It's been really annoying. I feel so underpowered because I can't replace low power gear.
I left the game shortly before S1 started due to all of the bugs and constant patching/hotfixing. It was like whiplash. I figured the game needed more time to bake, so I came back at the end of S4. I'm still waiting for them to get out of beta. Then they dropped an expansion and asked for more money and I shook my head. First you make a great game. Then you milk the monetization. I love Blizzard and I want to give these guys my money, but they need to earn it first. It seems they have hotfixes for their hotfixes. I'll hang around a little longer before I take another break. I sincerely hope they get their act together.
For a while, I thought I was playing Lord of the Rings. :P