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Player Earns 1,366 Burning Aether During Infernal Horde Run - Diablo 4
디아블로 IV
4 일 전
에 의해 작성됨
Recently, we shared
the best strategy for farming Burning Aether during Infernal Hordes
. This method focuses on stacking the same event type every round, to multiply the potential
불타는 에테르
earned, with the best event options consistently including those that increase Hellborne or Elites. One player recently shared that they earned 1,366
불타는 에테르
by following this strategy!
Originally shared by
, this player was able to earn 1,366
불타는 에테르
in one Tier 8 Infernal Horde run! Luckily, this player also shared their selected Boons and Banes, which happen to coincide with the recommendation of stacking Hellborne events.
While it is certainly lucky that they were provided with so many options that buffed their Hellborne events, this provides more evidence that the strategy is effective! What is your personal best record for
불타는 에테르
during Infernal Hordes? Let us know your strategies in the comments down below!
The Best Strategy For Farming Burning Aether During Infernal Hordes in Diablo 4
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