize your local IP and no longer prompt for an authenticator code as persistently, which won't help much in protecting your account from family members or criminals who break into your home to hack your Warcraft account. Those exist, right?
Blizzard has also posted a new installment of their "Then and Now" character retrospective series, featuring Anduin Wrynn. In addition, we've got a new short story in the Leaders of Azeroth series, featuring none other than Gelbin Mekkatorque, leader of the gnomes! Alliance players rejoice, this lore's all for you!
Battle.net Authenticator Changes
If you use an authenticator – and we hope you do – you may soon notice that an authenticator prompt may not appear with every login. We’ve recently updated our authentication system to intellige
News Roundup: Patch 4.2 Rage of the Firelands Official Trailer, DK Tanking, Questing Clarifications
It's coming...
Patch 4.2 Rage of the Firelands Official Trailer
Blizzard has just unveiled the official trailer for
Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands
! Enjoy!
Across the breadth of Azeroth, the Horde and the Alliance have dealt crushing blows to Deathwing's elemental minions and fanatic Twilight's Hammer cultists. Through it all, the Earthen Ring has never wavered from its tireless charge, holding Azeroth itself together amid the tidal fury and errant magical energies that churn at the Maelstrom. Yet as the elements continue their chaotic upheaval, it seems that the noble shamanic order might finally be on the verge of breaking beneath the great weight that rests on its shoulders. Even Thrall, for all of his wisdom and skill, has grown aggravated by his failure to effectively communicate with Azeroth's elements. Recently, his calls were acknowledged, but the malevolent entity that responded has only intensified Thrall's fears and doubts....
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.2 is just on the horizon. Building off of our preview of the Rage
News Roundup: Valor Point Conversion Clarification, Dragonwrath Proc Details
Just a few new Blizzard posts today, during this quiet calm before the inevitable storm that is Patch 4.2! Today Blizzard has posted a more detailed explanation of the
Points de vaillance
conversion in 4.2 (as Bashiok had
stated they would
) which should answer any questions and clear up any confusion players may have had.
In addition, Blizzard poster Kaivax clarifies the proc on
Courroux du dragon, le Repos de Tarecgosa
with some detailed information which should make many casters happy!
Valor Point Conversion in Patch 4.2
World of Warcraft update 4.2, Rage of the Firelands, will introduce the first new raid tier in Cataclysm, and with that it will also introduce the first conversion from Valor Points to Justice Points. For anyone running Heroics and raids, this is important information to ensure you spend your points wisely before release of the patch.
With the release of patch 4.2 all Valor Points will be converted down to Justice Points up to the 4000 point cap, with any points over the
Patch 4.2 - PTR Build 14265 - New Items, Icons, Spell Changes
A tiny patch has just hit the PTRs! Blizzard might finally be running out of stuff to add, so we may see 4.2 as soon as
New Items
Not a whole lot of shiny new epics this patch, just some new epic-quality mail boots -
Bottines de décimation
(and their Heroic counterpart,
Bottines de décimation
New Companions
Two new companion pets have been added with this patch. We have absolutely no idea where these come from just yet, but they're pretty nifty!
Ballon de l'Alliance
Ballon de la Horde
In addition, a new quest reward was added,
Médaillon de Leyara
, which is awarded upon completion of
Tout le monde connaît la suite
and is a vanity item that transforms you into a Druid of the Flame (
Médaillon de Leyara
New Icons
News Roundup: Upcoming Daily Quests, 4.2 Currency Clarifications, BlizzCon Benefit Dinner Tickets
Just a few new Blizzard posts today, including an interesting discussion in which a player relates the idea of completing new daily quests to " to throw my pc in a river." How do you guys feel about the upcoming daily quest hubs? Excited for the new storyline, rewards and content? Or are you burned out over the idea of Isle of Quel'Danas 2.0? Be sure to let us know in the comments!
In addition, we have some clarification on how Justice, Valor and Honor points will be handled when 4.2 hits, with promise of an upcoming blog post covering the conversions and such in more detail - looking forward to it! Also, don't forget, tomorrow is your last chance to purchase tickets for the
BlizzCon Benefit Dinner
, available at $500 USD and includes admission to BlizzCon!
Patch 4.2 - Are You Excited For It?
In case you missed it, we posted an
extensive guide to the first stage of Hyjal daily quests
coming in patch 4.2. With these new quest hubs, the upcoming
Firelands raid content
, a [url=
Patch 4.2 Public Test Realm Notes - Updated 5/31
Blizzard has just updated the 4.2 Public Test Realm patch notes, with a handful of new class changes!
Notable changes include:
All character races now have a /roar sound.
8 new rare tamable beasts have been added, each of which provides a unique taming challenge. Will you be the first hunter to tame Deth'tilac, the rarest and most powerful of them all? Players will need to progress through the Hyjal Regrowth and Molten Front daily questing areas in order to unlock access to the full gamut of taming challenges.
weapon damage increase has been lowered to 12% (down from 20%) and
weapon damage increase has been lowered to 5% (down from 10%).
Check out the full changes!
All character races now have a /roar sound.
Classes: General
The Defensive pet stance will now only cause the player's pet to attack enemies which attack the pet or the master.
Chevalier de la mort
Talent Specializations
Annihilation now increases Oblit
Patch 4.2 - PTR Build 14199 - New Items, Icon, Spell Changes
A new patch has just hit the Public Test Realms, bringing a handful of changes previously announced with the
patch notes update
a few days ago! Class changes are fairly boring, mostly tooltip changes for clarity, though there are a few spell changes here and there - nothing extremely surprising.
Latest Additions
Only a small handful of items, as well, including some new Firelands weapons (and their Heroic versions) and a new Leatherworking armor kit,
Armure de jambe en peau de drake
. Most importantly, however, is the addition of a new companion pet:
! This lil' guy is taught by
Petite pierre d'âme de Bourbie
and is most likely this year's
Click here to see all the latest additions in our database!
New Icon
Only one new icon with this patch - an icon for
, the
Diablo-themed baby murloc
! Can't wait to see this little guy in action!
[icon nam
Patch 4.2 Public Test Realm Notes - Updated 5/26
Patch 4.2 PTR Patch Notes have just been updated, documenting a number of fairly major class changes including a
of bear
adjustments and some brand spankin' new
changes! Some additions which were actually added with the
5/24 patch notes update
have had their text clarified (so if some things look familiar, that's why).
The Keyring bag slot has been removed to make room in the user interface for new features.
Keys which no longer serve a purpose in the game will be removed from player inventories. Compensation for the keys will be automatically provided in the form of each key's vendor sell price in gold.
Keys which are obsolete quest items will be removed from player inventories.
Keys which may still be of use to players will be transferred to regular inventory space. If a player's bags are full, these keys will sit in a backlogged inventory until sufficient space is made available. Once space is opened, the keys will appear in regular inventory upon the playe
Patch 4.2 - PTR Build 14179 - Spell Changes, New Items and More!
Blizzard has just released a new PTR patch, as a follow-up to yesterday's
major official patch notes update
. Just a few class changes and clarifications today, mostly already documented in the previous patch notes update - including spell details for the nerfed raid boss abilities. We're still digging in the patch data, so if we find any more interesting additions we'll be updating this post!
As for new items, Blizzard has added yet another
batch of epic quality loots (over 250 new/updated items!), and finally started adding the actual item sets for the Tier 12 items, so you guys will be able to easily find and check out set bonuses and all that good stuff!
Latest Additions
Serres-de-Flammes d'Alysrazor
- 'Nuff said! (
Check it out!
It appears that the pet collection achievements will now offer awesome new rewards!
Ma petite animalerie
now awards
C’est une super ménagerie
now awards
Kaliri brillant
La petite boutique des mascottes
now awards
Dragon céleste
News Roundup: On Upcoming Raid Nerfs, BlizzCon Tickets, New Support Site
Just a few new Blizzard posts today after earlier's
major update to the patch notes
, including a clarification on the decision behind the upcoming raid dungeon content nerfs. In addition, Blizzard reminds us of the upcoming (second) sale of BlizzCon tickets, available this Thursday. They've also launched a brand new support site, which allows users to submit tickets via a web interface instead of the clunky in-game method! Sounds awesome to me. :)
On 4.2 Raid Content Nerfs
I'm sure you guys noticed the
massive list of raid nerfs
coming in 4.2, intended to offer players easier access to content that they may not have gotten to experience. Blizzard has certainly learned from their past mistakes in making and then keeping content inaccessible and now wishes to keep content challenging while it's new and then as new content becomes available, gradually move previous content to a PUGable level. Is this a good thing? What do you guys think?
Plenty of people like the challenge, but not everyone has the ability or maybe even desire to be in a guild capable of tackling it right from the get-go.
Patch 4.2 - PTR Build 14133 - New Models for Nozdormu, Fire Raven God and More!
Last night's patch included a few interesting new 3D models after all! Most notably the fiery version of Anzu makes an appearance--
he was mentioned here
a while ago as one of the coveted vanity rewards, but there's still no word on where he drops.
In addition to this bad boy, the patch also included an amazing humanoid model for the bronze dragon Nozdormu (he shows up at some part of the
legendary staff quest chain
and the Thrall questline) and an amazing set of fiery shoulders upon one of Majordomo Staghelm's Druids of the Flame. These guys appear in the Alysrazor encounter and throughout Firelands as trash mobs. Not only that, but we've got an updated model for the new
Rênes du palefroi de guerre vicieux
, a scorching Overfiend, and a poor guy having a very rough day. Be sure to click the screenshots and check 'em out in our awesome 3D model viewer!
[model npc=38743 humanoid=1 img=