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Super Squirt Day for US/OCE Realms on 18th April - Level Battle Pets Quickly
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18/4/2023 em 14:56
Super Squirt is live for NA realms this Tuesday, the 18th of April (19th for Oceanic realms)! Super Squirt is a rare occurrence where the Pet Battle Event lines up with
being active in the Garrison Menagerie. It is very rare for these two to coincide, usually only happening a handful of times a year.
Squirt, or 'Super Squirt' as it's known when the events coincide, is important for pet battlers for a few reasons:
With a
Chapéu de Safári
Guloseima para Mascotes Inferior
, you can get any pet from levels 1-25 in two battles. This can be repeated, which is why it makes Squirt so special.
Squirt can be completed in a very short amount of time, on average 2-3 minutes.
Squirt has a predictable move set, most teams will consistently win without the carry pet being defeated
Squirt is located right next to
Lia, a Leoa
, allowing you to heal pets instantly.
Patch 8.1, most Pet Battle Trainers in old continents were also made repeatable, at a reduced rate of experience. Squirt survived this experience nerf, and some other trainers did too.
Família dos Familiares
trainers (except Durian Strongfruit) still give a normal amount of experience, and can be repeated. Some of these trainers require a little more effort or RNG than Squirt, and are a lot less convenient, but are an alternative during Pet Battle Week for consistencies sake.
Sir Galveston
is arguably the fastest of these trainers to repeat, however you will need to bring bandages.
Strategies for Squirt can be found in this guide,
Squirt Pet Battle Leveling Guide
, as well as in the comment section for
Next Super Squirt Dates
None until after June
June 11
Some of these guides may be useful for fighting Squirt!
Squirt Pet Battle Leveling Guide
- Guide with strategies and information, the comments section has alternative strategies
Addon Guide: Rematch
- An overview of the addon Rematch - this is useful to set teams and notes for Squirt!
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