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Skills to Pay the Bills: Fishing
20/11/2008 à 17:59
Skills to Pay the Bills
is a three-part feature that will cover the important details of leveling the secondary tradeskills of Fishing, First Aid and Cooking in Wrath of the Lich King. These posts are written for the player entering Northrend with all secondary professions already maxed (at 375 skill). For information on leveling tradeskills prior to 375, check out the
Profession Leveling Guides
sticky on our
Part 1: Fishing
is one of the easiest professions to max out, though it can be fairly time consuming. Most players opt to raise fishing casually when they find themselves with free time. You can train
Grand Master Fishing
from a
Grand Master Fishing Trainer
located in
Borean Tundra
Howling Fjord
. You can typically expect to spend somewhere around three to five hours raising your Fishing skill from 375 to 450. Skill-ups are gained typically every 10-15 or so successful catches. Thankfully, you can gain skill-ups anywhere from fishing anywhere, so you are able to choose exactly where you would like to fish to raise your skill. If you have 350
, you will probably want to consider fishing from Northrend waters so that you can obtain fish that you can cook to raise your skill. These fish offer powerful Well Fed buffs such as
Picked Fangtooth
Smoked Salmon
Gear Check
Fishing in Northrend requires, at minimum, 380 skill in Fishing. This can be obtained easily by use of a
specialized fishing pole
or even the cheapest lure. I'd recommend the either the
Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000
(for Horde players only) or
Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole
, both of which are available from quests. If you vendored these poles - don't worry! As I stated before, you can use any type of pole as long as you use a good lure - and you're going to want to use lures unless you like your fish getting away practically every cast! Also, in Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard has given us the Holy Grail of fishing poles - the
Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole
! That's right - an
fishing pole! This amazing pole can be obtained after raising your reputation to Exalted with the
faction. Reputation can be gained through doing quests for the Tuskarr, including three repeatable daily quests:
Planning for the Future
, which starts at
Trapper Mau'i
found at Moa'ki Harbor, in
Preparing for the Worst
, which starts at
found at Kaskala, in
Borean Tundra
The Way to His Heart...
, which starts at
found at Kamagua, in
Howling Fjord
Each daily rewards 500 reputation with the Kalu'ak and they are all quite easy! Starting on either side of Northrend, you can take the Giant Turtle to each camp and make your daily rounds.
An easy way to build a nice stock of fishing lures is to do
Old Man Barlo
's fishing daily quests in Outland. The reward bag almost always contains
Sharpened Fish Hooks
, which will make your Northrend fishing experience much more bearable. Alternately, the engineer-crafted
Aquadynamic Fish Attractor
can be used and are frequently found purchasable in limited quantities from fishing supply vendors.
fishing is your style, you can hunt around the Underbelly (Dalaran's sewer) for
Underbelly Elixer
(sic), small vials of yellow liquid which found lying around that can be looted for
Underbelly Elixir
. One of the possible buffs granted upon drinking the elixir will transform you into a Tuskarr (!) and grant you
+50 Fishing skill
while in Dalaran. Now
fishing in style!
Alternately, you can opt to raise your fishing skill by progressing towards a challenging, fishing-related achievement. The following achievements are great side-goals to consider while raising your fishing skill:
I Smell A Giant Rat
Be prepared to spend a long time fishing in Dalaran's Underbelly for the
Giant Sewer Rat
Mr. Pinchy's Magical Crawdad Box
Another difficult grind, as
Mr. Pinchy
can only be fished in the highland pools of
Terokkar Forest
and each use only has a
to reward you with the pet!
Old Crafty
Old Ironjaw
Old Crafty
can be fished in
, and
Old Ironjaw
can be fished in
. Both are extremely rare.
One That Didn't Get Away
Speaking of extremely rare, this achievement is granted for managing to catch any one of the listed extremely rare (and extremely useless) fish.
The Coin Master
Probably one of the easiest listed grinds, this achievement is comprised of three meta achievements:
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Silver In The City
There's Gold In That There Fountain
. Fish in the fountain located in the Eventide of
until you've looted every coin at least once and you will be rewarded with the
Titanium Seal of Dalaran
1000 Fish
This achievement has five meta achievements below it, rewarding players for catching
and finally
1000 Fish
Of course, there are a ton more Fishing-related achievements with more specific tasks that must be performed outside the act of normal fishing - such as fishing up
The Lurker Below
Serpentshrine Cavern
The Lurker Above
, or winning the Stranglethorn Fishing Competition (yikes!) for
Master Angler of Stranglethorn
. Completing the fishing achievements listed in the achievement
Accomplished Angler
will grant you access to a special in-game title -
! You can browse all available fishing achievements
You can find more information about Wrath of the Lich King fishing by checking out
El's Extreme Anglin'
Stay tuned for part two, coming soon!
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