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Friday is Casual Day
To an extent, I have always been a social person. When given the option, I prefer to be hanging out with friends as opposed to doing something alone. I discovered video games before I turned 10 years old during a social gathering where some friends of mine were playing Super Mario Brothers on the
. I was instantly enamored by the concept of electronic gaming and that fascination has carried on into my adult years. The social aspect of gaming has remained important, even to this day. Sure, I play a video game by myself every once in a while, but I have way more fun when I am competing with or against friends, or even when we're simply watching one another play a game.
World of Warcraft is no exception.
What's Your Game?
So Blizzard has added two more celebrity WoW commercials to their lineup for World of Warcraft, one featuring Ozzy Osbourne (the Prince of Darkness) and one featuring Steve Van Zandt (of
The Sopranos
, and of Bruce Springstreen's
E Street Band
Now I love these commercials as much as the next guy. But to me, the genius of this whole thing is much bigger than just some good commercials.
Skills to Pay the Bills: Fishing
Skills to Pay the Bills
is a three-part feature that will cover the important details of leveling the secondary tradeskills of Fishing, First Aid and Cooking in Wrath of the Lich King. These posts are written for the player entering Northrend with all secondary professions already maxed (at 375 skill). For information on leveling tradeskills prior to 375, check out the
Profession Leveling Guides
sticky on our
Part 1: Fishing
is one of the easiest professions to max out, though it can be fairly time consuming. Most players opt to raise fishing casually when they find themselves with free time. You can train
Grand Master Fishing
from a
Grand Master Fishing Trainer
located in
Borean Tundra
Howling Fjord
. You can typically expect to spend somewhere around three to five hours raising your Fishing skill from 375 to 450. Skill-ups are gained typically every 10-15 or so suc
Back in the Good Old Days
I'm not sure offhand what percentage of World of Warcraft players also played
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
and the expansion pack,
The Frozen Throne
. But
certainly did--for a while, Warcraft 3 and Diablo II were the only games I was capable of playing. I was never much GOOD at Warcraft 3, but I enjoyed it a great deal even when I was losing. In fact, my primary reason for picking up World of Warcraft in the first place was because I was excited to see the familiar characters, locations and battles from my old favorite game writ large--I wanted to see Warcraft 3 from the Footman's point of view.
My choice of race in Warcraft 3 was the
, and it was that reason (and that reason only) that saw me on the Horde side of the game rather than on the Alliance side--which to this day is where most of my friends remain. My first
was Undead, because I really wanted to get in and see the Scourge mobs and buildings in huge, life siz
Lorebook: The Nathrezim - Otherwise known as the Dreadlords
Your lovable Skyfire has signed up to blog (woe on him?!). I'm the Master Bookkeeper, and this week, we're going to tackle a serious subject that you may not have thought on before: The Nathrezim, more commonly known as the Dreadlords. You should know who they are -
among them, and the
random mini-boss
of course. But do you know where they hail from, or their original purpose on Azeroth? If you don't, read on...
Journey to Northrend - Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra?
Now that Blizzard has officially released the expansion, millions of players have already begun upon their journey to Northrend. However, for many there remains a question, one which must be addressed before traveling:
Howling Fjord
Borean Tundra
Check out our rundown of the two zones after the break.
WotLK Raiding - Lacking in Options?
When you place the raids available to us at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King on a platter and compare them to Burning Crusade, it shows us that there aren't as many options--and perhaps even less creativity--when compared to its predecessors.
At the very beginning of Burning Crusade we had the following 10/25 man raids accessible to us:
Gruul's Lair
Magtheridon's Lair
Serpentshrine Cavern
The Eye
, and
Hyjal Summit
(excluding world bosses). In WotLK we have
The Eye of Eternity
The Obsidian Sanctum
, and
Vault of Archavon
, which is based on the results of a
battle, and which may or may not be available to you every week.
While TBC only had two more compared to WotLK, don't forget that three out of the four WotLK raids are merely single encounter bosses. That means even less time to learn the instances, and more time waiting for the next one to arrive. Also, give
Return of the WoW Player
The launch of Wrath of the Lich King makes me think of waiting in line at 11:00 PM on November 23, 2004 to get into a EB Games store to pickup my pre-order. Here I was with a bunch of fellow gamers. I had just driven 30 minutes south to a nearby city, as my city of 10,000 without a video game store just won't cut it. There are about 50 people in line waiting excitedly. People are talking about what class they are going to play, did they play in the beta or not, are they going to play Horde or Alliance, what server are they going to be playing on. The comments and questions from one random gamer to the other were flying around furiously. Here we are, almost 4 years later, and I have been hearing the same story happening at nearly every game store on the continent.
When I first started playing I had about 20 real life friends who were also playing. Over time some have left, others joined. As of last week I didn't have any real life friends who still played the game regularly. Then all of a sudden -- Wrath launches. Counting on all of my fingers and all of my toes, I have over
30 friends
who are playing again. When
WoWInterface Pick of the Week for 11/17
Hello Wowhead Blog readers! I am a moderator over at
, one of Wowhead's sister sites. Every week over at WoWInterface, we do something called the Pick of the Week where we dig through the new/updated mods from the week before and pick out one (or sometimes a few) that pique our interests. With the creation of the Wowhead Blog, we now have the opportunity to share the PotW with the Wowhead community! This week's pick:
Death Knight
After the break you'll find this week's addons.
Michael Bay Presents: World of Explosionscraft!
For those of you that don't already know,
Warner Brothers
announced around May 2006 that they had a World of Warcraft movie in the works, and eventually, it was wormed out of them that they predicted a 2009 release. The project since dropped off the radar, and it was discovered this year at Blizzcon that the movie is in fact currently being written, or at least that's what they say among other such vague-ities as “there are still plans for...” Who knows if it's actually happening, but it's certainly not happening in 2009.
Now, you don't quite know me well enough to care what I
about this (at least not yet), so let me settle for
you a couple things. If you're like me, at some point you thought “Isn't making a film out of World of Warcraft going to be difficult?”, since so many people play the game at different levels, there's no unified narrative, and lots of other reasons why it's not an intellectual property that you can make a movie out of.
Changes and Additions in 3.0
As I'm sure everyone knows, there are many new features and additions to the game with the recent expansion. Some changes occurred pre-release and some we had to wait for to experience. It comes as no surprise that perhaps some of these changes have been overlooked or received little recognition. Today we're going to look at some of these changes and hopefully bring them to light so everyone can benefit from them.
First of all, we have some major game mechanics changes. Hit rating, critical strike rating, and haste rating were all changed to be more or less the same for melee and caster classes. Damage and healing have been combined into spell power. Health and power (e.g. mana) regeneration have been changed to update in real time! Furthermore, spells no longer receive any "pushback" after a second hit--the first two hits taken give 0.5 sec penalties, so they stack for a total of 1 sec longer casting time.
Next is bag space. Precious slots have been freed with the addition of the "Currency" tab on the Character Sheet. Honor and Arena points, Battleground Marks of Honor, and even Badges of Justice have been converted to tracking via this tab. All of the actu
Music Makes the People Come Together
So you may not know it about me, but video games are but
of my twisted obsessions. The other big one is music--and I will always have a special spot in my heart reserved for the place where those two loves meet.
I wasn't the first kid in my school to have a Nintendo, by any means. That honor belonged to my friend Chris, who was kind enough to invite me to his house to play (at a time when
wanted to come to his house to play). We played the original Super Mario Bros. until all hours of the morning, and sure--the game was fun. I had a good time. But it was the
, written by the honorable
Koji Kondo
, that convinced me that I
had to have one
. That song is still with me, and considering how many cellphone ringtones it continues to grace today, I'm clearly not the only one.
When I first started playing games I had the musical joy of games like
Super Mario Bros
. and
Legend of Zelda
, the
Mega Man
series, [url=
Wowhead Comic #1
Hi there! My name is Noxy and with this wonderful new blogging system, I will be bringing you a weekly webcomic, featuring the
Wowhead team
, myself, and maybe even a few guests!
Without further ado, here's the first one!
Huge thanks to Skosiris, Malgayne and Miyari for letting me do this, and to use their wonderful website as a guinea pig for my silly art projects.
Interview with Jeff Kaplan
When Tamat and I were at the WotLK launch on Thursday, Tamat managed to spend a few minutes sitting down with Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan, of Blizzard fame. You can read the full text of the interview on
. Check it out, leave a comment or two, and maybe we'll use some of
questions next time we see him. :P
WotLK Launch Party Picture Gallery!
So the traffic coming back from Anaheim was a little more difficult than I'd hoped, meaning I didn't get home to post these until late. The pictures are here, though, so I hope you enjoy them in all of their low-resolution, poorly lit glory.
Be sure and take a look at
Allakhazam's Image Gallery
You can find 25 pictures of the event after the break.
WotLK Launch Event in Anaheim
This is just a short one, since I don't want to spam you with blog posts too early. I did want you guys to know, though, that our sister site Allakhazam has posted some great coverage of the
WotLK Launch Event
at the Fry's Electronics in Anaheim. Tamat from Allakhazam and I got the chance to wander around and meet some of the people attending, and Tamat managed to score an interview with Jeff Kaplan, which will be posted on their news site on Friday. We got to meet a huge number of Blizzard employees (183 in all!), as well as some staffers from
Tom's Hardware
, who deserve a link just for being cool.
A host of stories and interviews will be posted on the Allakhazam site over the coming days, including an exclusive interview with Jeff Kaplan, as well as interviews with some of the denizens of the line--including John Finch (the guy who camped out at the front of the line and told everyone who arrived after him that they were in line for Hello Kitty Online Adventure), and Eugene Gray (who checked out of a hospital, against doctor's orders, to stand in line).
I also have some pictures to post, which I'll try a
Introducing the Wowhead Blog!
You may have noticed a new tab on your friendly neighborhood database site today. Well, in celebration of Wrath of the Lich King's release, Wowhead is dressed up in some shiny new digs -- introducing the
Wowhead Blog
I know, I know, the word "blog" has been done to death. But we wanted to give you guys the opportunity to peek into the minds of the people behind World of Warcraft, and maybe a little bit of the people behind Wowhead. And we're not just posting rants and personal thoughts and opinions on the WoW world (though there will be plenty of those). We'll also be posting theorycrafting essays, weekly discussion topics, WoW news and maybe even a hardware review or two.
This page
will always have the latest posts on it, so feel free to bookmark. You may also subscribe to the blog, thanks to the
RSS feed
. Each post is tagged by author, by tag(s), and by date to make it as easy as possible to find the content you're looking for. The "Comments" link at the bottom of each post will allow you to comment on each post, just like you would on a database entry or a thread on the forums. Even better though, each blo