This is really exciting for those who want them. This item has an insanely low drop rate that no player should have to endure to farm them.
Just put it on trader post tbh
Have a friend who literally logs onto 14 plate characters a week running the raid for years and still doesn't have them, I think it's time they are obtainable without ridiculous luck
This is possibly good news. I'm one of the many who've already run this enough by now to have had it drop, yet still don't have the stupid things. An easier collection method is absolutely a good thing. It'd fit with all the other things being made easier to collect as well. Big W if this does happen to be put on Remix.In before "prestige" and "value" elitists.
not needed since you can fast port to garrosh
This sounds like a bad luck protection method, to me. Kill garrosh, get bones. Get 20 bones and you can buy the tusks. Then you know you only need to try 20 times and you will get the mog.
oh my god yes. on a semi-related note, as someone who already has invincible so nobody assumes i'm just salty bc i don't have it, will ICC be getting a skip to the last guy anytime soon?
It does look like you'll get to trade the Bones (possibiy guaranteed drop) for the transmog.
I've only had these drop once back when I farming the mount.With my Priest, she still has them in her Bank.I'm only missing two things from this raid.- Tusks of Mannoroth- Kor'kron Shaman's Treasure
I did my first SoO transmog farm last week and now have tusks sitting on my evoker waiting for TWW.Didn't see the mount though :D
I got them on my main clothy. I was so annoyed, I just kept them in my bank out of spite and collecting dust.Knowing this whole transmog thing is coming though, I wonder if any obtained noncollected mogs can be added...?
ill keep farming it normally. its some of my weekly content
Well, whatever method they come up with is going to be better than levelling an entire account of DKs to run it every week, then spending enough time to rack up 959 kills before they drop.Only a madman would do that...<giggles insanely>