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Running of the Gnomes, Race for a Cure!
Noxy here! I don't write many blog posts, but I was linked
by a friend, and I fell in love with the idea.
I'm standing here in Booty Bay, surrounded by lots and lots of little pink gnomes all gathered for the same cause: to support the fight against Breast Cancer.
SeeD is an Alliance side guild on Scarlet Crusade-US, and last year they decided to turn their tabards pink, and post around on the forums letting people know and encouraging them to remind the ladies in their lives to speak to their doctors, and to show how much they care. This year they have organised a fun-run--for each pink gnome that shows, SeeD members have pledged to donate various amounts of money to the Susan G Komen Foundation.
At the peak they reached a total of 160 gnomes, with an estimated $200+ raised. (and thats just the guilds officers! the final total is still yet to be tallied!)
Screenshots after the break.
Blizzard Withdrawing RealID Plan for Official Forums
In a statement released today, Blizzard says that they have decided against using RealID to identify forum users on the official forums. Blizzard
originally stated
that they were moving to a forum system where everyone was identified by their real names. Citing user feedback, they've decided that it was not in the best interests of the community to move forward with that plan.
The statement (seen below) was written by Blizzard's CEO, by Mike Morhaime. It was posted on the forum by Nethaera.
Hello everyone,
I'd like to take some time to speak with all of you regarding our desire to make the Blizzard forums a better place for players to discuss our games. We've been constantly monitoring the feedback you've given us, as well as internally discussing your concerns about the use of real names on our forums. As a result of those discussions, we've decided at this time that real names will not be required for posting on official Blizzard forums.
It's important to note that we still remain committed to improving our forums. Our efforts are driven 100% by the de
Wowhead Comic #22
Wow, its been a while, hm?
With all this commotion about possibly the most wonderful thing to ever happen to this game (in my opinion), I thought its a good time as any to make a comic about how ridiculous I find all the flame and troll wars.
I have been waiting for a
flying pony mount
for such a long time, and now not only does my main character get to have one, but ALL OF MY TOONS! And all levels of riding skill! Happiest day of my life. Kinda. ... I really like ponies. And sparkly things.
Mmmm. Sparklies.
I threw together some wallpaper versions of the comic for you guys. :3
1920 x 1200
1920 x 1080
1280 x 1024
Note: The lyrics are from an
all-time favourite song
of mine, that most of you will probably recognise
Wowhead Comic #21
Happy Midsummer Fire Festival, everyone!
Uh, nevermind. I'm a bit late for that now. Oh well! Its done at least.
Here's a Festival comic written by our lovely
. She raised the technicalities relating to the quests to
of the other factions main cities. So you've taken a flame, great! How? On a stick? And even then, where do you keep it, to stop it going out on your rush back to hand it into the NPC?
How about in your pocket? Well, that wouldn't be very safe now, would it? Your clothes would catch on fire..
Apologies again for the lack of comics lately, I've been incredibly busy, and I still don't have a full time comic writer!
Reminder: If you have any short WoW related comic scripts, or any comic ideas, please dont be afraid to mail them to me via
, I do read them all, even if I dont have the time to draw them all!
Edit: Yes. Miyari is wearing Horde-Boxer-S
Wowhead Comic #20
Better late then never, eh?
This weeks comic was written by Oneric! And features his pretty little priest and our own
. (The very feminine but
blood elf.)
Keep the comic scripts coming guys! I'm still sifting through the emails but the ones I've received so far are pretty promising and I'll try to draw up those that really jump out at me with awesomeness.
More ramblings to come after the break...
Pretty Picture Filler Week!
As you may have noticed, I've been slacking with the comics. There are a couple reasons behind this, but its mainly due to me being eye-bleedingly busy. I've been using the days I allocate each week for Wowhead, to work on
badge images for the wonderful
Wowhead Staff
I will be drawing these for other staff members in the near future, and for those that want to commission me for similar badge-art as above, they will be available soon. I'll add some information about it in a future post.
The other reason for a decrease in comic numbers, is a lack of scripts. I no longer have a full-time writer to make them for me, and I'm having terrible writer's block!
So if any of you out there have any ideas for short, simple, and funny WoW-related comic script, please feel free to send an email to feedback@wowhead.com. Who knows...it might get used!
BlizzCon '09 Ticket Sales Announced!
Blizzard have just announced that the tickets for this years BlizzCon Gaming Convention will be going on sale May 16th, and again May 30th!
The tickets will cost $125 USD, and will be sold in two batches as to give everyone a chance at nabbing their pass to this awesome (IRL*) event. This fourth BlizzCon will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California, on August 21st and 22nd. Like last year, DIRECTV® will be offering the chance to watch the goings on of the convention with their Pay Per View service. Just in case you are unfortunate, and cannot attend BlizzCon in person.
Like me. /cry
Go here for more information!
Blizzard Press Release
*In real life. Cause we all have to go outside sometimes.
Wowhead Comic #19
I know this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but hey, we all have bad days.
Children's Week
Mr. Wiggles
is finally mine. Apart from the amazingly adorable chubby little piggy, my favourite part of this event is the
Bad Example
achievement. It's not difficult, doesn't have a story behind it, no special significance, it's just ironically mean. And that amuses me. Just one of those fun, selfish and silly achievements.
And so this week's comic has no joke, no punchline, etc. Just lots and lots of delicious and moist cake.
Mmm. Moist.
Wowhead Comic #18
Ding ding, me again.
This week's script was written by and stars Koren (the BE priest lady). She's been hunting that darn
Time-Lost Proto Drake
for gosh knows how long, (so have I /sadface) and is frustrated how quickly it is snapped up by other people in the hunt for it.
So, good luck to her, and I hope she bags herself this prize mount soon. <3 (and me too)
Note: Please, for the sake of her sanity and mine, pretty please don't reply to this blog post saying, OH I HAVE ONE, I FOUND IT SO-SO EASILY, etc etc. Or blood vessels will burst. And she might stab me in the head with a pen. And, uh, ignore the fact she can't actually use a crossbow ingame, for comic purposes it's nifty and cute.
Wowhead Comic #17
Happy Chocolate-and-Egg-day everybody!
We have to suffer without our bunnies and eggies for a little longer this year, but at least we get them for more than a day!
For 2009, Noblegarden will be hitting the servers soonly after Patch 3.1 is released, and will last for a week! So we'll all have plenty of time to get our pretty dresses and tuxes.
Peace. xx
Wowhead Comic #16
Tuesday! Time for a comic!
Sorry for the delay folks, this one took me a while to draw.
Plus I had my first raid on Saturday night, so I was reading up fights for hours. ;o /excuses
This week's script was written by, and stars, Snowfi. The little pink-haired mageykins.
Without further ado, I give you
, during Tuesday Maintenance.
Those poor bosses finally get a few hours to themselves without random heroes turning up and trying to stick various spiky objects into their heads.
Wowhead Comic #15
Hey lookie, it's Sunday! Have a comic.
I uh... I think
Varian Wrynn
needs a brain scan. ): The poor fellow, such short term memory loss.
Kay back to playing WoW, Noxiia is almost 80! Ahh! My first 80! *squeal*
Wowhead Comic #14
Sorry folks, didn't have the time to make a full length comic this week. Busy busy busy!
But, as I had so much fun with the Boomkitty, I decided to go the other route.
Meet Mr. Bearhealz!
I wish I could draw more of these with other classes, but the druid forms were just so flexible..
Anyhoo. I stuck them together and made a
, purely for my own amusement, but I figured I'd add it to this blog post!
Widescreen (1920x1200)
Standard (1600x1200)
Wowhead Comic #13
"Oh, hey,
dual specs
, neato! Now... how do I switch? What does this button do-
While drawing this I decided that a 'Boomkitty' would be the greatest class spec... ever. It's cute, and awesome.
Also, I've gone slightly insane.
That is all.
Wowhead Comic #12
This week brings another installment of WBN!
- binglybingly news jingle -
Two more News Staff members join us this time, my gorgeous Blood Elf co-Anchor,
, and the ever-lovable Orc Weatherman,
Malgayne is
. He's just.. Pretty. Oh so pretty.
Reminder: The Wowhead News Network series is still accepting suggestions for comic subjects. Send your ideas to feedback@wowhead.com with the subject line "WBN" and if I get some good ones, I'll make comics out of them. :)
(Script credit goes to Palehoof/Bill Hicks)
Wowhead Comic #11
It's been a couple of weeks since I've had the time to make a comic, but here's a nice simple one.
Flirt with Disaster
I enjoyed making this one, I do love those dresses!
I had a moment of stupidity with this achievement, I just couldn't get it to work!... Then of course I realised I had no perfume on my toon. So yay, wasted petals. SIGH. Oh well!
Either way, I hope you all enjoyed this year's Valentine's event. I didn't have the time to get many of the fun achievements done, I'll certainly be envious of those of you with the
Love Fool
Til next week. xx
And of course, here is the
horde equivalent
Wowhead Comic Filler Art Week
Sorry for the lack of comics, folks—I've been so busy doing artwork commissions for the boys and girls here at Wowhead that I haven't had time to draw up a comic this week!
I don't have a comic to show, but I hate for you guys to go without—so I've gotten my clients' permission to post some of the works-in-progress here so you can see what I've been working on all this time.
First, though, a random sketch from the Wowhead Broadcast News network:
Click to see more!
Wowhead Comic #10
Sorry it's a little late this weekend!
I have heard many tales of the new raid content being so surprisingly easy, and then the oh-so-experienced getting their bottoms handed back on a silver platter by the drake trio in
Sartharion's lair
Note: I know the paladin's
is incredibly outdated, but it's
, and you at least all know he's a paladin. That's pretty much my only reason for drawing him dressed that way.
- insert binglybingly tacky news jingle song here -
Wowhead Comic #9
Hooray! Sunday.
I'm sure there are some of you out there that have no idea what this is referenced to, so here's a
Thanks to Web for writing another awesome comic.
Wowhead Comic #8
It's me again!
Didn't have much motivation this week to give you a full comic, so I made something... unusual.
Introducing the first of what will become the Azeroth Justice League!
Milk-Man the Magnificent, defender of the weak, savior to the malnourished.
I felt Taurens needed some love, they are after all big cuddly cows. And what better way to show my love than to dress one up in spandex, red undies, and a cape.
Remember kids, don't take it seriously. I make these silly comics for my own enjoyment, and I ask nothing in return.
"If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."