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WotLK Launch Event in Anaheim
13/11/2008 à 15:00
This is just a short one, since I don't want to spam you with blog posts too early. I did want you guys to know, though, that our sister site Allakhazam has posted some great coverage of the
WotLK Launch Event
at the Fry's Electronics in Anaheim. Tamat from Allakhazam and I got the chance to wander around and meet some of the people attending, and Tamat managed to score an interview with Jeff Kaplan, which will be posted on their news site on Friday. We got to meet a huge number of Blizzard employees (183 in all!), as well as some staffers from
Tom's Hardware
, who deserve a link just for being cool.
A host of stories and interviews will be posted on the Allakhazam site over the coming days, including an exclusive interview with Jeff Kaplan, as well as interviews with some of the denizens of the line--including John Finch (the guy who camped out at the front of the line and told everyone who arrived after him that they were in line for Hello Kitty Online Adventure), and Eugene Gray (who checked out of a hospital, against doctor's orders, to stand in line).
I also have some pictures to post, which I'll try and put up this afternoon. I don't have a professional camera (I might have to get one, now!) so they're just iPhone pictures, but I figure some pics are always better than none.
For now, though, I want to leave you with one thing to take home--the same thing that
took home with
when I left, and the most important thing of all:
I've got my copy. Where's yours?
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