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Best 11.0.2 Pre-Patch Talent Builds for All Classes - Raid, Mythic+ & Leveling in the War Within
With the War Within Pre-Patch 11.0.2 arriving with this week's reset, we've updated all our best Level 70 Talent Builds for Raid, Mythic+, and Leveling builds including completely new trees for Paladins & Shamans.
Last Week of Dragonflight's Great Vault - Don't Forget to Claim Rewards
The Great Vault in Dragonflight is officially closing, with rewards no longer able to be obtained after this week. Don't forget to claim any items you may have forgotten about in your Vault!
Patch 11.0.2 Servers Now Live in North America
An hour ahead of scheduled maintenance, North American servers are now live with The War Within Patch 11.0.2!
Hunter's Raptor Fury Buffed, Paladin's Divine Light Nerfed - Season of Discovery Hotfix
Blizzard has released an undocumented Hotfix for Season of Discovery which increases the damage and duration of Hunter's
Fureur du raptor
Rune, adds an 8-second Cooldown to Paladin's
Lumière divine
, and reduces the Energy gained from Rogue's
Attaques focalisées
to 2.
Blizzard Spotlights New PvP Map: Deephaul Ravine
Blizzard has just posted an overview of a new PvP map coming in The War Within known as Deephaul Ravine.
Reminder: Don't Forget to Obtain These MoP Remix-Exclusive Event Rewards
Remix: Mists of Pandaria will end in a little under a week, and there are several cosmetic items from the event that will become unobtainable once the event ends. We've compiled a quick list of items exclusive to Remix, if you aren't done with the event yet!
The War Within
Holy Paladin Hero Talent Showdown in The War Within - Herald of the Sun vs. Lightsmith
Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Holy Paladin in The War Within? Our Holy Paladin Writer, HolyClarius, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme.
Diablo IV
Diablo 4 Season 5 Hotfix 3 - Infernal Hordes GA Chests Fixed, Runeshards Now Drop In Nightmare Dungeons
In a much-requested hotfix, Blizzard has fixed multiple issues around endgame progression, such as Greater Equipment Chests in Infernal Hordes now dropping a Greater Affix item every time and Runeshards dropping in Nightmare dungeons again!
Dracthyr Warrior Teased in Latest WoWCast - Dracthyr Class Restriction Removal Coming Soon
In today's WoWCast, we got a teaser for a Dracthyr Warrior during a segment on Warbands suggesting the class restriction removal for Dracthyr could come very soon after the War Within's launch.
Raid, Dungeons, PvP, and Delves in The War Within Developer Discussion
Blizzard has released a new developer deep dive, discussing the Raid, dungeons, PvP, and delves coming in The War Within!
Diablo IV
Gauntlet Temporarily Disabled in Diablo 4 Season 5
Blizzard has temporarily disabled The Gauntlet in Diablo 4 Season 5 in order to address a newly found issue.
The War Within Patch 11.0.2 Extended Maintenance until 3:00 PM PDT
In preparation for the launch of The War Within Patch 11.0.2, Blizzard has announced extended maintenance on Tuesday, August 13th. Servers are expected to be down from 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT.
The War Within
Augmentation Evoker Hero Talent Showdown in The War Within - Chronowarden vs. Scalecommander
Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Augmentation Evoker in The War Within? Our Augmentation Writer, Jereico, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme.
The War Within
Protection Warrior Hero Talent Showdown in The War Within - Colossus vs. Mountain Thane
Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Protection Warrior in The War Within? Our Protection Warrior Writer, Nomeratur, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme.
The War Within
The Weekly Reset with Taliesin and Evitel: Cinematic, Music, Transmog
This week they talk about the latest news from the War Within Beta, Transmog drama, music, the new cinematic, and more...
The War Within
Class Tuning Hotfixes on War Within Beta August 12th (Part 5) - Windwalker, Mage, Outlaw
Some more class tuning hotfixes have been pushed to the Beta for Brewmaster, Windwalker, Mage, Outlaw.
The War Within
Arcane Mage Hero Talent Showdown in The War Within - Spellslinger vs. Sunfury
Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Arcane in The War Within? Our Arcane Writer, Porom, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme.
The War Within
Secondary Stat Flasks Nerfed by 15% on War Within Beta
The secondary stat flasks have just been nerfed by 15% on the War Within Beta.
Twitch Drops Return on August 26th - Ghastly Charger Mount
Twitch Drops are returning on August 26th with the Ghastly Charger mount!
Support a Streamer by Gifting 2 Twitch Subs to Receive Watcher of the Huntress Pet - Aug 26th to Sept 26th
Blizzard has announced that Support a Streamer event for The War Within between August 26th to September 26th! Gift 2 Twitch subs to participating streamers to receive the Watcher of the Huntress pet.