Finally! This should have been on there since it was made unobtainable!
Interesting. I wonder if they will eventually make the mounts and (parts of?) the transmog sets available as well.
The achievement isn't earnable but you can join a guild who got the achievement when it was and buy it, can't you?
Why is it so hard to just keep this kind of stuff in the game and change the achievement that granted it to completing a +15 in time with a full guild group for the current xpac. The things that this small indy company does sometimes just blows my mind.
Unique items made unavailable made available again but only to the rich. Such a charming game, this.
As someone who has this pet, it seems kind of stupid to have it tied to such a high price in the BMAH. I didn't even know they'd made it unobtainable. You didn't even have to put any effort toward this achievement to get the pet, either.As far as FOMO rewards go, I think they should bring recolors of things like they've done in the past. But this particular one required no skill. Just had to be online and gain rep with a guild that had it unlocked.
This whole FOMO thing stems from Blizz laziness and inability to produce cool stuff on a somewhat regular basis. People would feel much less of FOMO if there were enough cool modern stuff to obtain. Take the new MT for example - the biggest issue was the reward, ppl who got it back in the day didn't want to get their efforts devalued by making these unobtainable cool weapons obtainable. That's the other end of FOMO - fear of ppl getting access to unobtainable stuff that you had obtained. Obviously, both ends are bad.So here's a solution to FOMO - make more cool stuff for people to play with so they don't get upset about the best designed stuff in game being no longer accessible. The whole situation is contingent on Blizz laziness/inability to produce cool stuff regularly. Who would need those MoP sets, MT skins or WoD weapons when you have abundance of comparable stuff.Back to the new MT. Had they put effort into it they could have made another 36 unique weapon skins and use them as a fitting reward for each spec. Oldtimers are happy their MT skins are safe, newtimers are happy to get a unique weapon model which serves almost the same purpose as the original. It would only require them to give at least one frack about it, but since none can be given we are supposed to be content with the recolor of a remake of a BC raid set for every spec of a class.I mean there are some toxic ppl regardless of anything, but in this particular case the whole toxicity of it comes from Blizz laziness and nothing else.
They should put "World First" achieves up on the BMAH for people who missed them the first time around.