To be fair the boat being named after a port it is not going near felt silly. Would make more sense for one travelling to Darkshore to be named that probably.
I hope that they give a new title "head of the Kaldorei" does not honor the character and given that they decided that Shandris would take over the regency for a while this is understandable. A title like "High Priestess of Elune" would be a welcome replacement.I also hope they end up giving Shandris a unique model better than her current transmog.I liked the first name of the ship, it had something nostalgic and reminiscent of what the Kaldorei went through. I hope the name is not abandoned and that it will be reused for another ship, perhaps the one that will take us back to Rut'theran. The new name is banal, I suppose they wanted to combine the rose of Gilneas with the Moon of the Kaldorei.The new dialogue is nice, it's good that they removed the mention of the "home" that Bel'Ameth would be, it's a nice place, but it's not Teldrassil (I know the lore of Teldrassil, but Kaldorei players have always known Teldrassil and so it has always been the capital of the Kaldorei for them).I hope they update Gilneas a bit and put a flight path there for the Alliance.
Well, it's good that there's a change in leadership that doesn't involve killing off the characters. Tyrande is kind of burnt out after two expansions of being angry at the universe; but I'd have liked Shandris as a leader much more without the negative character development she got this expansion. In BfA and Shadowlands, she was brave and determined, and able to act on behalf of the Night Elves while Tyrande was busy being the Night Warrior and all; but in Dragonflight she became weaker in every sense, becoming pathologically insecure and crying and being scared about everything. Here's hoping that she gets her act together from now on.
Drastically superior writing in the new one, reading the old text made me want to take out a pen and start marking notes and circling things. And the new boat title both sounds nice and is a fun reference to the two peoples it's intended to service.
That would make sence.
reminder that Ashenvale IS horde territory.
Shandris doesn't even do anything, she was probably the worst choice for leader. But Tyrande was a pretty bad leader anyway, just failed most of the time and didn't do anything with the night warrior power, so I guess replacing her with another failure is an option.
Can you fix the bow transmog that still won't spawn on any of my characters in Bel'ameth! Thank you .
Being the adopted daughter does not make you a "inferiordaughter", Shandris is as much Tyrande's daughter as if she were flesh of her flesh.Tyrande loves her daughter and Shandris loves her mother and father. There is no need for blood ties for this.Afterwards, I wouldn't say no if Tyrande and Malfurion want to have another child.And then there are those who pretend not to understand that Teldrassil was important to the Kaldorei players, who really doesn't care that "Teldrassil was only the capital of the Kaldorei for a few years", for the players, it has been the capital of the Kaldorei since 2002 or since the time they started playing.It's not a question of lore written in a quest or a book, it's the feelings of the players.Sure it's not the entire Kaldorei Empire, but let people love Teldrassil and be disgusted by its destruction.The destruction of Teldrassil and its consequences were disastrous for World of Warcraft.