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A Fond Farewell
I wanted to take a moment to inform you that as of today, I am resigning as Wowhead's Head of Content and Community.
I have been offered another position working in the Community department at
Zynga), and I will be starting there on Monday.
I am leaving on 100% good terms with everyone here on the team, and I fully intend to stay in touch. Fortunately, because I am NOT going to work for Blizzard, I'm not required to keep my mouth shut about WoW-related things, so you'll still see me hanging around the forums here—I just won't have blue text any more. :)
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for making my time here so enjoyable and productive. I was here for the birth of these forums and this blog, and you guys are the reason I'm here. I know we've had our moments, and I know there are times when it seems like the forums are full of trolls—but Wowhead's community will always be my home, and there's no other online community that's more helpful, friendly, and respectful.
I love every one of you guys, and I'll miss you—but be
Imageshack Links Installing Malware, Blocked on Wowhead
We've gotten a number of reports in the last week or so indicating that
is inadvertently installing malware on user's computers!
While we recognize that this MAY be a false positive, we don't like to take risks with our users' info, so
we are blocking imageshack links on the site.
Future imageshack links will be scrambled, and links will not go through!
For those of you who are hosting your images with imageshack, we apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, we encourage you to use an alternative image-hosting solution, like
, or
No Patch Tomorrow, Rolling Restarts Instead
Looks like RSS feed leaks have deceived us!
Despite our
last post
, it looks like patch 4.0.6 is
coming next week—there will be a batch of rolling restarts instead. See the blue post below:
We will be performing rolling restarts for our weekly maintenance on Tuesday, February 1st, beginning at 05:00 AM PST. Downtime for each realm is expected to be minimal, and the overall process should conclude at approximately 06:00 AM PST.
Thank you for your patience.
TankSpot's Guide to Heroic Halfus Wyrmbreaker
TankSpot's guide to the heroic version of the
Halfus Brise-Wyrm
encounter is up on the NPC page!
Complete transcript after the break!
RIFT: Planes of Telara Coverage on ZAM
So I know there are a number of you out there who are excited for
RIFT: Planes of Telara
. If you're not familiar with it already, we just happen to have a
BFF Report
on the subject!
So naturally, because this game looks awesome, we've got a ton of coverage up on our new ZAM Rift site. We have a brand new
Soul Calculator
(inspired, of course, by our
own work
), an upcoming
, and to round it out we're giving away
VIP beta keys
to get people into the closed Rift beta events!
Here's all the info:
ZAM's RIFT site
VIP key giveaway
Soul Tree calculator
Go check it out! Remember, the Soul Calculator is still in beta so there may be a bug or two.
New Feature: Database Tags in Forum Posts/Comments
Posters and guide writers, rejoice!
We've implemented a system where you can easily embed links to Wowhead pages into your comments and forum posts. All you have to do is click the "Link" button shown at right, choose a category, and enter the ID—the system will automatically create a link with the appropriate title, color, and icon!
Here's a few examples:
Il est largement au-delà des neuf mille !
Il est largement au-delà des neuf mille !
Gardiens de Baradin
Gardiens de Baradin
Eventreur en arcanite
Eventreur en arcanite
Habits du seigneur du Feu
Habits du seigneur du Feu
Filon d’élémentium
Filon d’élémentium
Restez. En. Mouvement.
Restez. En. Mouvement.
Attaque sournoise
Attaque sournoise
Descente de l’Aile noire
Descente de l’Aile noire
To find the ID, just look in the URL of the appropriate database page, and copy and paste the number.
I encourage you to add them to all of your guides, comments, forums posts, etc. Enjoy!
TankSpot's Guide to Maloriak
The crew of TankSpot has posted their guide to Maloriak!
Papapaint has a full transcript of the video which you can read after the break, and of course you can find the guide on Maloriak's
NPC page
Ghostcrawler: Dungeons are Hard!
Ghostcrawler is back, and he has some choice words to say about dungeon difficulty!
I'd like to give you a summary here, but in general GC's posts have a tendency to be easily misinterpreted, so I'd hate to add to the confusion. :P
Come read the full post after the break!
Tol Barad Balance Discussion
Cory "Mumper" Stockton has posted a dev blog about balance in
Tol Barad
, and the developer's approach to gameplay in the zone.
If you've been curious about their recent changes, this post should shed a little light on the subject. Some of you may remember a blue post a
few days ago
indicating that this post was coming.
The full text is after the break!
Cataclysm Soundtrack: Reviewed
I don't bring this up all the time because I know it's not something that everyone shares with me, but I
video game music.
This started long before video game music was actually good enough to be worth of love. I'm the guy who settles in for long car trips by listening to music from the original
Sonic the Hedgehog soundtrack
. I love the soundtracks to the NES
Toejam & Earl
, and
Mega Man
. I'm a big fan of the
Descendants of Erdrick
So with that in mind, about two years ago I wrote a blog about the soundtrack to Wrath of the Lich King. If you're interested in reading it, you can find it here:
With this in mind, I'd like to talk a little bit about the
Cataclysm Soundtrack.
If you're interested, you can join me after the break.
Patch 4.0.6 PTR Patch Notes
Edit: Blizzard has added a new, updated set of patch notes! The changes are marked below with the word New!
Blizzard has released a new batch of patch notes for the upcoming patch 4.0.6!
Remember, you can always find the patch notes in our menu under
Tools > Patch Notes
, or at the URL below:
Check out the full patch notes, fully Wowhead linkified for your viewing pleasure, after the break!
Guild Flask and Cauldron Hotfixes
Blizzard just announced some hotfixes to flask-related achievements! Specifically:
Maîtrise des mixtures
now requires your guild to craft 1,000 Cataclysm flasks (down from 10,000).
Le parfait petit chimiste
now requires your guild to craft 3,000 Cataclysm flasks (down from 25,000).
Looks like guilds weren't crafting flasks as fast as Blizzard had originally anticipated. This should make unlocking the
Recette : Chaudron de bataille
Recette : Grand chaudron de bataille
significantly easier!
Check after the break for the full details!
TankSpot's Guide to Nefarian
TankSpot has posted their guide to
Just like before, you can find the video guide on Nefarian's NPC page, and the transcript is after the break!
Happy Holidays From Wowhead!
I just wanted to take a moment to wish every single one of our users a very happy holiday!
Each one of us is very lucky to have the opportunity to be here doing this for you guys, and we would not be here—
of Wowhead would not be here—if it weren't for you guys. It's your data, your screenshots, your comments, and your forum posts that make Wowhead what it is, and we're eternally grateful for your support.
So who got presents? What's the coolest thing you got this year? :D
A Wowhead Holiday Treat
So it looks like
spent a little time this holiday season cooking up a special treat!
That's her and her new beau,
, cooking up a delicious batch of
Wowhead cookies!
They came out beautifully, and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get some in the mail before Christmas day—and word is that she might be sending some to Blizzard as well. ;)
TankSpot's Guide to Atramedes in Blackwing Descent
The crew at
have posted their guide to
, in
Descente de l’Aile noire
As usual, the full transcript is after the break!
TankSpot's Guide to Valiona & Theralion
TankSpot has posted their guide to
, the second encounter in
Le bastion du Crépuscule
As always, you can find the video in our NPC pages, and the complete transcript after the break. :)
WoWInterface Gets a New Look
If you user addons when you play WoW, you're most likely familiar with our sister site,
. But you may not yet know that WoWInterface just got a full redesign!
They've done a full layout redesign, with new icons, new menus, and simpler navigation. If you want to know more, check out the announcement here:
...or you can read the full announcement after the break!
New Ghostcrawler Blog: Threat Needs To Matter
In his latest developer blog, Ghostcrawler talks about the threat mechanic, how it's intended to work, and how you (and the development team) know when there's a problem. He provides a bulleted list which is the major thrust of the essay, which I'll reproduce here:
If a tank is trying to generate threat on a single target, and it runs off to kill a DPS class, that’s a problem.
If a tank is trying to generate area threat on a group, and the tanked things are running off to kill healers, that’s a problem.
If Vengeance falling off causes the tank to lose threat, that’s a problem.
For more details, check after the break for the full transcript.
Legendary Teasers: Goblin Zerg Rush, and 300 Naked Orcs vs. Gamon
If you've ever wondered what
Legendary - The WoW Video Podcast
is about,
Mike B AKA Fony
has recorded a few snippets from yesterday's afterparty that I think will help you understand.
Check back later today for the full-length podcast. :)