Pssst, it’s ‘Flamewaker’, they wake flames, they don’t walk in them.
Please allow more than 20 players into MC on at least on heat level one! It will make raiding much more accessible to players!
oh boy warrior changes,"i cant wait to see how they will make us more competitive in the current environment" and...... minor bug fix** also 0 hunter tuning o7
fix alchemy !
If they don't want to have 40 man raids anymore that's fine (although I prefer that) but can we atleast get flex raiding where players are allowed to bring as many players as they want to the raid? Getting benched sucks and makes me not want to play the game.
HUGE WARRIOR CHANGE!nobody cares, buff the class, it's weak af, give us back flagellation, move Taste For Blood to hands slot
Remove Seal Twisting.
Ironfoe on Real vendor when?
Fix Thunderclap not gaining crit from gear.
Also let Thunderclap proc deep wounds.
Ehhh, mana burn + Viper sting, who needs interrupts...