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Free T-Shirt Day Micro-Holiday: Get Your T-Shirts Now for One Day Only!
vor 9 std. 13 min
The microholiday
is live today August 16th on NA and EU realms until midnight, so head to your Faction Capital and get ready to grab some swag!
This year's holiday sadly doesn't have any new shirts to offer, so if you've collected them all, you're caught up. If you haven't, though, check out all the T-Shirts on offer.
Capital City Entertainers
Entertainers in capital cities are throwing shirts on the ground, which can be looted and worn by players. The entertainers are marked by stars on the map.
Unterhalterin von Sturmwind
is located in the Dwarven District
Unterhalter von Orgrimmar
is located in the Valley of Honor
These NPCs periodically shoot T-shirts on the ground, which can be looted and worn by any player. These T-Shirts are BoE versions of popular shirts already in-game, such as
Filigranes goldenes Wams
List of All T-Shirts Available from Entertainers
Gewöhnliches graues Hemd
Gewöhnliches braunes Hemd
Gewöhnliches weißes Hemd
Filigranes schwarzes Wams
Filigranes himmelblaues Wams
Filigranes bernsteinfarbenes Wams
Filigranes scharlachrotes Wams
Filigranes schwarzes Hemd
Filigranes bernsteinfarbenes Hemd
Filigranes scharlachrotes Hemd
Filigranes goldenes Hemd
Blaues Kampfhemd
Besticktes Hemd
Gelbes Kampfhemd
Purpurnes Kampfhemd
Rotes Kampfhemd
Antiseptisch getränkter Verband
Knallgelbes Hemd
Modisches schwarzes Hemd
Filigranes goldenes Wams
Filigranes himmelblaues Hemd
Grünes Kampfhemd
Gratis T-Shirt
On occasion, they can also drop
Gratis T-Shirt
, which should grant the title when worn.
Free Shirt Vendors
There are additionally seven NPCs giving away free unique shirts, each marked by a star on the minimap. From
Saby's comment
Shirtsi Kleidsam
Shirtsis Leibchen
in Everlook, Winterspring (/way 59 50);
Melvin Shirtson
Zwirn von Tirion
in Light's Hope Chapel, EPL (/way 74 52);
Selis Seidenzwirn
Selis' Seidenshirt
in Shattrath (/way 67 27);
Shuurt der Klamottenreißer
Shuurts Schatz
in Grizzly Hills (/way 49 51);
Jadie Schnuckelshirts
Jadies schnuckeliges Shirt
in Valley of the Four Winds (/way 61 58);
Tia Spinngarn
Tia Spinngarns kurzärmliges Shirt
in Talador (/way 85 31);
Zwirn Rundausschnitt
Zwirns Rundausschnitt
in Valdisdall, Stormheim (/way 60 52).
If you miss these shirts during the holiday, you can buy them from
Gebe-Euch-mein-letztes-Hemd Schnappfell
for 500 gold - but that certainly isn't free!
Check out the
Free T-Shirt Day Database Page
for more details and user comments on the holiday! Also be sure to visit the
Dressing Room
to plan your newest transmog around these shirts.
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