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Basic Example of Threat & Aggro
In today's class we're going to review the basics of threat mechanics--what threat, aggro, and hate are. These terms are familiar to most players, but are often misunderstood. A proper understanding can aid tactics and lesson confusion in-game.
Of course, this is also a great introduction to tanking. Wondering how these big, armor-clad warriors, paladins, druids, or death knights got so mean and hated by creatures everywhere? Well then, sit down and open your books to page three hundred, seventy-six. This is Insensitivity Training 101!
Skills to Pay the Bills: First Aid
Skills to Pay the Bills
is a three-part feature that will cover the important details of leveling the secondary tradeskills of Fishing, First Aid and Cooking in Wrath of the Lich King. These posts are written for the player entering Northrend with all secondary professions already maxed (at 375 skill). For information on leveling tradeskills prior to 375, check out the
Profession Leveling Guides
sticky on our
Part 2: First Aid
First Aid
is pretty straightforward - learn recipes, get cloth, make bandages, ta-da!
You can train
Grand Master First Aid
from a
Grand Master First Aid Trainer
located in
Borean Tundra
Howling Fjord
. The trainer will teach you how to make
Frostweave Bandages
, which require 1
Frostweave Cloth
Phat Lewtz Contest - Phase 1
We're giving away loot cards from the new
This is day
of the first phase, and as such we will be giving away two
cards (
) at the end of the day. When we're done with this phase, we just might give away some MORE cards... :D
Read the contest details FIRST!
Then, post a comment here with the
most EPIC loot drop
you've ever gotten for a chance to win!
Note: As mentioned in the
contest rules
, if you don't win today you can enter again tomorrow – but tomorrow there will be a
blog post, and you will have to enter again!
A Game for the Obsessive Compulsive
So having been busy with the site since the expansion came out, I'm actually not NEARLY as high level as I should be. My paladin was level 73 at the time of this writing, which is pretty tame considering the rate at which people are tearing through the new content. But as time goes on, I've realized that I have a problem with WotLK.
I've heard complaints that it's too easy, or that the new gear isn't good enough to replace the old, or other things along those lines. But the difficulty that
have is with instancing.
The instances in WotLK are
. I mean, I don't know if there are any people out there who haven't done them yet, but they're just
. The environments are bigger and more interesting. The fights are more nuanced, and more fun. They feel more connected to the game world--you don't feel as much like you're stepping out of Azeroth and into instance-land. You can see the Howling Fjord from the balcony of Utgarde Keep. There are cinematic sequences embedded in the instances to draw you further in--not long ones, just enough to hype you up and keep you interested.
So what's the problem? The problem i
Five Handy Macros (Yes, I use them!)
Ever wanted more bag space? How about more slots on the toolbar? Here's a list of five practical macros which I enjoy myself and would like to share with other players embarking on their epic journey to Northrend. These work even if one doesn't have the expansion. Simply copy and paste the code into the new macro text area (type /macro to start) and
A Micro-Macro Philosophy
A macro should be something that helps a player out, not burden them or make their play experience unwieldy. So that said, a macro should meet at least two of the following three stipulations to make it on the list:
A macro should not play the game for you, but help you play the game,
A macro must save space on the hotbar,
A macro must provide functionality which, by default, was difficult to achieve.
Check out the 5 macros, after the jump!
Wowhead Comic #3
MMrrugllmbr brml gruk-bgl!
It's new comic day!
Sorry for being slow!
decided he wanted to go on
last weekend. >:(
WoWInterface Pick of the Week for 11/30
Our pick this week is a new addon on WoWInterface,
Are you an alchemist? Does the
Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice
daily quest make your head spin trying to find everything? Want to make it easier and find the ingredients faster? Then try out EasySerum. Every time Alchemist Finklestein whispers you with an ingredient, this addon will print a message into your chat log telling you where to find it.
To read more on how it works, see its
download page
For previous Picks of the Week, see
Are you the author of a mod that you think belongs in this spotlight? Just upload/update it to
, and it will automatically be considered for that week's Pick. :)
Some Site Updates
Just out of the oven!
Achievement Filters
That's correct. Achievements can now be
like everything else on the site.
Powered Script
We're pretty excited to announce that the
powered script
now supports the following:
Enchants, gems, random enchantments
Buff tooltips
Be sure to check out the updated
page! Just view the source of the page to see the way the links were created.
The Eye of Eternity: A Raid Overview
The Eye of Eternity
gives us a fast-paced experience with the blue dragon Malygos. In this fight, we see one of the new features that Wrath of the Lich King brought us: vehicles! See my interpretation and overview of the fight below the cut.
Happy Thanksgiving!
So it's that time of year again here in the US--time for us to gain another 10 pounds, and to start thinking about what we're thankful for.
I started thinking about this recently and it occurred to me that in a very real way, one of the things I'm thankful for is WoW. I hate to sound like a sap, of course, and I know that there are some people out there who have met friends, significant others, even spouses via WoW--or people who have real social lives thanks to WoW friends, etc. I read those stories and I can't help but smile. But that's not
story. My story is a little different.
Another Warcraft RTS?
Wowhead user
recently put up a
in the Randomness forum which asked if Blizzard was planning on a fourth real time strategy (RTS) in the Warcraft series. I quickly drafted a reply after reading through the others, then realized this would make great blogging material! The question I sought to answer was: how exactly is Blizzard going to create another RTS game, and still fit it into the Warcraft universe and timeline?
After some thought, I was able to come up with five possibilities.
The Future of Storytelling
Someone recently brought the following to my attention:
It's a fascinating interview with
Flint Dille
, but for those not interested in reading the entire article, I was drawn to a particular moment when he says “Storytelling in MMO's is the future”. Considering the limitations of running an MMO in a static, unchanging, endlessly repeating world, I found this to be an interesting philosophy.
They're Everywhere...
Looks like someone over at
HP Labs
has been spending a little too much time in Azeroth. Click the image to see! :D
Just in case HP takes the headline down, I've linked a screenshot rather than the front page of their website. :)
Anyone else seen WoW references popping up in unlikely places?
For those of you who don't know the reference, perhaps
will refresh your memory...
A Tale of Two Tribes
Greetings fellow travelers of Northrend! Today I invite you to join me in my adventure into
Sholazar Basin
and experience a war between two rival factions. The
Frenzyheart Tribe
, who were forced to travel to Sholazar Basin because of the Scourge invading their homelands, have taken up arms against the native Gorlocs. The Gorlocs who occupy the basin are known as
the Oracles
, and consider themselves the guardians of the mysterious titan artifacts that litter their home. Though they know almost nothing about these artifacts, they worship and protect them from any harm.
Upon reaching level 76, you might find yourself trudging through the marshes and jungles of Sholazar Basin, surrounded by the warm atmosphere and rich, lavishing landscapes. I'm sure you have come across our little friends roaming the basin, shouting at each other and calling each other names like "Big-tongues" and "Puppy-men", and you may have thought to yourself, "How can I get involved in this growing conflict between these adorable little creatures?" This, my friends, is your answer.
Wowhead Comic #2
It's Sunday!
This means it's time for another comic. This week it's a caption image, I find them somewhat more fun to draw. Although
' puppy proved a challenge.
If you're interested to see the other silly things I draw, go
to visit my gallery website!
Site Slowiness
So you guys may have noticed some slowdown on the site lately. Unfortunately, one of our webservers has suffered a major hard drive failure, and had to be taken offline, and the other two are a little overloaded trying to keep up. We have the team at the data center working on it, and it should be fixed soon.
Kindly bear with us! :(
WoWInterface Pick of the Week for 11/23
This week, we're tackling
Ara Broker XP
(a new addon) and
(an updated addon).
Ara Broker XP
This is a LibDataBroker plugin to display an ASCII representation of your experience bar. You can change which characters to use for the bar (could do ******* or >>>>>> or ~-~-~-~-~-~- even), how many times to repeat the pattern (how long the bar is), and what colors to use. Options are controlled in the lua file, but it should be fairly easy to customize it to your liking, and there are explanations on the addon's download page. Since this is just an LDB plugin, you will need a display to show it in. For more information on LibDataBroker, see
this PotW
To read more about it and download the addon, see
Happy Birthday, WoW
Just a quick one for you guys today--Boubouille over at MMO-Champion was kind enough to inform the public that tomorrow is World of Warcraft's 4th birthday, and to be sure to log in for your
birthday present
. :D
November 23rd
, in whatever time zone your server happens to be in. EU players have likely gotten their present already!
Friday is Casual Day
To an extent, I have always been a social person. When given the option, I prefer to be hanging out with friends as opposed to doing something alone. I discovered video games before I turned 10 years old during a social gathering where some friends of mine were playing Super Mario Brothers on the
. I was instantly enamored by the concept of electronic gaming and that fascination has carried on into my adult years. The social aspect of gaming has remained important, even to this day. Sure, I play a video game by myself every once in a while, but I have way more fun when I am competing with or against friends, or even when we're simply watching one another play a game.
World of Warcraft is no exception.
What's Your Game?
So Blizzard has added two more celebrity WoW commercials to their lineup for World of Warcraft, one featuring Ozzy Osbourne (the Prince of Darkness) and one featuring Steve Van Zandt (of
The Sopranos
, and of Bruce Springstreen's
E Street Band
Now I love these commercials as much as the next guy. But to me, the genius of this whole thing is much bigger than just some good commercials.