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Return of the WoW Player
17/11/2008 à 20:50
The launch of Wrath of the Lich King makes me think of waiting in line at 11:00 PM on November 23, 2004 to get into a EB Games store to pickup my pre-order. Here I was with a bunch of fellow gamers. I had just driven 30 minutes south to a nearby city, as my city of 10,000 without a video game store just won't cut it. There are about 50 people in line waiting excitedly. People are talking about what class they are going to play, did they play in the beta or not, are they going to play Horde or Alliance, what server are they going to be playing on. The comments and questions from one random gamer to the other were flying around furiously. Here we are, almost 4 years later, and I have been hearing the same story happening at nearly every game store on the continent.
When I first started playing I had about 20 real life friends who were also playing. Over time some have left, others joined. As of last week I didn't have any real life friends who still played the game regularly. Then all of a sudden -- Wrath launches. Counting on all of my fingers and all of my toes, I have over
30 friends
who are playing again. When The Burning Crusade launched, many didn't upgrade until months or weeks later. They are all complaining about the queues and wait times to get into their favourite server--coincidence? Probably not.
I went to go pickup my copy of Wrath on Saturday. First I went to Wal-Mart, they had about 30 copies of the game on the shelf and a sign that read "WoW Time Cards, ask at the counter". I needed a game card also, so I headed to the counter to pay for my copy of Wrath. As I was standing in line, I could see crates behind the counter that were filled with more WoW expansion boxes. Finally it's my turn, as it appears holiday shopping is already in full force. I ask for a game card, and the response floors me: "We sold out all of our game cards in the first couple hours of launch. We sold almost as many game cards as boxes of the expansion." I'm going to make an assumption here that
players would need game cards, not so much existing players.
So what happened? Why is Wrath of the Lich King so popular? I honestly don't know the answer. Is it Arthas? He was an integral part of Warcraft 3 that many Warcraft players can relate to. Maybe its because of all of the other MMOs that have come and gone, and people are looking to get back into an MMO they know is going to survive the test?
So I ask you:
The Burning Crusade sold 2.4 million copies in the first 24 hours and 3.53 million copies in its first month. Will Wrath of the Lich King beat The Burning Crusade's sales records? Why does Wrath seem so popular in comparison? Do you have friends that have returned to the game? What are the queues like on
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