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WoWInterface Pick of the Week for 11/17
17/11/2008 alle 14:13
Hello Wowhead Blog readers! I am a moderator over at
, one of Wowhead's sister sites. Every week over at WoWInterface, we do something called the Pick of the Week where we dig through the new/updated mods from the week before and pick out one (or sometimes a few) that pique our interests. With the creation of the Wowhead Blog, we now have the opportunity to share the PotW with the Wowhead community! This week's pick:
Death Knight
After the break you'll find this week's addons.
Well, the expansion is here and the servers are flooded. How many of you have created Death Knights? And how many of you are searching for addons to use with them? ;) There have been several cool Death Knight mods created already - check out our
Death Knight download section
. Here are a few that were updated this week:
Any Death Knight will tell you that Death Grip is one of the best spells ever. And who *isn't* reminded of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat when you use it? Well, tinyu put together a mod that plays audio files of Scorpion saying "Come here!" and "Get over here!" whenever your Death Knight uses the Death Grip ability. Now, the voice doesn't have to be in your head (and who wants voices in their heads?)
For more information and to download the addon, see its
download page
Magic Runes
This is a rune cooldown display addon. You can either supplement the default rune display with it, or replace it all together. There are many options for how to display it, including orientation (horizontal or vertical), font, bar texture, whether the bars are ordered by time or rune type, whether you want the bars only, icons only, or both, etc. The addon is still in development, so more features are in the works as well. If you have suggestions or come across any bugs, then let its author know what you would like to see from the addon.
To read more and try it yourself, see
This addon uses custom graphics to display your runic power, your runes' cooldowns, and it also tracks diseases on your target. There are several different skins included, as well as a compact version. There is an option to use custom or default rune icons as well. This mod is also still currently in development, and more features are planned and added with each version. You can be involved in the feature suggestion process!
Read more about it and download it
For previous Picks of the Week, see
Are you the author of a mod that you think belongs in this spotlight? Just upload/update it to
, and it will automatically be considered for that week's Pick. :)
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