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Free T-Shirt Day Micro-Holiday: Get Your T-Shirts Now for One Day Only!
The microholiday Free T-Shirt Day is live today August 16th on NA and EU realms until midnight. Get your Free T-shirts Now!
Diablo IV
Diablo 4 Patch 1.5.1 Patch Notes - Infernal Hordes Buffed, Rogue Tempers Re-Enabled, Masterworking Bugs Fixed
Blizzard has released patch notes for Diablo 4 Patch 1.5.1, incuding buffs to several Infernal Hordes modifiers, Rogue Tempering manuals re-enabled, and Masterworking bugs fixed for several Unique items.
Diablo IV
Trading Re-enabled in Diablo 4 Season 5
Players are reporting that trading has been re-enabled in Diablo 4 Season 5!
Patch 4.4.1 Now On Encrypted Vendor Servers for Cataclysm Classic
Patch 4.4.1 has been pushed to Encrypted Vendor Servers, which is our first indication of the next phase of Cataclysm Classic!
Diablo IV
Gauntlet Reenabled in Diablo 4 Season 5 - Ready for Play
Blizzard has reenabled The Gauntlet in Diablo 4 Season 5 after a bugfix required that it be disabled briefly.
Diablo IV
Diablo BlizzFest Sales Begin - Bundles, Enamel Pins, Inarius Statue & More
BlizzFest Sales have come to the Diablo section of the Blizzard Gear Store - check out prices up to 50% off on clothing bundles, enamel pins, the incredible Inarius statue, and more!
Fix for Missing Cloak of Infinite Potential Transmogs Coming in The War Within
Blizzard has stated that missing appearances for the Cloak of Infinite Potential in Pandaria Remix will be address in The War Within, granting players the missing looks.
Diablo IV
Trading Temporarily Disabled in Diablo 4 Season 5
Blizzard has temporarily disabled trading in Diablo 4 due to a possible duplication issue.
Diablo IV
Gauntlet Temporarily Disabled in Diablo 4 Season 5
Blizzard has temporarily disabled The Gauntlet in Diablo 4 Season 5 in order to address a newly found issue.
Diablo IV
Diablo 4 Saison 5 Hotfix 2 - Übermäßige Schmuck-Droprate behoben, Problem mit abyssalen Schriftrollen behoben
Blizzard hat eine weitere Runde von Hotfixes für Diablo 4 Saison 5 veröffentlicht, die sich mit dem Verschwinden von abyssalen Schriftrollen befassen und die übermäßigen Dropraten von Schmuck beheben.
Sparklepony Comes to Diablo 4 - Celestial Steed Crossover Mount Now Available
The Sparklepony has made its way to Diablo 4 - the World of Warcraft Celestial Steed mount is making its debut in Sanctuary.
Iconic WoW Lore Figure Transmog Now in Diablo 4 - Varian Wrynn, Xavius, Xal'atath, Sylvanas, & Kael'thas
World of Warcraft is crossing into Diablo 4 in a big way - classes are each getting a cosmetic set modeled after an iconic WoW lore figure, weapons and all! Check out the models for the brand new Varian Wrynn, Xavius, Xal'atath, Sylvanas, and Kael'thas sets.
Diablo IV
Diablo 4 Saison 5 Hotfix 1 - Umbracrux reaktiviert, Varshan-Beschwörung gefixt
Blizzard hat den ersten Hotfix für Diablo 4 Saison 5 veröffentlicht, der einen Fehler behebt, der die wiederholte Beschwörung von Varshan verhinderte, sowie das Jäger-Unique Umbracrux wieder aktiviert.
Patch 1.15.4 jetzt auf verschlüsselten Anbieterservern - Saison der Entdeckungen Phase 5-Updates?
Blizzard hat Patch 1.15.4 auf die verschlüsselten Anbieterserver aufgespielt, was ein erstes Anzeichen für Saison der Entdeckungen Phase 5 sein könnte!
Diablo IV
Best Uniques in Season 5 - Diablo 4 Unique Item Tier List Updated
Uniques got a huge overhaul in Season 5 - so which ones are the best? Our Diablo 4 Unique Item Tier List is now live, so check out the best options to finish your BiS list!
Diablo IV
The Umbracrux Unique Power Temporarily Disabled in Diablo 4 Season 5
Blizzard has released a post stating they are disabling the Unique power of The Umbracrux temporarily in Diablo 4 Season 5 to address an experience gain glitch.
Diablo IV
How to Fix the Bugged Reinforced Door during Of Lambs and Wolves in Diablo 4 Season 5
Many players trying to complete the Diablo 4 Season 5 quest Of Lambs and Wolves have run into a frustrating bugged Reinforced Door almost immediately - here's how to fix it.
Diablo IV
New Diablo 4 Cosmetics - All Classes Receive New Sets in Season 5
Every class is getting some new cosmetic options in Diablo 4 Season 5 - check out the models for the newest arrivals in Tejal's Shop.
Diablo IV
Beauty in Sin Sets Return - New Strappy Leather Cosmetics for Necromancer and Sorcerer in Diablo 4
Rogues aren't the only ones who get to experience Beauty in Sin now - Necromancers and Sorcerers have two racy new cosmetic sets as of Diablo 4 Season 5!
Diablo IV
Best Builds for Diablo 4 Season 5 - Tier List Now Live
Looking for the best build to start Season 5 out strong? Our Diablo 4 Endgame Tier List is now live - check out the best options to blast through the game!