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A Bit of Nostalgia - Who Got You Playing WoW?
Time for a bit of
to feed your addiction. As if it's possible to play World of Warcraft or visit Wowhead without becoming an addict.
Who got you into WoW?
I remember my best e-friend named Shawn. We came from
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
, also heavy
players in intermediate gaming leagues (2v2 and 5v5). He introduced me to WOW when he got in the beta. I checked the website and said, "That thing looks corny, and I don't think it's exciting at all. The story sounds good, but..." Oh, how little did I know. I was addicted as soon as
came out...
Taking a Break Can Ease Challenges
Have any of you taken a
MMO vacation
recently? I know I have. Sometimes you need some time away from things to clear your head. Maybe catch up on a few chores or errands you put off recently. I remember last playing World of Warcraft a few months ago. I was working on an
which was timed. I thought it was really fun, but it was kind of hard at the time, too.
Whether I'm trying to pull off a huge combo in a skateboarding game or trying to solve a riddle in a role-playing game I feel as though my work would be complete if only I could achieve that one special goal. Of course, it seldom happens that way for me.
Not Enough Hotkeys? The Secret Art of Palm-Pressing
Wishing you had a way to get more keys in-game? I had a tough time managing key binds over the years. Eventually I developed a method I like to call
. Through this technique, I am able to multiply the amount of buttons my fingers push. Interested?
Thinking About Other MMOs? Me, Too
It started when World of Warcraft was released and it didn't take long for me to become an obsessed fan, a hardcore player spending hours upon hours in Azeroth every day. Lately though, I've burned out and play less than ever. The thing is, I miss adventure.
Have you ever thought about playing another massively multi-player online game (MMO)?
I have.
And it isn't difficult to understand a large number of WoW players are casual gamers. It should come as no surprise that, for a game we subscribe to monthly, many players put a lot of time into their characters.
Do casual gamers get tired of playing the same game even though they invest fewer hours per week?
Unbeknown to myself, I recently discovered a plethora of MMO choices floating around the Internet. No doubt some of you have heard of games such as Vanguard or Warhammer, games which were supposed to dethrone World of Warcraft after their release (yet failed to do so). But how many of you have heard of the game
Perfect World International
, the English adaptation of a popular Chinese MMO sequel? It's a free to pla
Gamers Are Normal? Shh, Don't tell!
Do you know someone who plays games, but isn't really a gamer? I've met a lot of what I like to call “normal” people in Azeroth. But wait, normal you say? Playing World of Warcraft?
How can this be?!
All kinds of people play WoW. People who are new to online gaming, or video and computer games period, have been constantly flocking toward what I consider the most full-featured and accessible MMO built to date. The number of people who had, previously, never ventured beyond Solitaire on Windows 3.1 is impressive. Now they're raiding and getting phat lewtz every week. How awesome is that?
Of course, everyone knows we gamers are far from normal. We fly around on mystical dragons, take magic carpet rides, and yes--we even have neighbors who waggle when they walk (sometimes named
So what exactly is normal when we're all responsible for this madness?
What exactly do you define as a “normal” person? Do you hide your gaming habits from others?
Taking an MMO Vacation? Come Back Soon!
Did you know over 11.5 million people were subscribed to World of Warcraft
the Ulduar 3.1 patch was released? Imagine how many more players have come back to the game since. It never ceases to amaze me how many people share in our joy playing what has become, apparently, the top massively multi-player online (MMO) game in the world.
What is it that attracts so many people for so long?
I'm not really sure myself. I love the atmosphere, the lore, and the friends I've made in-game. No matter what time of the week, month, or year I can always find something to do in Azeroth. In fact, I'm so Azeroth-ed out that I actually think I need an MMO vacation. Of course, I know whenever I get bored or a new patch is released, I always seem to come back.
Has the game ever gone stale for you? Been bored or took a break? What is it that keeps you coming back (or do you just love visiting Wowhead)?
Dark Riders, Tree Branches, & Evil Dudes--Oh, My!
My goal in writing entries such as this remains simple: to encourage readers to get back in the game and do those quests they never even knew existed, to explore and go where no other has so boldly gone before, and to come back here to tell us about their experiences or interpretations. If you like reading these entries help spread the word--it's bird! Er, blog--I MEAN BLOG! Tell your friends about our blog!
In my last entry I covered a lot of information concerning the history and origins of worgen. There is a plethora of lore surrounding the worgen and I fear we only got a glimpse of it last time. Follow along this week as we tackle the Dark Riders, Scythe of Elune, and some sinister wizard-wannabes, the likes of which you've always hated when leveling up. Ugh!
Worgen - E.D. With Attitude
They are fearless. They are many. They are entire dimensions from home.
I'm talking about worgen, a race of wolf-men creatures which somewhat contrast the nature-loving furbolg (read about those furries
). Worgen are extra-dimensional creatures, as best our undead friends can tell, which exist for the sole purpose of destroying anything and everything they encounter. They were thought to be tame, or at least tame enough to be controlled for the purposes of good, but the worgen secretly mutinied against their new found masters.
Despite differences between furbolg, worgen, and myself there's one thing we all share in common—
we're really hungry!
That Darn Furbolg
Some 10,000 years ago
, revered mage of the
Kirin Tor
and a member of The Six who oversee
, negotiated an alliance between earthen, tauren, night elves, and a mysterious bear-man race who supposedly originated in
. The alliance proved successful against the Burning Legion for the time being. Over the years these bear-men, given the term furbolg, befriended the night elves and tauren. The night elves found nurturing allies in the furbolg as they were invaluable for their knowledge of the moonlit forests. However, the Burning Legion would not let this truce go unhindered for long.
Our blog entry today deals with the furbolg. I bet a lot of you have seen them in-game, whether you recognized them or not. Through time, I have learned to appreciate some of the finer points of lore and I think these creatures are simply fascinating. Some of you may be curious about what a furbolg is and why exactly I am obsessed with them. Well, who cares!
Creating Good Forum Topic Titles
We have a large community here at Wowhead and ever since the introduction of our forums there has been a large amount of threads which all share one thing in common: "Help me, please!" Many users looking for help at other sites are often left feeling lost, but thanks to our great community of users (and obviously our staff), we like to think most of you actually do receive the help you need—whether it's in the form of a direct answer or simply being pointed in the right direction. In this entry, my goal is to help lead users away from vague "Help me!" titles and towards more specific requests, so they can get the help they're looking for.
Hacked Passwords - Are You Safe?
As some of you may have read in one of our recent blogs account security is at an all-time high for World of Warcraft fans. Coming after the release of a highly anticipated expansion, and an especially busy holiday season, many players are still finding their accounts compromised. Historically, Blizzard has been able to track and shut down illegal activity, but these things are complicated and could take up to several months for a thorough investigation. Even then, not all accounts are able to be restored completely, if at all.
As we covered
, the top three culprits are shared account passwords, illegal account services (real money trading or power-leveling, etc.) and malware such as trojans or viruses. Blizzard will never ask for an account password except on the official website, the official forums or Armory, and the actual game log-in screen. Likewise, never share an account password with another person, even ones you trust.
Philosophy of a Good Player
Recently I began digging around in various forums (both here at
and at other sites) trying to find a few good replies to the question, "What does it take to be a good DPS?"
Many players are still learning, or perhaps just started the game—and with over 11 million players, surely there are questions. My goal is to provide answers of a different color. Today I'm throwing out another (hopefully) thought-provoking entry. I originally planned it around damage dealers exclusively, but this entry can be applied to many roles (and in real life). And no, it was not conceived that way because I'm suffering from an influx of
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3
. Okay, maybe I lied. Maybe. =)
Did You Notice? Patch Changes in 3.0.8
Blizzard has been hard at work tinkering with professions, working on classes, and fixing a million other miscellaneous things to bring the game better in line with their vision.
In an effort to keep you guys from having to read all the boring details now that 3.0.8 (
patch notes
) is live, I've decided to to point out some changes or additions which I thought deserved extra attention. To quote Samuel L. Jackson, "Hold on to your butts!"
Find out more after the break!
It's Flat! Using Wowhead Maps
The parrot spoke in a language I could not understand. Had I a cracker, I might try to coax the rainbow-colored Polly into guiding me to the nearest encampment...but empty-handed, I was forced to go it alone – all alone in the deep, damp jungle. The night was quickly approaching as the sun sat midway on the horizon. Unlike some of my unfortunate companions, I was smart enough to have brought my own set of charts and maps...but I suddenly realized that without proper knowledge I may as well not even possess them.
Insert Wowhead. We have a wonderful tool here aptly named
Wowhead Maps
. In this blog entry I will introduce the mapping system and show how to use it to explore, pinpoint, and share destinations with others. Stick around, it's definitely going to be a mappy New Year!
Nameplates & Suggestions to Blizzard
In my entry today I'm going to discuss two little issues which I feel aren't being paid enough attention. Nameplates and the default threat system. You may be asking yourself, "What in Azeroth's three continents does threat and etched dinnerware have to do with each other?" The answer, of course, is you are silly. No, but seriously, these are two little topics which I'm going to present separately, then show you my suggestion to Blizzard to help truly maximize some of the already included features in the game.
Stick around for some exciting highs, disagreeable lows, and a lollercoaster ride you'll never forget. Okay, maybe not. Stick around anyway!
Holiday Security Issues & Advice
This is a notice to let everyone know there has indeed been a surge in account security resulting in hijacked accounts, stolen items, and even loss of characters. It is very important we stress the fact that everyone needs to have their operating system, Internet browser, virus scanners, and/or any malware scanners updated to the most current versions. Please take the necessary steps to ensure no one can gain access to your computer or account without permission.
According to Blizzard, majority of accounts are compromised by one of the methods listed here, after the break:
Dress to Impress - Winter Veil Edition
Season's greetings, everyone! Yes, it's that time of year again. Another great reason to dress up and look, feel, and be merry. This week we have the latest trend in fashion—
Winter Garb
! A delightful combination of fine firs, combined with smooth, delectable velvet.
Unfortunately, the Winter Collection this year is going fast! If
having a hard time finding that perfect piece to complement your winter ensemble, never fear! I have all the answers you seek
right here
. Stay tuned!
Now That I'm 80...
Wrath of the Lich King has now officially been out for an entire month. For many players the mad rush to hit max level is done. For others there are still a few levels to go. In either case, there's one big question which plagues most minds when ascending the final plateau – What happens next?
What to do when reaching level eighty is at the core of our topic today. I'll start off with some examples of some interesting things one may have missed in their journey. Special items, factions, and dungeons – let's explore our options for max level in 3.0.
Threat Gauging in 3.0
Ever wondered how that awesome warrior could handle six different creatures at once in a dungeon? What about the druid who did the same thing yesterday or even that paladin, or death knight, who took on six and then took on three more just for show? There's an insider secret to the trade and it's one without a name. Yeah, that warrior was doing it. The main tank in that world first guild has been doing it all along. That guild on your realm who just downed Malygos? Yep. It's so good even my grandmother does it. It really
So what is it? It's what separates the warriors from the peasants, the big dogs from the pups, the scrubs from the pros. Interested? Good. It may take some time, or perhaps you already possess all the necessary skills. Regardless, the info is out, and you can read all about it for three easy installments of
. Sorry, no C.O.D.
Read on for free! (Limited time offer)
Basic Example of Threat & Aggro
In today's class we're going to review the basics of threat mechanics--what threat, aggro, and hate are. These terms are familiar to most players, but are often misunderstood. A proper understanding can aid tactics and lesson confusion in-game.
Of course, this is also a great introduction to tanking. Wondering how these big, armor-clad warriors, paladins, druids, or death knights got so mean and hated by creatures everywhere? Well then, sit down and open your books to page three hundred, seventy-six. This is Insensitivity Training 101!