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Neue Jägerbegleiter in Ketten der Herrschaft - Aquilon und Shardhides
Ein kurzer Blick auf die neuen Jägerbegleiter in Ketten der Herrschaft! Dazu gehören Aquilon, Shardhides und neue Begleiter, die ihr auch alten Erweiterungen vielleicht wiedererkennt!
Super Squirt Day for EU Realms on 22nd May - Level Battle Pets Quickly
Super Squirt is live for EU realms this May 22nd! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence where the Pet Battle Event lines up with Squirt being active in the Garrison Menagerie. This day is great for leveling battle pets.
"Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm" erhielt besonderen Regenbogeneffekt - Kampfhaustier für 10.000 polierte Haustierglücksbringer
Das neue Kampfhaustier Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm verleiht nun hin und wieder einen Regenbogeneffekt, nachdem es Rückmeldungen gab, dass das Haustier für diesen Preis nicht einzigartig genug sei.
10,000 Polished Pet Charm Battle Pet - Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm
Today we're previewing four new Baubleworms, coming with the Patch 9.1 PTR! One of these pets costs 10,000 Polished Pet Charms!
Geheimes Kampfhaustier - Mut gefunden!
Das kleine süße Larion-Kampfhaustier Mut wurde entdeckt!
Super Squirt Day for US Realms on 12th February - Powerlevel Battle Pets
Super Squirt is live for US realms this Friday, February 12th! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence that allows you to level battle pets very fast, due to Pet Battle Event and a special Garrison daily event.
Pet Battle Spotlight - Spinebug
As we head in to the holiday season and as the initial grind of Shadowlands wears off, we thought it might be a good time to highlight some interesting pets that you might want to collect! Pet battles, and pet collecting, are a great way to fill time between Mythic+ and raiding.
Pet Battle Spotlight - Dal
As we head in to the holiday season and as the initial grind of Shadowlands wears off, we thought it might be a good time to highlight some interesting pets that you might want to collect! Pet battles, and pet collecting, are a great way to fill time between Mythic+ and raiding.
Battle Pet Spotlight - Renny
As we head in to the holiday season and as the initial grind of Shadowlands wears off, we thought it might be a good time to highlight some interesting pets that you might want to collect! Pet battles, and pet collecting, are a great way to fill time between Mythic+ and raiding. Stay tuned for some more interesting pets in the coming days!
Super Squirt Day for EU Realms on 23rd December - Level Battle Pets Quickly
Super Squirt is live for EU realms this Wednesday, December 23rd! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence where the Pet Battle Event lines up with Squirt being active in the Garrison Menagerie. This day is great for leveling battle pets.
Polished Pet Charm Pricing in Shadowlands
As we head into the final week of Beta for Shadowlands, we are taking a look at the (likely) finalized prices of battle pets. These prices have changed a lot during Beta, and may change again prior to launch. Some battle pets require additional currencies, however those won't be available until Shadowlands. Given Polished Pet Charms are obtainable on live, you are able to prepare right now for these pets!
Mounts and Pets to Match the Sprite Darter Wings Transmog
Now that the Sprite Darter's Wings have been in the game for a few days, we're looking at what mounts or pets you may want to pair with your new transmog!
Super Squirt Day for NA/OCE Realms on 15th October - Level Battle Pets Quickly
Super Squirt is live for NA/OCE realms this Thursday, October 15th! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence where the Pet Battle Event lines up with Squirt being active in the Garrison Menagerie. This day is great for leveling battle pets.
Super Squirt Day for EU Realms on September 24th - Level Battle Pets Quickly
Super Squirt is live for EU realms this Thursday, September 24th! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence where the Pet Battle Event lines up with Squirt being active in the Garrison Menagerie. This day is great for leveling battle pets.
Super Spatz für die EU-Realms am 10. August - levelt schnell eure Kampfhaustiere
Spatz ist an diesem Montag, den 10. August auf den EU-Realms aktiv. Super Spatz ist ein seltenes Ereignis, bei dem das Kampfhaustierereignis mit Spatz in der Garnisonsmenagerie zusammenfällt. Dies ist ein toller Tag, um Kampfhaustiere zu leveln.
Zusammenfassung der Kampfhaustiere in der Shadowlands Alpha - PvP-Haustierkampfmacht, neue Haustiere und Fähigkeiten
Wir haben einige weitere News zu den Kampfhaustieren in Shadowlands, darunter Einzelheiten zur PvP-Haustierkampfmacht, die neuen Kampfhaustierfähigkeiten, neue Haustiermodelle und einige Quellen!
Super Squirt Pet Battle Event Live for US on 17th of June
Super Squirt is live for US realms this Wednesday the 17th of June! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence that allows you to level battle pets very fast.