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How to Earn the Amani Battle Bear in Cataclysm Classic
With Phase 2 of Cataclysm Classic now underway, it has brought with it a rather unique mount, the
Kampfbär der Amani
! While this mount is new and unique, it is similar to the
Kriegsbär der Amani
that players could in The Burning Crusade Classic, but is now unobtainable.
Don't Miss These 'Rise of the Zandalari' Questline Rewards in Cataclysm Classic
Cataclysm Classic Phase Two is now live, and with it comes a new quest chain for players to complete, The Rise of the Zandalari! Aside from the lore, there are several reasons to complete this chain, including
Zerlumpter Beutel aus Hexerstoff
Unique 'Molten' Weapons Exclusive to Molten Core Heat Level 3 - Season of Discovery
Season of Discovery Phase 4 is underway and now that Molten Core is finally available, we're taking a close look at some of the cosmetic rewards that players can receive by completing Heat Level 3!
How to Obtain the Panther Cub Pet in Cataclysm Classic Phase 2
With the release of Cataclysm Classic Phase 2, players now have access to the
pet! This pet can be earned by following a quest that leads into Zul'Gurub.
Exclusive Developer Interview With Hammerdance - Runes, Raids, & Classic+
World of Warcraft Classic content creator,
, interviewed WoW Classic Senior Game Producer, Josh Greenfield, and Assistant Lead Classic Designer, Tim Jones, where they discussed Runes, Raids, and the future of Classic!
How Warriors Can Earn a Free 16-Slot Bag in Season of Discovery
One of the biggest challenges in Classic World of Warcraft can be managing your bag space and Season of Discovery has been no different. So Warriors will be pleased to note, that they can get one free 16-slot bag in Phase 4.
How to Obtain the Rogue-Exclusive Shadowflame Sword in Season of Discovery
Now that
Geschmolzener Kern
is available in Season of Discovery, Rogues have been happy to finally uncover the secret to their exclusive weapon, the
Everything You Need to Know About Tier Tokens in Season of Discovery
With the release of Molten Core, Tier 1 is finally available in Season of Discovery! Today we're taking a look at everything players can acquire for Tier Tokens!
Neues Druidenmodell beim Tragen von Sulfuras, Hand von Ragnaros in Saison der Entdeckungen
Der Geschmolzene Kern wurde kürzlich in der Saison der Entdeckungen veröffentlicht und die Spieler haben begonnen,
Sulfuras, Hand von Ragnaros
fertigzustellen! Dieser legendäre Hammer, der von
selbst geschwungen wird, wurde für die Saison der Entdeckungen aktualisiert, um ihn für Druiden nutzbar zu machen, und kommt mit einem außergewöhnlichen neuen Aussehen daher.
Geschmolzener Kern & Onyxia jetzt in allen Regionen live - Saison der Entdeckungen
Geschmolzener Kern
Onyxias Hort
sind jetzt live in der Saison der Entdeckungen Phase 4
Erlebt diese Classic Raids mit einem neuen Konzept in der Saison der Entdeckungen. Mit einem neuen Geheimboss, 3 Hitzestufen und aktualisierter Beute ist dieser
Geschmolzener Kern
so, wie ihr ihn noch nie zuvor gesehen habt!
Geschmolzener Kern- & Onyxias Hort-Raidguides - Saison der Entdeckungen
Egal, ob ihr ein Classic Raid-Veteran seid oder heute Abend zum ersten Mal den Geschmolzenen Kern betretet, die Dinge haben sich in Phase 4 der Saison der Entdeckungen so schnell verändert, dass ihr euch unsere aktuellen Raidguides ansehen solltet!
Blackrock Spire Fire Resistance Buff Unavailable for Molten Core - Season of Discovery
After last night's
update on the Fire Resistance requirements
Geschmolzener Kern
Heat Levels, players in Season of Discovery Phase 4 have been working on hard on last minute preparation requirements.
How to Obtain Fire Resistance Enchants in Season of Discovery
With the
Geschmolzener Kern
launch imminent in Season of Discovery Phase 4, players have been busy preparing any Fire Resistance they can.
A couple of enchants in-game can greatly assist that, including
Hydraxianische Krönung
Geringes Arkanum der Widerstandsfähigkeit
New Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation Reward Allows Teleportation to Azshara - Season of Discovery
Sometimes, traveling around in World of Warcraft Classic can be tedious, but Season of Discovery has introduced a few new shortcuts!
Schildhände aus Versunkenem Tempel jetzt für Angelaufener Real aus Undermine verfügbar - Saison der Entdeckungen
Da die Raids immer näher rücken, hat Blizzard in der Saison der Entdeckungen Schildhand-Gegenstände aus dem Versunkenen Tempel im Tausch gegen Angelaufener Real aus Undermine verfügbar gemacht.
Drinkable Stratholme Holy Water Found in Season of Discovery
In Season of Discovery, with new and better gear being acquired all the time, it is often felt that the available mana drinks can be a bit behind your mana bar. Thankfully though,
Rüstmeisterin Miranda Breechlock
now has you covered.
Rune Reward Weapons & Special Tribute in Season of Discovery Phase 4
In Season of Discovery Phase 4, some Runes come with additional rewards, such as unique weapons, while one contains an honorary reference to Azeroth's First Warrior.
Devilcore Leatherworking Patterns Found in Season of Discovery Phase 4
Things are heating up this week in Season of Discovery Phase 4! The anticipated
Muster: Teufelskerngamaschen
Muster: Teufelskernstulpen
have been found in-game for the first time!
How to Acquire Dungeon Set 2 (Tier 0.5) in Season of Discovery Phase 4
With Season of Discovery Phase 4 underway, players have reached level 60 and will be looking to complete their iconic Tier 0.5 Dungeon Sets as soon as possible! Here we look at everything we know about these updated 0.5 sets, including how to acquire them.
Server-Wide Priest Racial Abilities Solved in Season of Discovery
The Priests of Azeroth have discovered how to unlock server-wide Priest Racial Abilities, allowing them to learn a Priest Spell from another Race!