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WotLK Raiding - Lacking in Options?
18/11/2008 à 10:00
When you place the raids available to us at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King on a platter and compare them to Burning Crusade, it shows us that there aren't as many options--and perhaps even less creativity--when compared to its predecessors.
At the very beginning of Burning Crusade we had the following 10/25 man raids accessible to us:
Gruul's Lair
Magtheridon's Lair
Serpentshrine Cavern
The Eye
, and
Hyjal Summit
(excluding world bosses). In WotLK we have
The Eye of Eternity
The Obsidian Sanctum
, and
Vault of Archavon
, which is based on the results of a
battle, and which may or may not be available to you every week.
While TBC only had two more compared to WotLK, don't forget that three out of the four WotLK raids are merely single encounter bosses. That means even less time to learn the instances, and more time waiting for the next one to arrive. Also, given the fact that Hyjal Summit was rarely even accessed until patch 2.1 due to the lack of attunement vials that dropped, that gave raiding guilds an untouched instance and opportunity for advancement.
To be fair, each 25-man raid also has a 10-man complement. But does this fact make up for the lack of raids available to us? A large amount of guilds doing 25-man heroic dungeons will only do 10-mans at the launch of their raiding adventure, or even just on their free nights. The same goes for the other end; smaller 10-man raiding guilds are often doing such normal raids as it is their preference of play style and don't have much, if any, yearning to see the 25-man version.
As for the creativity of each raid? No one can dispute there are some great new features that the developers of Blizzard have given us in this latest expansion--beautiful zones and awesome new quest mechanics to name a few. But is the division of raiding one of them? Naxxramas, remember, is a reused instance. While it has been tweaked, it still uses the same models and basic encounters of the one in the original World of Warcraft. As well, two of the new WotLK single encounter dungeons contain the same dragon models we've all seen before. In addition, the environments of ultra-simplistic Eye of Eternity and the familiar Burning-Steppes look in the Obsidian Sanctum don't give off too much of a creative feel. Many people who have previously tried these instances in beta and on live (which even now, these bosses have already been crushed) have also complained that the content is particularly effortless, and may not take very long to perfect.
Granted, there are still multiple instances that have not yet been released. I am greatly looking forward to those, particularly getting to battle Arthas. At this time, however, our raiding options look... a little bare.
So what's your judgment?
Is Blizzard catering more to casual players now than before? Do the other additions and surprises that come with WotLK make up for the lack of raiding options? Does Blizzard intend to fill out the WotLK raid portfolio, or will it always be more stripped-down than earlier versions of WoW?
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