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Patch 4.4.1 Now On Encrypted Vendor Servers for Cataclysm Classic
1 일 전
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Patch 4.4.1 has been pushed to Encrypted Vendor Servers, which is our first indication of the next phase of Cataclysm Classic!
Cataclysm Classic Phase 2 launched on July 30, allowing players to return to Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman once more. Now we're seeing possible updates on the horizon again - patch 4.4.1 is now on the encrypted vendor servers!
In the original run of Cataclysm, the next content released to players after the Rise of the Zandalari patch was the Rage of the Firelands patch, bringing with it Molten Front dailies, a new faction, and of course, the Firelands raid. While new content isn't completely off the table for Cataclysm Classic, players certainly have plenty to look forward to with this iconic raid and quest hub.
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