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Players Will Receive Legendary Cache of Greater Affix Items Next Week - Diablo 4
디아블로 IV
16 시간 29 분 전
에 의해 작성됨
With the first week of Season 5 behind us, many players have defeated the Fell Council of the Infernal Hordes, maxed out their Mother's Gift Reputation, and completed the final Chapter of their Season Journey. However, players have also noticed that the rewards from the
Spoils of Greater Equipment
상급 삼위일체단 무기 보관함
, and
파괴자의 장비 보관함
have felt lackluster.
Luckily, the
Spoils of Greater Equipment
from Infernal Hordes was corrected in a
recent Hotfix
. However, as a part of
Patch 1.5.1
, which releases August 20th, Blizzard is going a step further and compensating players who have already opened these rewards.
All players will receive a cache of Legendary items with guaranteed Greater Affixes, to make up for the issue seen with patch 1.5.0 where players were not getting items with guaranteed Greater Affixes from multiple sources.
How are you enjoying Season 5 so far? Are you satisfied with Blizzard's compensation of a Legendary Cache of Greater Affix Items? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
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